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Everything posted by KraterKreator

  1. Hi @NathanKell, Do you have a change log for 2.1.1? Really appreciate you taking this on BTW! I'm still on KSP 1.9 with contracts from 1.3 at least. I want to be careful about upgrading...
  2. I was hoping this would address wheel drift. I'm still playing 1.9.1 because I don't like how rover wheels skid around.
  3. I've had the same problem with Field Research. Thanks for working this out. I look forward to targeting those last slivers of data!
  4. Thank you, @severedsolo! I stopped trying to move my game from 1.9.1 to 1.12.2 because these functions were missing.
  5. I've been playing with this score for several months now. It is so good. The space scenes have a more wonderous feel. The build scenes are given a good industrial feel. I tried some other scores that are out now. They were a bit to video gamey and distracted from the play. Your score is subtle and really blends in well. Great work!
  6. @prestja I tested Better Duna and no problems found.
  7. @DirtyFace83 These are great. They all look really kerbal in very funny and interesting ways. Good job! But, the Mexican flag... a hat? Really? I would suggest an image of a Kraken grappling a kerbal vessel. Kind of like those images with sailing ships. Your decals and badges are great too. Thanks for putting this together.
  8. Wow! I'm impressed KSP inspired you to write an entire soundtrack. I haven't used these mods before but I'm definitely checking this out.
  9. Sounds like a winner! Will try this out.
  10. @Kerbas_ad_astra Thanks for keeping this up! I followed your link but I can't find a download link to versions 1.12.0 or 1.13.0. I recently transferred my save from KSP 1.6.1 to 1.7.3 and all my solar panels are dead (frozen and no right click menu items). I'm hoping your latest version of Ven's could be the answer. Thanks.
  11. Of course. Sorry about that! I'm using Kerbin Side Complete continued for 1.5.1. BTW. Thanks for updating that as well. Maybe I'll try and see if I can do something about it...
  12. Hi @Ger_space, FYI: There is a small offset at both ends of the straight section of the Round Range runway. It causes aircraft to blow up due to excessive stress when contacting said offset at landing/takeoff speeds. In one instance, the whole runway was destroyed! Craft are fine if I go over it very slowly. Thanks for maintaining this awesome mod!
  13. Nice work on those models! The camera work is not too shabby either.
  14. Hi @linuxgurugamer, I want to use this mod but CKAN shows that it is incompatible with SETI-CommunityTechTree. I'm no expert in how mods work together. I haven't seen this conflict in other part mods. Is this an insurmountable conflict? Thanks for maintaining this mod. I'm getting ready to start a space station building campaign and I've been hoping to incorporate these realistic-tech parts.
  15. @shaw, It looks like Valentina's head changed in v3.3. It bulges at the top. Also, she won't take the default skin.
  16. Holy tihS! that last one is nice. I see it's nuclear and recyclable. Very convenient.
  17. @linuxgurugamer Thanks for updating this mod! There are few things better than reviewing your Kerbal exploits while the game loads.
  18. I just had the same thing happen to me. I landed quite gingerly on the Mun but my tiny lander probe started to bounce up and down. I don't see any damper and spring controls in the landing leg menu so I can't play with that. Is this only in the VAB? I'll look again. I got it to stop bounding by retracting the legs. It is now sitting on its nearly spent fuel tank. I'm using those tiny side rockets, luckily.
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