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Status Updates posted by legoclone09

  1. Hey you can't just go change your avatar like that at will. :D

    1. Vanamonde


      The evidence is to the contrary. 

  2. Oh! Congrats on becoming moderator!

    1. Dman979


      Haha, thank you. :)

  3. Hope you have an awesome travel around the world! Can't wait to see what do did and where you went! Best of luck!

    1. sal_vager


      Thanks legoclone, I won't have internet unless I can borrow some wifi though :)

    2. shadowsutekh


      I hope its fun!

  4. Hype for Ryzen!!!

    Just eight days! I'd pre-order one but I don't need it... and I gotta buy new airsoft gear.

  5. Damn, I'm indecisive about what profile picture to use. I need a new one sometime.

    1. adsii1970


      Naw, you don't. This one - the one with the cat...


      is the one I most associate with your user name. When I changed my avatar a while back, my good virtual-buddy @monstah asked me to change it back to my old one I've used since the great forum disaster of 2012... :D

    2. legoclone09


      Yeah, I've grown accustomed to it. Guess I'll just keep it.

  6. I wonder if I'll ever get my rep to be higher than my post count. It's getting closer than it used to be, but that's probably just because I usually post in the Lounge.

    1. TheKorbinjer


      Maybe i'll make like 50 alt accounts XD


    2. ZentroCatson


      I could definitely get my rep count above post count :P

  7. What desktop are you getting? It's a lot cheaper to build a PC instead of buy one.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. legoclone09


      It's good. For $400 it's pretty solid. i3 6100 is solid. If you plan on gaming at all I recommend buying a Radeon RX 460 for $100, cheap and amazing for the price, but I'm not sure if the power supply can handle it.

    3. RandomGuy1824


      Okay, I'll think about buying that. Thanks!

    4. legoclone09


      I'll look into the power supply for it and see if a RX 460 will work with it.

  8. Saw your profile name (love it!) and I think you'd like this song.


    1. *MajorTom*


      thank you! great song :)

  9. Just one more rep.

    Just one more rep.

    Just one more rep.

    Just one more rep.

    Just one more rep.

  10. I like your user title.

    Quite fitting for your name. :kiss:

  11. Welcome to the Rep Grand Group!

    1. Kerbinchaser


      Same from me. Congrats!

  12. Woohoo! Thanks @SQUAD (and of course @UomoCapra and @Badie) for this!


    1. Wildcat111


      Just came back from trick or treating! It was awesome!

    2. Spaceception
    3. NSEP
  13. It's spooky time everyone.


    1. Spaceception
    2. Wildcat111



    3. HafCoJoe


      :o you play OW?! Also happy Halloween :)

  14. Another new profile picture.

    Is this one for Halloween?

    1. sal_vager


      Another new pic yes, but not scary.

    2. legoclone09


      Ah, OK.

      Wonder what Halloween's will be? I have mine ready.

  15. You have a Steam account?

    1. legoclone09


      By that I mean do you.

    2. MaxxQ


      Yeah.  Same name as here.  Don't do much there, though.

  16. Love your channel!

  17. Well I made a thing.


    It's the Compact LV-303, now just needs UV unwrapping and texturing. Which I don't know how to do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. legoclone09
    3. ZentroCatson


      Good work! Is that the first time you are using Blender?

    4. legoclone09


      Not first time, third model I've made this week. I started using Blender a while ago but never got the hang of it until now.

  18. I have surpassed @Spaceception in rep and posts. I am clearly better than him. :sticktongue:

  19. Hope you feel better soon. :(

    1. sal_vager


      Thanks Legoclone.

  20. Where'd you get your profile picture? It looks like it's from @yorshee, is it? Looks really good!

    And I also love KSA!

    1. Drew Kerman

      Drew Kerman

      yes, I commissioned her to draw out all the KSA characters you'll find on the About page.

      Glad you like :)

    2. legoclone09


      Those are all really good! She did a great job!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. legoclone09
    3. Mycroft


      Most excellent! My sincere congratulations! Thanks for being a great opponent in the number war! 

      Aaaaaaannndd you quickly ran me out of likes. :D:D 

    4. ZentroCatson


      Congrats! Also, love your new avatar. 

  22. @yorshee's profile picture looks amazing! My attempts at a profile picture resulted in a Kerbal Donald Trump. I can't draw hair for the life of me...

  23. Your profile picture has always reminded me of Major Tom in the picture here


    1. Green Baron

      Green Baron

      Thank you sir !


      The german version always sends a shiver down my spine.

      Let me try to translate the last verse:

      Und da trauern noch die Egoisten

      Major Tom denkt sich

      "Wenn die wüßten !

      Ich werd' hier ein Licht

      durch das All.

      Das kennt Ihr noch nicht

      ich komme bald.

      Mir wird kalt.


      The egoists still mourn,

      Major Tom thinks by himself:

      "Only if they knew !

      I will become a light

      through the void.

      That you don't know yet

      I'll soon be coming.

      I'm getting cold".



    2. legoclone09


      Your welcome! What's your profile picture meant to be?

    3. Green Baron

      Green Baron

      Oh, it's Ian Mc Neice interpreting Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in the Dune Movy from the early 2000s. The role fascinated me. But since we allready have enough "Red Barons" i made him venemous green ...

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