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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I think there is an issue with KSP 1.11.1:
  2. @computercat04There must be something wrong with you installation. Did you youse the last BDB (developement branch) from Github? Did you rescale the fairings?
  3. 156 inch solids should be bigger than the UA1207 because they have diameter of 120 inch (same dimaeter as Titan core).
  4. There is an BD_Extras-Folder in your BDB-download. There are configs for Saturn INT and MLV in folder "Pafftek".
  5. @benjee10 I have noticed that there are some streaks/shadows/blur are at the red foam tanks. Here are some pics: Here is the white/bare version, everything OK: and here the foam version: You can see some streaks/shadows/blur which are flickering when rotating camera. The same at some other parts like the engine mount for SLS and Juizer, Inline Connection Adapter, SRB Forward Adapter... I`m at KSP 1.11 but noticed this at KSP 1.9 and KSP 1.10 too.
  6. TU is only for shiny looks of SSTU parts. If you only want the IVA you can delete all other things (delete Parts-folder). Everything you need is this folder: \SSTU\Spaces. TU isn`t needed.
  7. That`s because this parts are old BDB-parts. They are deprecated and replaced by new ones. So this craft-files are broken. Or you need to install an older BDB-version.
  8. You need to install the newest version of B9, not the included version. That`s all.
  9. There should be something wrong with you installation. They are working for me. Also it is intended that a crewed pod has no control point because it needs a crew. It`s the same like the stock ones. You cannot start dem without a crew or a separate probe core. To help you we need more informations like the log. Did you tried a new installation?
  10. Go into the .cfg (I think it`s the bluedog_Atlas_LongFuelTank.cfg) of this tank and change the attachRules from attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 to attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0.
  11. I can`t confirm. They work in KSP 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x and 1.11.x. Did you update the SAF-Mod properly to your KSP-version? What exactly is broken? Log? Picture?
  12. As the picture shows you can switch the tank type. There should be a LH2+O variant. Do you have interstellar fuel switch? It hink this ist the problem, not reDIRECT itself.
  13. I think it was not installed correctly. It seems the Community Ressource Pack, which is a dependency, is not installed because the S4-Jumbo has not LF+Oxidizer. It has LOX+Oxidizer. And for LOX you need the CRP. It isn`t a stock fuel.
  14. As @lemon cupsaid: this is wrong. Also: there should be no zip in GameData and the NearFutureProps is not needed until you install a Nertea-mod like NearFuture-Spacecrafts or Stockalike Station Parts Redux.
  15. @PART[bluedog_Gemini*|bluedog_Peacekeeper_*|bluedog_Athena_*|bluedog_LDC_*|bluedog_CELV_*|bluedog_DCSS_Interstage|bluedog_Thor*|bluedog_Ablestar*|bluedog_Juno*|bluedog_DCSS_PayloadAdapter*|bluedog_ATDA*|bluedog_centaur*|bluedog_Redstone*|bluedog_DeltaIV*|bluedog_saturn*|bluedog_Saturn*|bluedog_MOL*|bluedog_Gemini_*|bluedog_Shuguang_*|bluedog_Hexagon_*|bluedog_Minotaur_*]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FOR[Bluedog_DB] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = stack defaultScale = 2.5 } } This is a config I use. Insert the partnames (look at the part-configs) of the parts you want, separated by '|' oder ','. The name of the config does no matter. I named it BDBTweakscale.cfg
  16. Did you install it correctly? Did you install all the dependencies? Make sure you have installed the dependencies for KSP 1.9.1.
  17. Do you use a planet-mod like JNSQ? Then you couldn`t remove kopernicus because it is a dependencie. But like Zorg said: This message ist quite harmless and you can ignore it.
  18. KNES is overpowered like stock parts so it is optimized for a 2.5-system. So yes, it works well with JNSQ.
  19. Look at the first post. There is a link to Fritznit`s Tantares WIKI and here are the craftfiles. There is a craftfile for the Zarya.
  20. Did you built it the correct way? I used this port many times and it works well. It`s notz directly in the HabTech-folder. Look here: GameData\Benjee10_sharedAssets\APAS. It`s called B10_APAS.cfg.
  21. Yes, the C-100 Androgynous Docking Mechanism. Because it has in it config "nodeType = B10_APAS" which is only used by this port. The name "Androgynous" said it: there is no male or female part needed.
  22. Yes, I have installed mods from benjee. The problem is: they are only part mods and don`t interact with other mods. Also I´m sure that I had this problem with 1.8.1 too and I hadn`t installed benjees mods at this time.
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