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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Nope, it’s a scatterer thing and there is no fix for it.
  2. No, they can’t just be ported to the stock game. Each individual piece, each tree, every light and road are positioned with coordinates that correspond with Gaels geography. The effort one would have to put forward to make that happen would be immense. There is not an easy way to do it. if you mean just use the models and you put them where ever you want, sure. They are available from Kerbinside and other mods linked in the KK thread. Might be the old KK thread.
  3. No, it’s not possible. You can just not use Sigma Replacements and use TR.
  4. @lilstrip I would probably avoid KSP completely if I had a discord server for my mods. The forums are good enough for me. As for your city lights thing: the lights are probably showing up, however because the texture was design specifically for Kerbin and it’s landmasses, the lights are likely there, but in the oceans. I would need to create a lights mask specifically for Laythe, and I really don’t have the drive to do that right now. Work and life have kind of taken over lately. I have been trying to spend time with my wife and my 5 year old daughter since summer is wrapping up here. Maybe I will get some time soon and I can take a look at it.
  5. Clouds do not show up in the main menu. Please go in game to see the clouds. Edit: and AVP is for the stock system.... there is no stock system here. The top of the OP explains that. So remove it. Edit: also, my sun flares mod (GSF) does not work with this pack either as it is also for the stock system. The only other flare mods that work with GPP are Sun Flares of Maar and Flare Replacer. Edit: ALSO, Realistic Atmospheres is for the stock system... Edit: all of this is explained in the “More Info” link in the OP. It explains what mods are supported. I suggest reading it first before doing anything else. I can’t supply any more support than what we already have. We have worked hard to provide as much direction and advice in our OP, our read me file in the download and in @JadeOfMaars info post underneath the OP.
  6. Maybe, but I’m not too concerned with it, tbh. I’ll fix it if I ever feel like modding again. Im pretty damn burned out
  7. It can be done with the latest EVE, but I haven’t experimented with it yet so I have no idea how. currently I have it bouncing all over the place just for the dynamic, randomness. edit: actually it would be pretty easy to do and wouldn’t require any EVE magic. It would require the texture to be edited again, requiring a slight polar distortion.
  8. Looks good, but it’s spinning counter clockwise lol! i intended to bring back a hurricane at some point. I have a great new texture for it, I just haven’t had a lot of time.
  9. The size is not adjustable via a cfg, the actual texture has to be changed.
  10. Yes it can, GPP edits files outside of the GameData folder. Deleting GPP doesn’t restore those affected files.
  11. In regards to your first issue of your game crashing with a SOI change from kerbin to moon, I have never actually seen or experienced this issue, but I may know why. try deleting your settings.cfg from your ksp directory. This is a little inconvenient but it will help me narrow it down. You will have to reset all of your settings again. Also, delete the GPP_TerrainDetailPreset.cfg from the GPP/configs folder. Then try the SOI change again.
  12. no, what that snippet does is enable scatterer flares when flare replacer is installed. @Scatterer_config:Final:NEEDS[FlareReplacer] <------ this runs when flare replacer is installed { @fullLensFlareReplacement = True <------ this tells scatterer to enable its flares }
  13. @StarCrusher96 Looks like you set up your flare replacer cfg incorrectly in a part which is pretty important. @Scatterer_config:Final:NEEDS[FlareReplacer] { @fullLensFlareReplacement = True <------ this needs to be false } What you are doing here is enabling both scatterer and flare replacer flares at the same time.
  14. Kerbol doesn’t exist in stock either, it’s The Sun.
  15. @Trekkie148 no I cannot. That is not an issue with SVE. If it is, you are the first and only person to report it and I see plenty of people playing with SVE just fine and see many screenshots of jool that don’t have your issue. That leaves me to believe the issue is exclusive to your install. Let’s do some simple, user level troubleshooting. Using a fresh KSP install, run SVE without your other mods. Then add your other mods back until you see the issue again. Then report your issue to that developer. They work. I don’t see any issues with SVE in your logs. Might just be an issue with scatterer since it’s not updated officially for 1.4.5. try using Flare Replacer.
  16. The new dll is just a dll, there is not a normal map included in the textures. Until someone takes advantage of the new features, you won’t see a difference.
  17. He did a couple posts before that one.
  18. Just to alleviate some confusion, the sun flare mod that is compatible now is Flare Replacer not Galileo’s Sun Flares.
  19. Did you install the cfgs? There are default EVE cfgs that you have to install, or alternatively, you can use a visual pack like SVE, AVP and others. All of this and links are in the OP and in the instructions on GitHub.
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