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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. No updates has taken place in drivers of OS Kerbal updated from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1 and under 1.8.1 the load times are increased. KSP 1.81 - unaltered settings, straight from steam - 1.06s loadtime KSP 1.81 - altered settings [meaning that I adjust the resolution, audio, etc.] - 1.04s KSP 1.81 - altered settings [meaning that I adjust the resolution, audio, etc.] using -popupwindow 1.49 [just by adding the Unity switch, load time is almost doubled] KSP 1.81 - altered settings [meaning that I adjust the resolution, audio, etc.] not using -popupwindow but using Borderless Games 1.44 KSP 1.81 - altered settings, [meaning that I adjust the resolution, audio, etc.] lightly modded [21], not using -popupwindow but using Borderless Games 1.53 KSP 1.81 - altered settings, [meaning that I adjust the resolution, audio, etc.] lightly modded [21], using -popupwindow 2.16
  2. @5thHorseman - I didn't think about that thanks! @James Kerman - thank you very much @Zeiss Ikon - If I run Full Screen, when I click off that display [2nd monitor] the game will minimize and that is something I am trying to avoid since I stream on twitch. I will have to check my 1.7.3 and see if there is perhaps a setting that is new and on by default...
  3. I just posted this in the General section and wanted to delete this one, but I can't seem to figure it out. Sorry for the cross posting.
  4. I know I haven't been very active in KSP lately.. but has something changed for using the unity switch -popupwindow ?? I have an unmodded KSP install that will launch and be reading to click on Start Game in 1min [I used a stop watch] I take the same short cut and add -popupwindow to the end of "target" and it takes 1min and 45sec Something had changed and I missed a post about this or .. there is a better way to get FullScreen Borderless?
  5. Where I can location the names of the different tech areas? For example: @TechRequired = advActuators @TechRequired = advFlightControl How can I find out all them?
  6. Hi all - I see that there was an update on CKAN and I cannot seem to find out what was updated, can someone help me out?
  7. I saw someone' screen when they were playing KSP and their messages were not in the middle of the screen, but off to the left.. is that doable?
  8. Hi there.. me again... I discovered eeloo, [cool, in orbit around another planet] and now Plock, but it seems like the research is stuck on 10% and I have upgraded the observatory all the way. I have not seen a new "research bodies" contract lately.. I also have not put the telescope up in orbit [which does seem a likely thing I should do] , just curious if this is normal or might have I have a mod conflict?
  9. Hi there! I am very new to using kopernicus, upgrading from 1.7.3-1, is there anything that I should be on the look out for?
  10. I am going to try this out.. thank you very much
  11. I have only used a MM patch for adding parts to a tech tree, wanna point me in a direction that might help?
  12. Let me ask this.. HI btw... and thank you for the mod.. Wondering.. just how one would go about getting a kerbal to Duna with Kerbal Health.. Providing that they left within the proper launch window, etc. In stock, would kerbals be able to make such a trek and get back?
  13. I would like to ask a question that I am sure has been asked, [I quickly scanned through the posts] , is there a "jettison" option?
  14. Ok ... yes.. I guess I was remembering incorrectly... and thought that Sun, Kerbin, Mun and Minmus... I thought perhaps I was missing a mod. thanks!
  15. Thanks that is what it was .. I thought, that you needed to uncheck the radio button...
  16. Hey all!! First time using the mod.. is there a known issue or did I do something wrong or could it be a mod conflict where I start up KSP and I always get the "Welcome to KSP 1.7..." screen. Even if I click on the "Don't show again.." it will come back next time.
  17. When I used this MOD with a vanilla install and select hard, Minmus doesn't show up.
  18. Wait.. so, perhaps I misunderstood... Can I run this mod without Oh Scrap?
  19. Since I am just starting this mod, have you located a solution?
  20. okay.. thanks.. I did not scroll down to notice anything besides the stock...
  21. I am just starting to use this mod, is there a compatible dv chart?
  22. I would like to ask a question I am sure has been asked and answered, will this work with OPM mod? [Outer Planets Mod] edit: I saw on the OPM page, that this mod was supported.
  23. and.. I am sure that this has been asked and answered - Does this mean any and all sats, probes, etc?
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