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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Interesting. I'd like to redo that challenge using the Races! mod (It's a mod that let's you put up gates that can register your time). If @He_162 approves of course.
  2. Ok, everybody has to get home to succesfully end this mission, so . . . Goodbye Southpole Hello KFC KPH homebase ! I'm choosing to land coming over land, I hate coming in over water, gives me the creeps. Landing: That's it, no more adventures, we got Jeb home. I'm kinda sad it's over. I really enjoyed doing this. Thank you all for the support, I've couldn't have done it without you. TBC ???
  3. I've done it, I drove all the way from the Northpole to the Southpole. 14 days in real life, 17 days in the game, this was the most insane thing I did so far in KSP. Was it fun ? yes. Was it stupid ? yes. Will you do it again ? No. Thanks to all the people that supported me, you really kept me motivated. You can read the full log here:
  4. WE ARE HERE ! After 17 days of driving we finally arrived . . . No climbing Val, Jeb . . . stay away from the "F" Let's go home TBC
  5. I'm not taking any risks, I'm squeezing that hot yellow ball untill he is gone. Day 17. We squeezed enough to make it to the finish, I hope . . . Next up, some private time with Val placing the finishflag that will record my total time. And then maybe...
  6. WE ARE SAVED ! ♪ Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo) / Here comes the sun, and I say / It's all right ♪
  7. Day 16. I've predicted somewere in this thread that we may run out of sunlight at the Southpole. I hate it when I'm right... Out here the sun barely comes up, I'm literly crawling the last kilometers. TBC
  8. That is actually a briljant idea ! Only 14 days to late... Nope, I'm not getting the buggy back, it will remain there forever as a monument. (maybe Jeb will come back to it someday, to drive to the Northpole, who knows.....) You are even more mad then I am...
  9. Welcome to the forum. I love the Pak-Fa T-50. I own one myself. Nice build.
  10. Very interesting tail rudder, nice. I'm not a fan of these make believe canopys to be honest, I like to see Kerbals actually fly planes. Does the wings show any Z fighting ?
  11. Well, there was a docking port on the back needed to deliver the buggy, which exploded. So there was no room back there for solar panels. I had 2 x 1x6 solarpanels on the sides, but they broke . . . You can read it back in this log.
  12. Yeah, sure. It is in the rules, you can participate in the racepart without timing your flight. I'll put you up on the scoreboard. I'll update the rest tomorrow.
  13. I was drunk. Please @Vanamonde or @Deddly , remove this thread...
  14. Out of power, 40 kms before the finish, can you believe that ? Recharging, the story of my life... 30 minutes before day 16... TBC
  15. Almost arriving at the Southpole. What is the Kurburger Kurburgring ? Can I have a go ?
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