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Everything posted by gamerscircle

  1. Hi there - I have been playing a save for about about 14 days and all was working really really well, I just recently did research on EVE to 100%, but I think.. there might be an issue. [I didn't notice right off the bat] It seems, that I see all the other planets now. I thought, that I would have to 'research the skies" get another "body" and then start doing those contracts. Please let me know what I can do to help.
  2. Alright - Lets see if I am missing something here, or a little hiccup has been revealed? I targeted eve [have not done any research via the observatory] and when I attempt to "track bodies" I get "void" as a result I targeted gilly [have not done any research via the observatory] , but there is a 10% on it and when I attempt to "track bodies" I get "oops there is nothing new here" as a result I accepted and completed several of the "search the skies" and those do work, means I do discover new 'bodies" but nothing appears to be increasing the percentage of "knowing" more about the :bodies." Also, the telescope has mono, but I can only maneuver with the "H" key, is that correct?
  3. Hey! I thought I would chime in and say, that I did attempt to use it.. I am able to get the correct buttons, there was a message that said that data was transmitted to the LAB [which was a MPL] it was retextured by Restock, but there was no 'data' when I swapped to the lab. Edit: Okay, I did find out that this mod actually does work. The "LAB" which was a MPL, was not getting the transmitted science, but since there was an obiter docked and there was a couple of command pods, the science was being stored in the pods. Works! Thank you!
  4. I thought I would pop in and see if the Science Relay needs to be updated for 1.10.1 ??
  5. That was it exactly! The "green" triangle intersection is the KSC biome, appreciate the reply.
  6. Hey! I got a question, where is the KSC biome? I can't seem to figure it out or am I reading too much into this. I have been driving all over and cannot seem to figure it out.
  7. I just did a manual install of the 'test' and I changed it to "hard" and I only see the Sun, Kerbin and Mun. Cool.. "so lonely...."
  8. Hi all - For the longest time, I had used UnManned before Manned for my go to tech tree. I kept using thanks to the community support with MM Patches. Recently I started using the UnkerbaledStart and that have been the replacement. I was curious, if someone has a favvy tech tree mod that they can recommend? I am getting ready to start a new save and thought I would try something new.
  9. Hey!! @JPLRepo - thank you very much for this mod. It sure helped out [using Kerbal Health] to safely get kerbals from Kerbin to Duna and back! I hadn't realized that you added a sound effect for the placement and well, I thought my KSP had broke, again thank you.
  10. Hi there! Thank you for the update, I ran into a slight issue and was curious if this is a known issue, I can supply a .log file, but I thought I would post a screen shot first.
  11. Thank you helping me out here. I did read on the OP that ModuleManager and Requires Community Resource Pack. Yes, CKAN installed another mod called, "BackgroundProcessing" - I am going to go ahead and install these mods manually. Thank you again and sorry for repeating anything that you already called out..
  12. Sorry, I think that this has been covered above, just thought I was ask again for clarrification. Do I need the separate mod "BackgroundProcessing" , I too am installed DeepFreeze via CKAN and cannot uninstall it. I am not using Kerbalism, rather Snacks and I wasn't sure if I needed this or not?
  13. Well - that is so cool! I have seen peeps get burned out on modding, it is a thankless business. I sure do appreciate you going into details like that and sharing that too. Thank you for the continued support.
  14. Hi @sarbian , I am curious .. what was your inspiration / reason for making the Module Manager? I have read that most mod authors make mods that 'they' want. I know that this question is out of the blue, just thought I would ask.
  15. Hi all - I am a little confused and could use a little help. I have used this mod before and I loved it.. I have never been to a rocket launch, but I have watched a couple and I can see how the Real Plumes are more like they are IRL vs the stock ones. I stopped using the mod because the sounds, they were too loud and I was wondering if there is a way to have the "plumes" and keep the stock sounds? Also, if this has been addressed or talked about, there is 15 pages to read through and I thought I would ask. Appreciate your time.
  16. I will try that suggestion, thanks - just having to explain to the kerbal teamster group at partial completion, they need dash over to the Launch Pad and start working there.
  17. I did read through the whole forums, but I thought I report something that I think might be a bug? On Construction, when you are working on something, say the "Tracking Station" and you check and see that it is 47%, but then I added the "Launch" pad and because it is "L" comes before "T", the budget swapped to the Launch Pad and didn't finish the Tracking Station.
  18. The, "clear input locks" - I only recently ran into this problems around 1.8.x? Is this a mod that is causing this? Also, if this has been discussed before , can you please link it? I do run a modded save and there are times that I am unable to lower gear, stage, etc. - was curious.
  19. Oh... it is all about the "nodes"! As long as the nodes that they are supposed to be in are not removed/renamed. I get it now.. thank you.
  20. Alright! I had the time and yes! This mod works in 1.10, can someone explain to me why and how? I thought that if there were "new" parts, then how would thew old tech tree know about the new parts?
  21. Hey there @Corax how the heck are you? I am sure that the mod would work and I had always thought that any new parts would not show. [I could have sworn that this has happened to me before] In 1.9, did they add new parts or variants? I know that I have a 1.9.1 save and I am using this mod, so I am pretty sure that there isn't any missing parts. However; it is true, I just made an assumption and didn't even try it.
  22. I hate to be the one that asks this, curious if anyone have an MM patch that will work with 1.10? Before I get flamed for asking, please know that this is my favvy tech tree mod.
  23. Alright, I did try it out and it seemed to work out very well.
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