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Everything posted by stk2008

  1. Just more info incase it helps so adjusting the wings mass also effects the wings COL which is should not?
  2. 1.12.3 using latest verion of FAR and other mods. I use a mod that creates and packages debug info cant remember the name of the mod now but all mods used and stuff should be in the zip on first post. I would look through the MM pacthes and other things but I really would have no clue what to look for Thanks another example using stock wing COM moves inline with COL but using this wing COL moves independant of COM
  3. im also thinking some thing else is wrong as some wings dont effect the COL EG COL never moves with this setup but with these wings the COL moves up which is what I want Hmm also noticed a lot of wings dont show the up arrow EG no arrow with this wing yet this wing show lift direction
  4. Hi all I got an odd issue if I move lets say the engines from to surely the COL should not move like this? no if I drag the engines and not let go of left mouse button the COM actually acts how I would expact it to but as soon as I let go the COL also moves if some one could take a look for me that would be great.I am using a load of mods though but I have zipped up every thing needed below thanks in advance https://oshi.at/WFxW/KSPBugReport_2023-07-05_194408.zip
  5. Hi sorry to be a pain upon loading the game I get this error show Thanks in advance
  6. ok to add to my last post I have made a video of this issue. please note craft audio is muted but ambient sound is enabled notice the FPS drop at the same time an audio track kicks in (this also does it in vanilla) thanks ok just to prove me point I loaded up a completely vanilla game NO MODS and look same issue
  7. Hi all...I know I have mentioned this before but it would be awesom if some one could look into this as I think we could gain a lot of performance from it. So I am running a load of mods BUT this issue is also present in a very small mod build (FPS counter mod etc).Set your FPS to unlimted in optoins this gives best result my worry is this. if you fly a craft below 150m (set alt meter to sea level) so example 149m the FPS is very good see pic but as soon as you brush 150m the FPS tanks (its more noticable in a heavy modded game but its still present in vanilla but not as much) see pic of FPS drop (top right) the drop is about 20FPS which is huge considering I am only going above sea level by 1M. Why does it do this if we can figure this out and if its fixable a heavy modded KSP game could gain a huge boost. Thanks EDIT just added two more pic same issue first one below 150m second one at 150m Ok I have just found out something really interesting that might help if you go into sound optoins and turn OFF craft noise but leave the rest mainly ambient. now do the same test stay below 150m seal level and listen you cant hear much but touch 150m and BOOM you get a ambient noise playing as soon as you hit the 150m mark is it the sound causing the lag? let me see if I can find the audio file and delete it
  8. Thank you Linux sorry for the late reply.I did what you said and all was well after :). P.S you said in your last post to me "It was very hard to read the actual error message, next time, please try to get just the error itself. I was able to, finally, read it. " I did go straight to the editor and replicated the error and instantly uploaded the log..... is there a better way of doing this or could you explain what exactly you wanted as I am confused. P.P.S this is a genuine question I am honestly trying to understand how I can best help you to help me as i even use a tool that creates,packs and uploads the files needed or so I thought? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the reply here is the log i went straight to build hanger and went to load the bumblebee example then got the error mentioned and uploaded the log right after https://oshi.at/zLuN/KSPBugReport_2023-02-23_205007.zip the mod is installed correctly as I can add parts from this mod into editor thanks in advance
  10. Hi Linux I am trying to load the example crafts but I get this error for every craft. I have a large mod list so probably a conflict? Thanks
  11. I'm most excited for mulitplayer
  12. Ahhh yes I do have systemheat installed. Thanks for the reply I shall ignore and carry on
  13. Hi I am getting this errror when loading the game can I ignore it? thanks in advance
  14. Hi chap Did you have any luck finding the errors? just to assist you IF you was taking a peek this is the mods I use from Angel-125 thanks in advance
  15. Throttle controlled avionics really does not like this craft for some reason https://oshi.at/WuEb/KSPBugReport_2023-01-10_212933.zip Not sure why once on runway though I get even more red errors EDIT found the part causing an issue all three of these the others seem ok Thanks
  16. im gettong an error about RRScoop once I am in game what can I do to fix it please as I have no idea why. I am using latest version of the mod Thanks
  17. I get a warning that there is multiple versions of scale.redist because you have a scale.dll file inside this mod. I am under the impression this should not be the case? Thanks
  18. It does effect water unfortuantly and for the worst. making a stable submarine is very hard. I find if you install scatterer it will help as scatterer changes water physics which makes subs a little more easier to make along side FAR
  19. You need to place these two files in the root DIR of your ksp install
  20. Look at Lindor the blue planet or at least its meant to be but with latest scatter will show up all black I think. thats when I first noticed an issue as I to was using latest scatterer then reverted back and all seems ok now. give it a go let me know but yeah Lindor should be a blue planet
  21. @ellisonch hi cant help with your current issue but I can tell you that the version of scatterer you are using will not work correclty. If you look at some of the planets in say the tracking station some will show with no textures etc when using JNSQ you must use version 772 of scatterer also JNSQ does not supports parallax it may appear to work at first glance but could also cause issues later on. this is from main JNSQ post
  22. Oh ok hmmm I wont be able to do any of that its way above my skill level I just play the game . Any way thanks for the mods/contracts you create
  23. Oh damn thats awesome :O the idea of the blackbox is genius Quick Q if I may I use JNSQ could you see any issues running this mod I have not got around to testing the contacts out yet Thanks in advance
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