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Everything posted by Anth

  1. @QwertyHpp That's definitely a weird thing to happen. Is there something unusual about the way you assembled your craft? I didn't have the same issue. Result of my testing:
  2. @Pat20999 @Lukamundo @LoSBoL Merged all your bug reports into this one.
  3. Can you clarify what you are talking about here? Looking back on the conversation before we were talking about decouplers being attached to docking ports. But we were also talking about inline and shielded docking ports as well. Might be my fault jumping around causes/topics.
  4. I am extremely tempted to put that bug report into the archive. All my testing indicated that it was fixed even if the KERB update said it wasn't. They might have accidentally fixed it, fixing some of the others.
  5. I am going to move this bug report consolidation to the archive. A lot of these issues (not all) have been fixed so lets see what happens if we go back to separate bug report upvoting. Thanks to everyone who upvoted this. This was the first time I felt it was necessary to do this and it worked out amazingly.
  6. @Socraticat You know a lot about this bug. Can you confirm that its fixed? I just want to make certain.
  7. This is fixed as of Another one off the top 20 KERB list!
  8. This is fixed as of Thanks for the bug reports
  9. One bug report focuses on the crash. The other focuses on the large text. I thought I would leave them separate for that reason.
  10. Additionally I was just talking with someone else who was having similar issues. They are having problems when loading a save where the craft is in Kerbin orbit or is even in the Kerbin SOI. If they end up with a craft in Kerbin orbit, they wont save the game there. They will do the following instead: They will change to a craft around Mun or Minmus and save the game Then to get back to the craft in Kerbin orbit they will load into the craft around Mun/Minmus first. Then switch to the craft around Kerbin orbit via map view or the tracking station.
  11. @doug jeffington Merged with your other one. Your built in graphics card are below recommended specs is most likely causing the problem. Possible Way to Make it Run: Reduce your resolution to as low as you can get it and see if that works.
  12. @NaughtyMonster What do you think about changing the title to the following?: Low Thrust Maneuver Nodes, Cause Weird Bend in Trajectories and Encounters with the Mun aren't Registering.
  13. Its because of the long burn. To make my screenshot I reduced the poodles thrust limiter until that curve happened and the lack of encounter happened as well. I am assuming the curve comes from following the prograde marker over a long burn. It will be pointed in the wrong direction by the time the burn finishes.
  14. @Stephensan Thanks for the new bug report with the extra engines. I have put your video from this bug report into that one. I can move this to the archive?
  15. @NaughtyMonster Is this the problem you are having? That the game isn't registering the encounter? Save File from Screenshot: LongBurnNoEncounterTestSave.json
  16. @Yang366 The separator is causing the friction problem for some reason. Use a decoupler instead. But then you will also have to deal with the following bug after that: Steps to Replicate this bug: Launch roverTest.json Move staging to have separator stage first Stage. Note wheels lack of correct contact with the part below. Replacing with a decoupler stops this issue, but then will have the bug with wheel spring issues mentioned in the bug report above.
  17. So this is what I was shown today: So I kept saying physics when the problems might be everything on the right of this diagram (simulation) that is causing problems.
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