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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. I am curious, is there a way that oh scrap can stop time warp when there is an failure?
  2. It would seem, that without a build time, you cannot add to the build que, is there another way to add rockets to storage?
  3. Can KCT be setup where there is "no" construction time? Why? I would like to use the "storage" ability and have it part of my "budget" in my save.
  4. Wait! Just hold on a sec, they have planter nuts for snacks?!?!
  5. Hi! just updated the latest version of Snacks. When clicking on the "snacks" button, it seems to be stuck in "Calculating......" Rolling back to the previous version , the calculations are back!
  6. I am not using that mod, I finally had to just remove them.. pity.
  7. I have a looney tunes question. I know that this is a hard dependency for Oh Scrap, using it with Stage Recovery - is causing huge Game Surges / Pauses at times. Is there a way that I can use OH Scrap without this mod?
  8. Okay, I think I saw that... I suppose I just have a lot of scrubbing and recycling and I didn't think it was working correctly. Appreciate the response.
  9. Firstly! This is a great mod - thank you for making it possible and prolonging one of my favorite time sinks. I have a question about the scrubbers and recyclers, do they work in the background or does it have to be the active vessel for them to work or.. are they just a little slow?
  10. Since I upgraded to 1.7.3 - I landed on Minmus, deployed a Goo and Seismic and I am getting messages out the wazoo. Is there a fix? Should I just remove the deployed items?
  11. Hi there! I was told, by my save [upgraded from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3] to do this, so I am! here is the log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fUy7NgohUho66eIBpjaJYDwOV9oYDM4E/view?usp=sharing
  12. Following the patches that @kcs123 made for this mod - I took a shot at making my first MM Patch. it works, most likely not in the best places, but it worked. // Breaking Ground 1.7.3 by GamersCircle // grips - OK @PART[lGripPad|lGripStrip|mGripPad|sGripPad|sGripStrip]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion/Serenity,CommunityTechTree,UnKerballedStart]:BEFORE[zzzUnKerballedStart] { @TechRequired = advActuators } @PART[largeHeliBlade|largePropeller|mediumHeliBlade|mediumPropeller|smallHeliBlade|smallPropeller|RotorEngine_02|RotorEngine_03]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion/Serenity,CommunityTechTree,UnKerballedStart]:BEFORE[zzzUnKerballedStart] { @TechRequired = advFlightControl } I am sure that there is a much better way of doing this, but I really wanted to play 1.7.3
  13. I am going to download this and test it on my current save. I have a stutter that I can't seem to nail down as to which mod it might be. From the reading, it seems that this might help some.
  14. Hey @Angel-125 thanks for popping into the stream, I updated the latest version of snacks and was able to confirm that the undocking issues that I had, seem to be gone. Thank you again for the support.
  15. I am not running KSP right now... but I had the small radial snacks on two ships that were docked to the station. The station had one of the larger tanks connected as a module. [the station is setup has separate habs, MPL, etc.] I am all stock for parts with the exception of Snacks, KER, MJ, Indicator lights. I had no other resource mods installed. I just recently swapped out TAC LS for Snacks, but I removed all the parts from the station before installing snacks. I made sure, by backing up the same, and loading it after removing TAC LS.. There was no errors on the station, so I am assuming it was clean?
  16. I hate to add any salt to this - I updated to a 1.7.2 save and when I undocked from a station, the ship and the station spun away from each other and I couldn't control either. When I went back to the previous snacks, all was back as it should. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help?
  17. Hi all - I am using the "Unkerballed" tech tree and have used Ckan to install the mentioned tech tree, this mod is listed as a "dependency" and I am curious if there is a patch that I can apply that will set the action groups back to default as I think I am getting all AG due to this mod?
  18. Is there a reason why KH doesn't show on the stock tool bar? I can use the "toolbar" mod and it will be accessible.
  19. I did read the OP, that is why I was looking for some clarification .. since when I downloaded it that CCK was included ... just wanted to make sure that my save wasn't going to suffer. thanks for letting me know.
  20. I have a noob question and I am sure that this has been covered. For the first time in a long time, I am using CKAN to install mods for my save, I have always downloaded the mods and installed myself. Today, ckan didn't download or highlight the Community Category Kit has a suggestion or dependency , is the CCK needed?
  21. Again ..thanks for the help and explanation.. it was what you said it was... confinement Early space missions are lonely
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