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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. yeah, the issue becomes even more apparent with Sigma Dimensions installed. It's definitely unplayable like that.
  2. Thats a bug with the stock game. I reported it a while ago, and Squad confirmed it and fixed it for the upcoming update. They actually mentioned it in the dev notes this last friday https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/18862
  3. There aren’t any visual packs specific for any rescale size. Rescale takes stock size visuals and stretches them to 2.5x, 3.2x..etc. This is why things look low res. When you take an 8k image and you stretch it 6.4x, it tends to lose detail. That’s just one of the side effects of playing on a rescaled system. There is nothing that can be done.
  4. Did you check EVERY single cloud cfg for a shadow material? There is probably shadow material set for more layers.
  5. Kopernicus 1.4.3-1 has a huge impact on FPS due to how the on demand loading was happenening. It was improved with 1.4.3-2.
  6. I just saw this, but I think I was an hour or so late to the spam party. If I see any more, I’ll report them.
  7. https://github.com/StollD/KopernicusExpansion-Continued/releases download the EVAFootprints module and install like any other mod. BUT the planets have to be set up with kopernicus for this to work. SVT enables it for stock planets if you want something quick to try out. I am not sure if this will work with the latest kopernicus but it should. Remember that kopernicus is only updated to 1.4.3 as of right now.
  8. If you are on 1.4.x, they don’t work. This has already been said by the devs numerous times.
  9. What are these odd posts that are flooding the forum? It’s rather annoying. https://imgur.com/a/63l5kyR translated: https://imgur.com/a/VrhYtes as I posted this, other posts like it have gone up. looks like a hack of some sorts.
  10. Oh, I thought he knew that because someone had already brought that up just above his comments. Edit: it was you that brought it up lol.
  11. You can add KAS after building with KK. I don’t see the issue.
  12. A little tip for developing anything for KSP: Don’t have unnecessary mods installed. If you want to build a KK base, only have KK installed.
  13. Ctrl K, pick an asset and use the ui to move, adjust and place it.
  14. Yep I here has been some minor work done, but I think the dev plans to wait until 1.4.5 since squad has already made it clear that it’s coming quick on the heels of 1.4.4
  15. Kopernicus let’s you delete the expansion launch sites. Look at Gaels cfg in GPP.
  16. Hey, you figured it out without help. I think that qualifies you to play heavily modded
  17. A spread. an additive? If we want to get more general. depending on what it’s used for I suppose. On a taco, guacamole is a spread. In a bowl, it’s a dip for chips. Peanut butter is in the same category of dip/spreads, I’d say. I like to dip apples and celery in peanut butter but spread it on my PB and J sammiches. Butter can also be the same depending on the consistency. I like to dip lobster in butter but spread it on my toast.. ok I need to get to sleep, but this is the kind of thing that will keep me up at night... Edit: Chocolate... it has many uses. Dips, spreads, bars... oh and cheese!
  18. The EVE cfgs for GPP (and addons) are so convoluted and tied together via MOdule Manager in the only ways they can work. If you are making changes in game via the EVE UI and saving in game, you are inadvertently deleting parts of the EVE code in GPP which will cause a lot of issues. If you are already knee deep in changes, there is no telling where to even begin looking. There is a reason the GPP team says to just use things we specify as compatible and have included ourselves. There are over 45 different variations of GPP + addons. Trying to figure out how to incorporate a mod that we had no intention of using (Spectra) is something none of us have time for at the moment, unfortunately. Most of us are taking a break from KSP and I am moving across the country and don’t know how much time I’ll have for KSP in the near future.
  19. You have to make a texture that cover more area.
  20. You just have to drop scatterer in your gamedata folder, then you can tell if it’s working by going into the game.
  21. Umm Only if they are updated to work with the latest star brightness curves. So, here I am with my personal experience telling you, no, not all 1.3 planet packs work in 1.4. Any packs in 1.3 that include more stars than “Sun”, need crucial changes in order to work in 1.4. Packs without additional stars will works as usual, so to that extent you are right. If you don’t know the inner workings of planet packs or kopernicus, please don’t lead people astray with false information.
  22. It should be expected to be “broke” because it is every..single..ksp..update. And it’s by design. We don’t need to constantly remind the developer over and over about something that he has done on purpose.
  23. The parts of AVP that use kopernicus are not loading, guaranteed. Kopernicus, will not, under any circumstances, work in 1.4.4 until it is updated. So no, it doesn’t make a special exception for AVP.
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