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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Another little issue: Make a experiment. After finishing it is in the capsule (any capsule). Now i go to an EVA with one of the 3 Kerbals. After getting back from EVA to the capsule the Memory is cleared and the Results are lost. Could it be that Nehemia has problems with Kerbalism? edit: OK, I found a post in the Kerbalism-Thread where someone had the same issue.
  2. Man, open my link to the new thread. There is a link at the top of the page (Download Blueharvest v1.0). The link is so big that you can`t miss it. When you klick to this link you get a curseforgesite. There is a installation instruction + a video.
  3. Did you really open my link to the other thread? There's a download-link just in front of your eyes.
  4. Because it is an very old mod for KSP 0.20+. But here is a newer thread with working downloads. I don`t know if it works in 1.3.x.
  5. I found out that it only causes when I use the BDB Gemini. I add Experiments in VAB and when I go to the lauchpad the Experiments aren`t availabel. With Tantares Soyuz (made a config) it works. I checked the configs and found no errors.
  6. You mean for Remote Tech? There is no config included and I don't know for an updatelink. For me I added the partnames to other configs which already exists.
  7. I think this is related to another mod which causes errors becaus I used CA (always latest versions) in KSP 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 and it didn`t have such issues. A log-data of your KSP will help a lot.
  8. @Drakenex Can you read minds??? Edit: Here my revisedSoyuz 7K-OK(A) @BealeCan you make a separate toroidal fueltank like in this pic? http://www.alamy.de/stockfoto-russischen-sojus-raumschiff-auf-dem-display-in-der-national-space-centre-leicester-england-uk-54093131.html Also it would be cool to have a docking light and the umbilical: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/soyuz-7k-ok.html EditEdit: It seems the new heatshild for Soyuz do not decouple from the pod. And for what is there a staging icon for the soyuz-capsule? It happen nothing.
  9. The Dockingports are from Contares. There's a B-Version (counterpart of this one) too.
  10. @DrakenexGreat work. Is it your intention that the RCS on the Black-SM are not visible (the black dots at the bottom)?
  11. @DrakenexGreat to hear you add a Textureswitching. Do you add only the grey and the black ones? Or do you add more ones? It would be cool to have some textures like @Fly Angry showed in the pic (dark green and light blue).
  12. I`m not a modder but I think it´s better without a separate Experiment definitions file (like your newest download). So for new Experiments you have to edit only two configs instead of 3.
  13. As you can see, Mike-NZ isn't active since July 2016. And you can see one post over yours that there is another Mod of an Space Shuttle.
  14. Hm, a little issue: When I add Kemini-Experiments they are shown in VAB. But when I launch the Vessel there are no Experiments in the Rightklick-menu. When I klick to "Perform all Experiments" (i think it comes with part commander or another mod, the Kemini-Experiments will perform. Directly without a labtime. I don`t know what this causes. It happens with the original Kemini-Experiments and my own Experiments.
  15. Yes, I can upload them. But first I need the Textures. As a placeholder I use the D5-Texture in the moment. Also I had to do some adjustements to the science gain and lab time. For me I decreases the Science gain and increases the lab time. Also added 4 Experimentslots to my BDB-Gemini.
  16. Micha, that's awesome. It works. Edit: Added 25 new Gemini-Experiments for me. @michaWhat's the best way/tool to edit the Textures? When I open them with Gimp they are mirrored.
  17. download the latest version from Spacedock (link at OP). There is a Folder "saves" where are the craftfiles. CKAN install only the mod, not the craftfiles.
  18. Yes, it works in x3.2. I use Sigma Dimensions and the Sigma Rescale Configs. Textures can`t change yet. Beale add Texturechanging later when it will be a stock feature with the coming DLCs.
  19. @severedsoloI can confirm, it didn't work in 1.3.1. I tested UPFM several times in 1.3.1. It crashes KSP at start. Also with the newest release of ScrapYard. Sorry, I tested it 2 weeks ago so I don't have some logs.
  20. @DJ ReonicFor me comfortable Landing sadly didn`t work in KSP 1.3.1. It activates directly at the launch pad.
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