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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. At Y10, D38, H1:14 Eeloo gets farther away than Jool again, at 67298321 km. So a bit over 1 year and 332 days.
  2. I don't have that, but I do have the moment that Eeloo is no longer further away from Kerbol than Jool: Year 8, Day 131, Hour 5, Minute 47-ish, at an altitude over Kerbol of 70500252 km, give or take a km. The reason I don't have the direct answer to your question: it's quite possible that Jool never becomes the furthest body from Kerbol... since once past Eeloo, it would still require all five of its own moons to be simultaneously on the 'sunny' halves of their orbits around Jool (any moon on the other half of their orbit would be farther away than Jool, thus negating Jool that privilege). Edit: Ok, you made me check: Year 8, Day 144, Hour 1, Minute 58-ish, the first time after Eeloo moves closer that all of Jool's moons get on the sunny side, and Jool gets to be the furthest body from Kerbol.
  3. Best thing to do is to report this in the mod release thread for the parts you found, and mention the bug report nr. so the author(s) can watch for whatever the resolution of the problem is; or in case it's a systemic issue with the game, they can add additional information to the report itself.
  4. That is exactly what happens, yes. Note that the site decides this based on the name of the craft in the craft file (not the filename of the craft file itself): if there is an identical name already uploaded on your account, it will tell you and ask if you wish it to update the craft.
  5. It's been reported already (http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/14467), but you can confirm it.
  6. What means this word 'enough'? We at KSC not hear of this word...
  7. Nothing? A single Linear RCS Port offset to the very nose of the Mk1 or Mk2 cockpits are all you need to protect them from overheating. They 'detach' the shockwave from your cockpit so it soaks up a whole lot less heat at reentry.
  8. Agreed on almost all points. Still would've used 6x fuel cell in symmetry around that Oscar-B though, despite the 1/5th extra mass. And the array makes for a nice mini-rover body.
  9. For mindless fun, tests, proofs of concept: minutes, usually. Which proves I can work fast if I need to (thousands of hours of experience counts for something). For 'final' (*) versions of 'serious' (**) projects: hours and days and weeks and months, over many many, many iterations. A cycle often restarted when a new version of KSP arrives. *: final is incredibly relative in my case; I seem to be almost incapable of not 'tweaking'. Almost every time I reload an existing craft, I get stuck in the VAB or SPH for far longer than I intended, succumbing to further tweaking that started under the pretense of 'quick checking how I configured this last time' instead of launching after crewing the ship. I spend way more time editing than flying. I fully expect one day to roll out my last (tweaked) creation to the pad or runway, and find the Kerbin landscape completely transformed due to the natural evolution of the home star... **: serious between serious quotes... I've spent more time on unlikely contraptions than on realistically designed spacecraft. It's a weakness.
  10. I read the thread title and the user name, and I had to race into here to see how in space someone had managed to get KSP running on a C-128. I am disappoint now! If you can already run the demo, you should be able to run the full version too. You don't mention your CPU, but otherwise you exceed the minimum specs for the full version. Technically there's not much difference: they only ask for more VRAM, RAM and storage space since there are more parts to store and load in the full version. KSP is CPU-bound, not GPU. Your 'onboard graphics' is basically a full-fledged graphics card with dedicated VRAM which just happens to come pre-soldered... AMD prerrogative to use their own GPUs for their motherboards. To compare: I have a Win 8.1 laptop with an Intel i7-4800 CPU, Intel HD4600 'actual' integrated graphics using shared memory, and 8GB, that ran KSP fine (*)... the FPS slowed down at around 150-200 part ships or when aerodynamic effects were being rendered on high detail levels (Mach/reentry effects), and I never tried it with more than a handful of mods (which can gobble up RAM rapidly), but it was quite playable. I didn't notice much difference between the demo or the full version other than the initial loading time. Your mileage may vary, as they say, but since your graphics specs far exceed the specs of that laptop, I expect it should work fine for you. (*full disclosure: I haven't run KSP 1.2x on that yet - but performance-wise 1.2 was an improvement, and I think the demo is based on a pre-1.2 version, so I can only assume it works better)
  11. That thread is from 2010, about Unity 2.6. A comment in the thread references a newer thread from 2012, which is still ancient. Not to say the suggestions in those threads are useless, but I think we need to look much more recently than that. The severe quivering of shadow edges this thread talks about is something that appeared out of nowhere when they did the last Unity engine upgrade in KSP, from 4.x to 5.
