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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. I've moved your topic to tech support (PC modded). One way of narrowing down the issue is to cut and paste half your mods out of the Squad gamedata folder and see if you still have the issue. Repeat until you find the culprit.
  2. I've just tested a range of the stock aircraft in a clean install of 1.7.2 and I am seeing no problems with air intake. Specifically the Albatross, Aeris and Gull. The trouble might be with a mod (if you use them).
  3. Welcome to the forum @mr_sapostropheez. It would really help if you could upload an image with the intake information showing and give a list of mods. I have moved your thread to gameplay questions.
  4. Amazing work and a very interesting read @NeoMorph. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  5. Welcome to the forum @LukeSky1112. Mod makers spend a lot of time and energy creating great additions to the game we all love. Sometimes real life gets in the way of a mod's development. The last post about this work in progress was just over a year or so. As potential mod users we must also remember that requesting an update (while not against the rules if it is polite and non repetitive) can seem like a demand to some developers and is known as 'poking the bears' on the KSP forum. As mod users patience is the best virtue. Gargamel has created a great guide for new members if you would like to know more about how the forum works:
  6. I used to have the same problem for a few hours every time I cleared my internet cache when I was running internet explorer. I haven't seen it since I switched to chrome.
  7. Welcome to the forum @lizardman06. If you are enjoying the demo I think you will love the full game. There is a steam sale starting 26th June so hopefully you can get a cheaper copy and play with all the great new stuff. Also Gargamel has written an excellent guide for new members if you would like to know more about how the forum works:
  8. Welcome to the forum @paul.ko. No antennae need to point at Kerbin, your vessel just needs line of sight to a receiver on the home world. You only need one relay antenna for it to be a functional part of your network..
  9. Welcome to the forum @space_explorer. I have moved your topic to Gameplay Questions.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Trolol29. This is a very old 'work in progress' thread and there are many more great textures, planets and even star systems available in add-on releases that have compatibility with the current game. This thread is now locked.
  11. Welcome to the forum @matheuscassol2005. I have moved your question to add-on discussions.
  12. Hello @Yoloking Mapping. I have merged your post with this existing thread about the same issue.
  13. Welcome to the forum @bobnecat. Unfortunately, as LGG mentions, log files can cause problems on the forum and so I have removed yours. Please feel free to edit in a log file into your post that is hosted offsite.
  14. Welcome to the forum @NightmanX. I just copy and paste the "direct" link from imgur directly into your post. It should auto embed.
  15. Welcome to the forum @Vengance. Have you tried holding alt and pressing F12?
  16. Welcome to the forum @ExplodingChicken. I am not a mac user however this post might help:
  17. Welcome to the forum @Patton610. I have moved your topic to tech support (PC modded).
  18. Welcome to the forum @CharlesKerbin. I would get into a high orbit first because you will have less velocity (the faster your velocity, the more Dv needed to change inclination), then match orbit at the An or Dn. After that you can set up a high speed rendezvous with an elliptical orbit or burn down to a circular orbit for a gentler RV.
  19. This thread has been temporarily locked. We hope that @Bonus Eventus gets well soon and apologize for any inconvenience.
  20. Welcome to the forum @Maria João Silva. I have moved your topic to add-on discussions.
  21. Welcome to the forum @Hay-that-nerd. I certainly hope so and I have moved your topic to Suggestions and Development.
  22. It is easy to install manually like most KSP mods. Download https://github.com/TriggerAu/KerbalAlarmClock/releases/download/v3.10.0.0/KerbalAlarmClock_3.10.0.0.zip. When you open the zip file you will see a gamedata folder. If you copy and paste this into your KSP folder (where KSP_x64,exe is) it should be visible in your game on the toolbar.
  23. Hello @Wtianx, welcome to the forum. I can see you have no Dv information. What version of KSP are you playing? [Edit] You find the version on the bottom right of the loading screen. [Chinese translation] 您好@Wtianx,欢迎来到论坛。 我可以看到你没有Dv信息。你在玩什么版本的KSP? [编辑]您可以在加载屏幕的右下角找到该版本。
  24. @4x4cheesecake, I opened both spoilers then refreshed the page. They both reset for me. I'm running chrome.
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