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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Its mine and ANY time you scale to anything bigger than say 3.2x, you get the fuzzy line, especially at 10x. There is nothing that can be done until its fixed on scatterer's side, if its possible.
  2. The issue is due to a Squad change as far as I know. According to the Kopernicus dev, when kopernicus rebuilds the PQS it turns the LandControl CreateColor option to True. The colors you are seeing are the areas in which boulders, trees, grass, and thing of that nature that we have designated to render. It will be fixed eventually
  3. Kopernicus hasn’t been updated... and it’s version locked.
  4. They keep saying it will be soon, but no hard date yet
  5. No. In order to change anything regarding planets, it takes kopernicus
  6. Make a copy of your KSP directory outside of steam and launch from there.
  7. There are some visual packs that disable the users ability to access the menu via a Module Manager cfg. My guess is you have AVP installed.
  8. It would be a stupid question, but seeing as how the moderators have removed the majority of the responses saying “no it doesn’t work with 1.4.4”, it’s perfectly valid... but you can also go read pages back in the thread and probably find an answer here and there that haven’t been purged yet. and nobody but Squad employees know when 1.4.5 is coming out. https://github.com/Kopernicus/kittopia-dumps you can find it there, or you can export it with kittopia or sigma cartographer.
  9. You will need to use a map decal to get like what’s around the KSC. That’s what stock uses to accomplish that.
  10. Contrasting colors were used to help differentiate the many bodies in the tracking station, but to each his own! To expand: The stock game can get away with the orbit lines matching the planet themselves because each planet is very distinct and vibrant (and there’s only 16 bodies). GPP, however, is very desaturated and with a lot of browns and greys, so many bodies are very similar in color. So to combat that, we chose different colors for each body, not necessarily based on the planet color at all. Some worked out that way, though. Either way, thanks for putting this together for those that don’t mind the parity in orbit colors. FWIW, I’m also red-green colorblind, so I have always appreciated the more vibrant, differing colors that are presently in GPP lol
  11. Post a screenshot showing what you are experiencing. I see people posting about this often and most of the time, there aren’t any issues except for the expectations of the user being too high.
  12. Read the last page of the thread and you will see it mentioned numerous times that KK does not work correctly in 1.4.4, so it’s safe to say that, yes, 1.4.4 is causing issues.
  13. This is due to saving your normal maps incorrectly, and no, kittopia only works on 1.3.1 right now.
  14. They are all open by design. If you don’t like it, feel free to change it in the cfgs, but I will not.
  15. You really don’t need to spam your question across the forums. I have already told you what the issue likely is. Just google how to force dx11 in ksp. It’s very simple.
  16. The thread title is still misleading as there are no planets being made here... Perhaps this should be the “what’s your dream planet thread”?
  17. there are more, and newer ones out there too. This was just an example...
  18. I’m not against it, I just want to make the selection process easy for users
  19. My issue with putting all of these on CKAN is the fact that there isn’t an image thumbnail that would let users know what they are downloading. I was purposely making users come to the forum thread to see their options. I had considered CKAN originally, but after thinking it over I came to this conclusion.
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