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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Um... Kindergarten says 'beebedebeebedebeeby'
  2. We love balloons! (And UFOs, apparently)
  3. Anything new? The last 'random person' interview was terrible. (Pre launch w/Marketing guy).
  4. That was one of the brilliant things about KSP - a little something for everyone!
  5. ...smells like 'false flag' Belgorod is at least in the 'zone of excitement'
  6. Yeah - I think I only played Science Career for the same reasons!
  7. Appreciate the honesty! No apology necessary! Like I write above, it's a subtle but powerful thing - this idea of playing a game vs having just a sandbox. I find limited resources drives creativity and learning. (And I am very much learning) I think the thing that might be overlooked was my vain hope that they would have seen the cachet of the game and leaned into the Science piece. It's a whole step in the Roadmap for Christ's sake - and yet the impression they give is that it's a carbon copy of KSP with a few tweaks. That is an enormous 'own goal' for them. Science gives the player something to do with the Kerbals - and we have whole multi-page writeups of ideas that would make Science a really cool part of the game, rather than merely an adjunct to the Resource Management part of Colonies and Interstellar. A truly interesting Science part of the game would be a huge boon to educators and the science-interested... And be something that could make 2 more interesting than KSP. (Look at the pre release threads about graphical presentation of the tests, the Kerbilopedia idea and more). Edit - I just noticed that @Dakota recently posted that more info on Science is forthcoming. So maybe there is good news on the horizon?
  8. It's a subtle, but powerful thing. Part of it is gamification - making a game of doing more with less. There is a joy in accomplishing something difficult with small parts that isn't found if you just grab all the big parts from Sandbox. It also lends itself to a bit of story as your Kerbals learn and improve and develop bigger and better tools along the way. Part of it is the new player experience. Present the new player with everything up front and they're unlikely to learn much or learn quickly. If you start out with a limited tool set only, from that you learn the basics. Trying to build too big (tall) with these tools induces problems - problems you need to solve - and through that you learn about this little thing (where to put RCS or stabilizers) or that thing (why you need drag below the COM or don't want off center COT or forward COL) and build upon that knowledge as you progress - you learn things in bite sized pieces that will be beneficial as you continue to unlock more and more parts. OTOH - if you are an experienced KSP player and/or your only interest is the destination, or checking off 'accomplishments', doing 'challenges' or building cool looking crafts - limited parts is a frustration. For folks like this, Sandbox is ideal. It's why I like having both modes for players. Progression is a game. Sandbox isn't really - but it's still fun, yet can get boring quickly.
  9. That is interesting - there is always a reason for design considerations. If you don't think anyone is going to be left to shoot at you... Pack more fuel for the drive. Thanks!
  10. I don't know if it's the nature of Sandbox Only, the current state of the game, disappointment with the info that Science won't be interesting and new, or what. Shrug. Maybe I just don't feel like bug-hunting today. Anyone else?
  11. "Elitism" is not the definition of "Boondoggle." We've hashed over the potential issues of MP too many times - and I know you were there for it. Perhaps review?
  12. Atmospheric flight is weird at the moment - spaceplanes need work. Heating is not on - which means you can make some insane launch profiles and land on Eve with no qualms. Water is weird. Lots and lots of things need tweaks. That said - there is enough working that 'Sandbox only' gets boring fast. It's also depressing to hear that they did not put much effort into Science. Thus we can only really expect the development up to Colonies to be a reskin of KSP.
  13. Other than aesthetics, why do we need procedural radiators?
  14. I've never been positive about MP. Not really a priority for me. But for a game with the legacy of being a 'science introducer' - that is a core feature they should have worked on. MP is a business boondoggle
  15. Man this OP aged well. DLC... De ja vu? Is the only 'new thing' colonies and resource management? Science is the same and interstellar is just moar difficult, but the same... 8/
  16. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.amazon.com/Ambush-Alley-Most-Extraordinary-Battle/dp/0891418814&ved=2ahUKEwibk-7FkvL9AhVBM0QIHXjoBsYQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2-9G6R_Hzky-b2WTs1CunQ If anyone is interested.
  17. No. The first was terrible. This one works. Some people want more out it - but that is not 'equally bad' FWIW allow me to remind: The complaints of the current version seem to be about aliasing and refinement Shrug
  18. Unless it is old or wonky. But yeah - should be fine. This is a weird one! ... Any chance a power surge freaked out the PSU?
  19. Let's give credit where due: this is @Streetwind's rocket and flight profile. His critique of my previous video with an over-built rocket that I 'muscled' into orbit led up to this. Also - creative failure precedes success! Fundamentally, we have a fantastic and mutually supporting community - it's one of the reasons I've stuck around for so long!
  20. I've found both of these to be useful. At least as far as getting to Eve and Duna. But Moho is different. Interactive Illustrated Interplanetary Guide and Calculator for KSP (olex.biz) The Calculator (immediately above) shows Moho in a VERY different position relative to the image above the link. There is a considerable difference between having Kerbin at 3 and Moho at 5:30, and Kerbin at 3 and Moho at 11. The question is... which is right? Also: why?
  21. I got some really good critiques and advice about my prior attempt at a Gravity Turn from Streetwind - among others. Using his craft file and flight profile - I got an efficient Gravity Turn, with a single input on the D key. Fun!
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