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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. STOP yes i was about to comment. Just rename dunaclouds to GratianClouds and that will fix the issue and give you the clouds as intended.
  2. There is a misnamed texture in the cfg. I’m not at my pc and I can’t remember which one it is, but I’ll edit this later and ping you when I get home and check
  3. Hmmmm... another mod that uses someone else’s textures? Granted, OPMs license allows it, common courtesy would be to ask first. I guess original, quality content is just getting harder and harder to come by in regards to planet packs.
  4. If you go into your settings in the main menu, you will see the parameter you need to change. Also, module manager doesn’t do anything on its own, so if you are only building in stock with no other mods, you won’t need it.
  5. Wut about them Look at any other mod that has a ringed planet and you will find rings are very easy.
  6. Kind of like how GEA is a parody of Astronomers and Space Engine? At at least none of his assets are stolen.
  7. Yes you can. The contents of the folders are different. They don’t overwrite anything, so just merge them
  8. Hmmm I have not seen this. I will look into it soon. And why do I need to do a captcha to comment now?
  9. Yeah, feel free to do a pull request and I’ll merge it. I have been extremely busy the last few months. I intend to get back into modding as soon as this semester is over. I only have 200+ finals to grade lol
  10. It does and I haven’t fixed it. I don’t even know why I have that in there, but this is a Rescale issue, not a Sigma Dimensions issue. This thread is no longer being monitored anyway
  11. This is due to how we rename Kerbin now. There is nothing we can do about it and the change will have to come from the Final Frontier dev. It wouldn’t be a hard change, I don’t think,r but you would need to ask him.
  12. You don’t have to force dx9. It’s the default for ksp already
  13. You still can’t release a derivative of the work so even if anyone fixes it, or makes it better, they cannot release it publicly. Instead of ND it would need to be SA so that others can continue the mod.
  14. SVE is not needed with GPP or GPP Secondary. In the instructions it tells you that GPP provides clouds for stock bodies and OPM. Cloud support for stock and OPM were added back in
  15. Development for GPP is done. We have moved into maintenance mode unless we get the itch to make something major.
  16. I think you misunderstood what I was saying and took it out of context. I never insinuated that anyone blame blackrack for anything. I simply stated the fixes have to come from blackrack himself. There are issues with scatterer in a full scale system, that is a known issue and probably the biggest complaint RSS visual packs get. I understand the trials and tribulations of coding and programming. I do it on a lesser language, but I create websites and have to deal with sitting in from of a computer for 12 hours a day if not longer. I get that extracurricular activities like coding scatterer can get put in the back burner for a while. Stuff happens and real life is more important. I don’t blame anyone for taking time on a mod update for a game. And excuse me for not being correct in my assumption as to why you closed your thread, but like the comment said that I responded too, there was no real explanation, and the only obvious thing was the frustration with scatterer in real scale and most forums users don’t think to check the GitHub of a closed forum thread can you blame them? I feel like the last comment could have notified users of your move to github exclusively. And fwiw, ETO was taken down becaus of licensing issues.
  17. No, using any sort of novelty typeface looks like this on mobile: This is why it’s a good idea to just use the default font. I would actually prefer Wingdings to this.
  18. If you think Kittopia is daunting, what makes you think an even more comprehensive program will be easier for you? Adding more features does not mean it’s easier to use... Your best bet is Kittopia + Photoshop or Gimp. Kopernicus and Kittopia are so easy to use, that’s why you see a bazzilion planet packs out there, saturating the forums. Learning to use both may take you a weekend or two at most. Just buckle down and be determined to learn it. I have literally seen 10 year olds learn to use kopernicus and Kittopia. Learning atmosphere curves and things like that can be tricky, but there are tutorials out there. There are also other programs people have released that practically write it for you. The tools are out there for you to make planets, but you have to be willing to learn to use them. If you are looking for someone to hold your hand through the process, you are probably going to get ignored to be honest. If you want help while you are learning and trying yourself, feel free to join the discord linked in the OP. Oh, and your font choice hurts people eyes. I would refrain from using that typeface if you want to be taken a bit more seriously.
  19. If you are only checking for scatterers effects in the Tracking Station, that's your problem. The tracking station effects are not working in 1.4.x. Go into flight and check again. Also, reading a page pack on this thread would have answered that for you quicker than anyone here.
  20. GPP already has a Flare Replacer cfg in it and overwrites everything. You just have to choose what style you want. If you want to change the color, you have to change the GPP_FlareReplacer cfg located in GPP/GPP_Configs/GPP_FlareReplacer.
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