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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. Think about why an engine inside of the craft won't propel it...
  2. It's good etiquette to show others an example when giving a challenge.
  3. My favorite Kerbal is the RC-L01. He isn't very talkative, but he does his job really well and doesn't complain much.
  4. I think when they're not running around, they get freeze-dried and stored in a vault beneath the Astronaut Complex, in a little plastic baggy.
  5. Is there a role that doesn't require a microphone? Because I don't have a microphone
  6. I was messing around and I decided to make a rocket with every single size of fuel tank. This was the result. It flies surprisingly well, despite the fact that it's actually larger than the VAB interior. Each stage is eight times the length of the smallest fuel tank for that size, except for the 0.625 meter stage, which has 8 oscars instead of the donut tanks. Here's some photos. Oh, and it can go to Jool, no problem. It's impractical, but it's fun. Also note that either SVE or EVE is messing up the cloud textures in the last image. Just wanted to point that out. Have a nice day!
  7. While the rest of us are scratching our heads over how to make a good turboshaft, you make one of these? Ya cheeky little... Just kidding! Nice helicopter.
  8. Take an OKTO, put a small aerodynamic cone on it, attach 16 sepratrons, turn on inf. fuel, win.
  9. I've sent kerbals barreling in from interplanetary space at 7 times the speed of sound protected by a chair and a tiny heatshield and nothing else. Turns out kerbals bounce pretty well.
  10. Today I landed my first (believe it or not) rover on Eve. It promptly sank to a depth of 2200 meters and appears to not be going anywhere. I also put a orbiter in a 18-degree inclined orbit around Eve in the same run.
  11. Uhhh. I don't think this is intended... I'm seeing this as well...
  12. Well, the damage has been done already. Try to be more courteous next time. Have a nice day!
  13. I was at the Kennedy Space Center just last week. Great work!
  14. It's because they're mostly death row prisoners recruited for a second chance.
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