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Everything posted by ssd21345

  1. btw ckan version is still at ____.13 rather than ___.14
  2. looks cool! looking forward to download these planet (I have solar system mod creep lol)
  3. wait, Is firespitter itself a fuel switcher? If true, b9 uses both firespitter and b9switcher tho. Dunno how it works
  4. wdym? you don't have galaxies unbound installed in the second pic? this mod add planet and stars and don't replace planet. If u look closely the main menu is not kerbin but planet from the mod
  5. nothing bad happen. I also tried run with EVE only+RSSVE or scatterer only to see whether it's Eve problem, but it's scatterer and KSRSS doesn't use sigma rescale. It's custom so I don't think I can change it to 1/10th scale
  6. Interestingly, on kerbal size Real solar system (Visual Enhancements) if I force d3d11 the problem gets worse, I think this is special case or other mod messing with it
  7. Waypointmanager spam Couldn't find celestial body with name 'Kerbin' in the log with ksrss
  8. I applied stock engine patches and started a new save and I didn't have the problem reappear yet. Could you link the patches in first post? It kinda hard to find as more posts bury the post contains with patches
  9. Took a few tries to find it back then, since ksp forum search is not very good What should I look out for to find the dupe in ksp.log?
  10. I searched this thread and long ago it's said that tweakscale_disabled on craft file is no problem. Is it still true? Since I can still tweak scale parts aside restock retextured stock parts
  11. If I haven't used any b9 hx part yet, and install b9 hx + temporary tweakscale patch midway, would it screw up the save?
  12. on discord someone reported using flight computer spacecraft point away from maneuver node slightly midburn. Maybe not apparent enough in the video
  13. I cannot finish laythe mission architect tutorial. I cannot get close enough encounter to laythe after step 7. Edit:Nvm the burn started too late. It use alot of delta v to get into orbit tho.
  14. how well does it work with star system packs(like Other World Reboot)?
  15. I mistook it with tantares passive/active mechanics and nasa's infographic lol
  16. but which is correct oriention? And isn't berthing is passive and docking is active so you need one ship with berthing and one with docking to dock together?
  17. How do the berthing and docking mechanism work? I cannot figure out correct alignment and orientation(Dunno if I reversed the docking port I have read that you need exact angle to dock too) and how to make them dock
  18. if you try to surface attach things to Corvus long fuel tank, the part goes very far...
  19. One of the possibly "Magic thing" is PartDatabase.cfg. Tell them to delete it and try again Just tried no drag bug in 1.7 and I think just delete PACKED line the parachute still works?
  20. it was 1.5.1 I don't have far,(unlike him) and the speed stuck at speed of sound because the drag of the nosecone it seemed.
  21. Wow overhaul of procedural fairings(and I don't need to download texture separately this time lol, plus texture unlimited support)! Wonder Whether patches for gravity turn mod available?(or it's on gravity turn author's side?) Gravity turn won't support the previous version of procedural fairings as in it won't automatically decouple fairing after specific dynamic pressure threshold. Mechjeb(ascent guidance) works with procedural fairings tho if I recall correctly. btw someone asked me whether there is shiny fairing I think I could link him here!
  22. I don't think anyone in this thread has said you steal someone's idea... Btw how can I find the design doc/roadmap? Or we're not supposed to read it?
  23. in the latest version scatterer and latest mm that it still gives off white skies on Mac OS/OS X with the same mod config as the above-linked post. not my computer so I cannot get player.log off
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