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Everything posted by JediRangerkendor

  1. I love the idea of the mod, but I have discovered that it tends to make the came fatal crash after awhile, which then means the whole save file needs to be deleted. Was this bug ever fixed or was I once again the only one who suffered this?
  2. Has anyone made any progress on creating their own version of this awesome mod? or at least figure out a way to patch this one?
  3. This is gonna stupid, but what exactly kind of missiles fit into the small missile bay?
  4. https://m.imgur.com/0laPUg7 I have never actually used your parts for a shuttle.... work great for spaceplanes though!
  5. I dont know if this has been asked before, but how does this work with BDA?
  6. Posting just so that I get notification when this incredible mod gets updated.
  7. So what is the latest news on an update? I've heard rumors, but just that, rumors.
  8. I will be blunt and admit that I do not see USI Kolonization. Must be blind. Anyways, the mod sounds awesome and I would love to try it!
  9. I dont know about you, but when I am not playing Kerbal Space Program I am off flying various planes in FSX. Who else does this, and do you feel that playing flight sims helped you get ready to fly rockets in KSP?
  10. Has anyone tried using this with Kerbinside? Does it work or lead to horrible conflicts? I know that this doesnt like TAC-life for some reason.
  11. I think i might know what is going on. That 15 day grace period, does it apply to EVA Kerbals too?
  12. Well i am assuming that Supply Effect, EC Effect, and EVA Effect are what happens when those particular things run out. I had wanted to test it out so I chucked a kerbal into space and fast forwarded an entire day. Little dude is still out there and I was wondering if i did something wrong.
  13. This desperately needs a guide for the settings menu.
  14. I would have to look. I'm pretty sure that I have a copy on my external hard drive.
  15. Serious bug discovered: when loading planes with the boom, it will spawn high above the runway as if the boom is deployed. Needless to say this bug will destroy most fuel laden planes when they hit the ground.
  16. I completely agree on that. Never had a chance to use the packable rover, but it looked like an awesome mod. Also, i too await the return of the Critter Crawler
  17. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD Whats the update schedule look like?
  18. Not sure if anyone had ever pointed this out, but several parts would no longer work in 1.2, such as the fighter and fighter jet wings. Was this a glitch or a broken download on my part?
  19. I hope so. They dont seem to be doing a good enough job for a 3 man crew in the BDB Kane Capsule....
  20. Cheers on the Blue Dog fix! Now if only i could figure out how to boost the efficiency of the scrubbers...
  21. I am surprised that the Apollo and Lunar modules still don't have internal views. Is it on the list of things to do?
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