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Everything posted by ssd21345

  1. Another question is would this affect the forum operation?
  2. discord has a timer that automatically invalid links unless you refresh the timer by posting it again on the same Discord server, so it is not recommended to use it to host files
  3. For your future reference: (If you do it browser only) Log in, go to the mod github page, press the Fork button, then you should have your own copy of his mod on Github, upload files, there should be a big banner with a button telling you you can make a pull request, press it
  4. Tantares parts cfg has a line to hide parts (category = None), but the valid value should be none (n instead of N). If you keep the invalid value and have ksp community fixes installed, deprecated parts can appear when you click on the search bar. Edit: Log: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AbMk8hD8jh2PLdSfEBo5I2TBCTrFqlIY?usp=sharing
  5. Ha, this thread release notes didn't mention downloading spacey expanded from Curseforge too! Joke aside, ckan still index old version of spacey expanded, I asked ckan ppl to have a look into this mod and expanded. Missing texture is from missing dependencies.
  6. Hello, can you check whether zer0kerbal maintained mods are up to date in ckan? He seems inclined to upload mods on curseforge, so his mods on Spacedock are not necessary up-to-date. Thanks! e.g spacey expanded in ckan still has the old version, while both Spacey base has a missing dependency: SpaceY Corp which cause missing texture.
  7. Excellent mod that I had been waiting for a long time. I would try it after you able to fix mod bundling issue (to save troubleshoot headache lol)
  8. hey it seems u pack ur mod wrongly. I think you wanted fosks/parts rather than fosks/gamedata/parts given the part cfg file
  9. ckan ppl often look through ksp forum, then they ask you if you want to put on ckan. (just like few replies above lol) Another method is upload to spacedock, there is a tick option that would ask you whether you want to put it on ckan, if yes the bot will automatically make a request to github. Ckan ppl will look through it and then approve it.
  10. Sorry for nercobump, since someone used to boldly go and had some funky bug on /r/ksp discord, I think a newer, similar mod should be mentioned here to prevent such situation happens again
  11. Getting the log and upload it to somewhere (e.g dropdox, google drive) would be helpful How to find log: https://gist.github.com/JonnyOThan/04c2074b56f78e56d115621effee30f9
  12. RSS: people has been reported parallax 2 jan update's backward compatibility works with rss parallax 1 cfg KSRSS: please look through the ksrss thread, someone mentioned how to make it work edit: embed the ksrss instruction below
  13. Does/Will the volumetric edition has backward compatibility? So you can have both old cloud for non stock planet and good new volumetric for stock planet?
  14. Can you restore IlioABC_d folder and try again? A lot of planet and moon throw up the error about files inside it missing make the log kinda messy lol
  15. fyi if you don't want to install ballutes you can make detachable tail to stabilize yourself +inflatable heat shield to slow down. ------------------------------------ Uploading KSP.log and the logs folder itself might help troubleshooting if someone know how to read log come across this post
  16. my first orbit and return (InlineBallutes is very important to make my spacecraft doesn't flip): https://imgur.com/a/EsQ9b4I also rcsbuildaid has parachute speed indicator, very useful in this planet pack my spacecraft definitely not doable in career mode, it is 50k just to orbit!
  17. Nothing interesting. The planetinfoplus was calculating the max ground height. here's the log (I cannot load pass to space center so I closed the game after some mins): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GExFk78n-NajlVezY_FPSvRXGKTeSrqI?usp=share_link
  18. can someone help reproduce this since I'm not sure if this mod cause it? If you have Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack + planetinfoplus +eve + scatterer at the same time, the ram usage would spike to from 4 gb (without planetinfoplus) to 12 gb if you load save 2nd time or go into flight view then back into space center view, and also loading time would be significantly increased.
  19. Ok so in the meantime waiting for fix, delete cryotank patch "B9PS.cfg" at Kerbal spy program\Gamedata\WildBlueIndustries\Mk-33\Patches
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