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Everything posted by ssd21345

  1. My 5 years old computer can run Arma 3 very well(If you don't count max graphics I forgot what setting actually since I played Arma 3 for a day when my friend get into my computer , install the game and let me play his acc for a day only)... Since most people play Arma 3 multiplayer, maybe due to Internet bandwidth?
  2. What do you need i7 for? You don't need i7 for gaming since they cannot utilize hyperthreading. And i7 are overkill these day
  3. Will reverting flight will revert rep reduction caused by Kerbal Deaths?
  4. Is the problem due to the slash is / rather than \? Edit:It seems isn't since it can identify / too.
  5. work with both realchute and FAR installed, so not realchute or FAR themselves problems
  6. It seems tweakableEverything causes spacecraft hovering due to either outdated(Or too updated) or missing(or broken) toadicustools, maybe ckan is the cause.
  7. Visual, and some music massive overhaul. It has mod dependencies, but all are packed with the mod.
  8. Boilerplate test on hard mode, guys
  9. Welcome back, btw, Procedural Fairings can cause crashing with KRnD sometimes after you eject the fairings, if the kraken deal too much damages.
  10. It seems SVE LR eat a lot of RAM which make the game slightly hit over 3GB so it disabled(down to a little more than 2.5GBs if remove SVE and use stock EVE) itself. Rip. Going to wait for 1.1. By the ways,Thanks for pointing out the RAM limit,that kinda silly situation that it only hit a little more than 3GBs and cannot use the mod
  11. The problem is I started whole new save and go to map mode/tracking station and no clouds shown. I have tried to download eve separately recently and I hope I can get the clouds tomorrow since I am going to afk.
  12. 1. Use linux 64 bit 2. wait for 1.1 if you use windows 64 bit
  13. I guess the eve inside the zip is won't work, you have to download separately...?
  14. Yes. I installed required mods with SVE and it seems won't work for me too, idk why.
  15. If you have Kopernicus installed, you have Kopernicus folder in your Gamedata. Obviously.
  16. I installed Kopernicus(Ya, I had gone deep and did not tricked by two shell folder), scatterer(proven work by gui shown at start) and then extract SVE LR, seems no clouds?
  17. We want this mod when thing like this fixed. And I dunno if goes explosive and revert counts as kerbal accident is intentional.
  18. KRnD causing freeze on launch pads with procedural fairings confirmed. Choose either one.
  19. on a mod test. Very close to known mod conflict. I take a bet on KRnD.
  20. kerbalgalaxy has wormhole, but it's discontinued. USI and Interstellar have warp drive, use USI one if you want very lightweight one, since Interstellar includes reactors and thermal (nuclear) engines too.
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