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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There was mistake with EVE. Copied my old GameData with newest EVE and then replaced it with another version. But this was not the cause. There must be another problem because: occurred to me that I played with KSP 1.11.2 and JNSQ for weeks without a problem. In the moment I check out some mods. It looks like there is something wrong with another mod. EDIT: Found the issue. it was Parallax. But it was my mistake because copied the textures but not the Addin itself...
  2. There was a ISS-mod. And the JEM there had a node for the RMS. Also there was a RMS included.
  3. Only Contares, as @josselin2196said, but look at page 1. You can easily build one yourself.
  4. Here is the KSP.log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14570458/KSP.log.html Modlist: CommunityResourcePack EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements Firespitter FlightTracker JNSQ KerbalJointReinforcement Kopernicus ModularFlightIntegrator ModuleManagerWatchDog ParallaxJNSQ PlanetShine PlumeParty RationalResources RationalResourcesKerbalism RationalResourcesParts RealPlume RealPlume-Stock scatterer SmokeScreen SpaceDust SpaceDustBunnies SpaceTuxLibrary Squad SquadExpansion TUFX Waterfall ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll
  5. Since update to KSP 1.11.2 Kopernicus isn`t loading, wheter the stable branch nor the Bleeding Edge. I use it for JNSQ. Here is a pic of the screen: And here is my player log. There is a mass of NullReferences: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14570040/Player.log.html
  6. I had this problem too many times and it has nothing to do with KJR. It´s a stock-problem, especially if you have a craft with dockingports and autostrut it to the heaviest part. If this part is changing (dock to a station or decouple the heavy freight) this issue happened to me. That`s the reason why I hate autostruts.
  7. There is no craft-file. But here is a wiki with instructs to build it: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/International-Space-Station And here are some craft-files for the russian segment but they are old and some of the parts will be deprecated because Beale is doing a rework.
  8. Did you reinstall SOCK and reDIRECT because it looks like there is sometihin wrong with your installation.
  9. @benjee10That`s correct, there is no Waterfall support in ReDirect. But there is a patch in your Shared Assets for the KJ10. I noticed this issue with waterfall too weeks ago but didn`t have the time to post it.
  10. You don`t need tweakscale. If you don`t install it the configs are not used. Otherwise: why don`t you want to install KSP recall, it`s only a fix of issues. It is a dependency of the newest Tweakscale.
  11. Yes, you only need the newest kopernicus from here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195699-181-111r-t-bs-kopernicus-unified-bleeding-edge-branch/ Edit: It looks like Kopernicus don`t work with KSP 1.11.2, which is new since 5 hours. In KSP 1.11.1 it will work.
  12. But why untextured? I mean it is only a white cone. It is your mod...
  13. Open a new textfile, put this code into this textfile. Rename the textfile to anything and change the filename extension from .txt to .cfg. As an example: HabTechIVA.cfg. Put this .cfg somewhere in GameData, no matter where.
  14. First you should control from the dockingport which you intend to dock, not the cockpit. Second, Mechjeb has known issues in control shuttles with it`s asynchronous RCS. You are better to dock yourself e.g. with Dockingport Alignment Indicator. Are you from Germany? Because Gurke is a german word.
  15. Also: Spacedock is not for craftfiles, only for mods. You need to share it at KerbalX or Steam Workshop.
  16. @VITASHere is another mod which is only a craft-file: https://spacedock.info/mod/2708/ksp stock Astra rocket 3.2 mod for 1.10.x
  17. - Delete everything in GameData\Knes\Parts except the ATV-folder. - No, it don`t work like a canadarm. It works like a grappling hook or like the stock claw.
  18. The answer is on page 1. There is a github-link to the dev-version. And it includes the probecores. But be aware that is is still WIP.
  19. It looks lika I am in a bubble with <20 meters diameter. When I swing the camera it`s causing this round artifacts like Screenshots 1. If I zoom out the other artifacts happens. It`s weird and I had it in 1.8 and 1.9. too but never before.
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