  12. Buttons under the gizmo buttons (top left of the editor) showing in text the modes and allowing to toggle by clicking them. Part Action Window. The little floating windows you get when right-clicking a part. (Ugh. I load the thread, and that was the last post, I reaload after replying.. and the forum decides to show two later posts, one from 29 minutes ago.)
  13. Probably doesn't help that there's people out there who choose to believe NASA is faking moon landings and hiding alien technology from us... (yes, at the same time)
  14. Todos presumimos de lo que nos ha dado satisfacción de crear y pilotar. Me veo a menudo en dos extremos: pasando horas y horas perfeccionando mi última nave multifuncional de 600+ piezas... para un día despues estar más contento que un chiquillo con un rover de 15 piezas con el que saltar por las colinas detrás del centro espacial (cuando el plan original era de comprobar si 1.2.9 realmente ha solucionado el problema con las grietas en la superficie ). Todo vale, y eso es lo bueno de KSP.
  15. I think we're making history alright: after 23 hours, not a single thread has been merged yet into the grand discussion thread. Why is no one talking? The debates, where are the debates? (either that, or the moderators are taking an extra nap in preparation of the weekend chaos... )
  16. I don't presume to speak for any one linguistic group, but I have noticed some very varied reactions to the translations in languages that use other character sets: some are bothered by still seeing ANY untranslated English terms at all, some are bothered because they feel some terms should have been left untranslated completely (including the character set!). And preemptively, I even saw some people worrying about translated terms not allowing people seeking help, tutorials or videos to find relevant hits in other languages... before they had even seen the pre-release. In light of the gamut of reactions, I guess I can understand if the translators for Russian in this case opted to walk a 'middle path' of sorts, by using the Cyrillic characters they think the majority might want to see, but transliterate instead of translate CB names to make it easier for them to search for and understand existing videos and tutorials in English. I imagine true translations of the CB names would be a strange task indeed in any case, since as far as I can tell, not a single one of the names has any translatable meaning at all (what does 'Laythe' mean, so we can translate it 'correctly' to <language X>?). In the end it's likely the localization effort won't be able to please everyone no matter their choices, even among those actually wanting a translation in their native language. Just like there's always been people that have complained (and argued opposing views) about the original English text. You do have the option to offer feedback through the bug tracker, if you feel you have a strong case for an alternative translation. Just be aware that it's been mentioned that there are translations and corrections still waiting to be 'applied' to the pre-release. This may be one of those areas (or not).
  17. Not entirely the opposite: you get to move (with the offset tool) either end without needing to replace them both. It does however sometimes have funny thoughts about how the interconnecting strut should go, I noticed.
  18. Did you also select the prerelease version in the 'betas' tab of the KSP Steam properties? You need both that and the language, because the localization files are only in the prerelease version at the moment. If even the above check is not queuing an update: under the 'local files' tab, you can click on 'verify integrity of game files...' to force Steam to compare the files and download any differences. And finally, check your Steam Settings, under 'Downloads': the Steam content server you are connecting to may not have updated its file cache for KSP correctly/yet. Select a different Download Region to force Steam to try some other server, and see if that helps. Outside of that, you might want to file a bug report so the devs can look at it.
  19. This is an unlikely option, and very uncommon for games to offer - devs tend to pick and choose what their UI looks like, including the fonts used. In addition, fonts with the level of support for localization and sizing that KSP requires are not easy or cheap to come by, and even a small difference in point size or kerning could potentially look very bad on the UI or make things unreadable, so it's not a 'freedom' many devs willingly allow. I am curious though: what font were you hoping to use in place of which one in the game, and what benefits were you expecting from it? If you can explain/show, you could try creating a Feedback report in the pre-release bug tracker with the request. Pre-release versions should never be attempted with mods, at all. No guarantees of proper operation are given by either Squad or the mod developers - in fact both warn against it.
  20. No, no option to choose font, the fonts in the game are predefined.
  21. I would say 11331 even: I saw altitude drop to 5647 Pe and rise to 5684 Ap during the accelerated orbit (and I couldn't see the numbers on the map view at all, it goes too fast, 1:11).
  22. Why not get the KX Mod and do the uploading from within KSP with a few easy clicks? Or ask in the KerbalX thread... we're a friendly helpful bunch over there.
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