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Everything posted by hendrack

  1. There is already an issue on the github page: https://github.com/Galileo88/Stock-Visual-Terrain/issues/2. It seems to be the same issue, i.e. case sensitive files on linux.
  2. I get NRE spam and black screen again on Linux with version 2.0.3, the sed one liner from the github issue page fixed it again.
  3. Try those if you don't consider that mod cheating.
  4. I am experimenting on ways to explore Laythe. Version 1: a boat. Pro: I don't have to design and fly a plane, I am horrible at that Con: Slow
  5. Exploration of Duna: Deep Freeze vessel to Duna: Duna Space Station, refrigerator and lander: The science rover waits already on the surface (roughly 200 days of supplies) Exploring most of Duna took about 40 days: Back into orbit, did I shut down the reactor? nvm. Now Bob is already frozen in orbit and waits for the next transfer window home.
  6. Sent an unmanned rover to the Mun. Kind of never liked rovers. Flat tires, takes 100000000 years to get somewhere. But with the "bon voyage" mod they make some sense now. No more biome hopping with landers.
  7. Didn't play for more than 6 months. 1.2.2 seems the most stable KSP I've ever played, so another career. Sent probes to Eve. As you can see the probes inflatable boat has some CoM issues. Just kept the heatshield then instead.
  8. What kind of bad things will happen if I use the newest contares (1.7.8) with your mod? It says 1.7.6 or lower on the frontpage. Some other mods required still only have barely 1.1 support (like Q orbit sys).
  9. Most of the mods are updated now and this issue vanished. Probably RemoteTech, but I am not sure. This can be locked.
  10. Linux 64 bit, mods: a LOT. [EXC 08:21:27.524] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Sun.SunlightEnabled (Boolean state) PSystemSetup.SetDisabled () PSystemSetup.OnSceneChange (GameScenes scene) EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene) Game.Start () MainMenu.OnLoadDialogPipelineFinished (.ConfigNode node, System.String save) MainMenu+. (.ConfigNode ) KSPUpgradePipeline.Process (.ConfigNode n, System.String saveName, LoadContext loadContext, .Callback`1 onSucceed, .Callback`2 onFail) MainMenu.OnLoadDialogFinished (System.String save) LoadGameDialog.ConfirmLoadGame () LoadGameDialog.OnButtonLoad () UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() Any hint which mod would cause this?
  11. Today I completed my Mun space program in career mode, powered mostly by Tantares, Contares, MBI, SSTU, RT2 and USI. It consisted of a DOS core module and supply, fuel and science blocks. Now its time to reach out to the other planets.
  12. Just in case you were wondering why I like the black textures so much, I present to you my reusable Mun lander, Kerbals In Black edition:
  13. You got the Stock Bugfix mod? This caused phantom acceleration in orbit of low gravity objects for my game. Camera focus depends on center of mass and if this shifts the camera moves. This mod also helps a lot:
  14. If you delete the lannding legs part folder you can use it just fine with 1.1.2.
  15. Geo orbits are too much hassle and you always have to look after them it is quite frustrating imho. Highly ecliptic orbits are much easier. Build a couple of them and you never have to look after. Something like that:
  16. Known issue there a dozen other topics on this issue only Squad can fix this. Sorry bro.
  17. This little MM patch makes the inline comm module compatible with RemoteTech2 (5mm omni): @PART[comm_module001]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { } %TechRequired = flightControl %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %IsRTActive = true %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 5000000 %EnergyCost = 0.26 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] { } }
  18. That package is not just textures, it has .mu part files and .cfgs and have their own parts ingame. A very nice feature for the future would be an ingame option in the VAB which texture to use with the part, like procedural parts or the SSTU mod does. Right now the only way is overwriting files in the file manager and be stuck with the texture.
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