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Everything posted by stk2008

  1. Wow Thanks so so much I shall add this in and will most certainly have a nice day Thanks
  2. this is great. I was wondering though can we get a multiple save wings option. I know we can save one wing as default but can we have a save wing button and then have it open a folder where we can have multiple pre made wings etc Thanks
  3. Is there any way to make the water clear i cant see any thing when I go under water. Its ok with Scatterer and EVE but as soon as I add JNSQ the water goes picth black. Thanks
  4. Nm ignore I figured it out. A mod I have must auto root the wheels to the heaviest part. I never thought to check as I never did that. As soon as I set it to none on all wheels they parts move as expected.
  5. I cant seem to control the parts I place. If I adjust the part to rotate or move manualy nothing happens but as soon as I speed up time even one notch then the part moves. I am unsure why any ideas Thanks
  6. Hi all a long time ago I asked for a MM patch to stop engines that need an intake for air to not work under water unless the intake was above the water line. I found my old thread regarding this but it seems it does not work any more the engines always work under even if the intake is under the water this is the old post Could any one be so kind to give me a new MM patch please Thanks p.s I use Far and have a load of other mods installed so it may well be a mod changing it all.
  7. Quick Q if I may. The bundled tweakchute In the plugins folder. Can I delete it and install tweakchute as an independent Mod? I just prefer to keep mods as a separate Entity instead of a mod within a mod. Thanks
  8. Sorry to be a pain but I have zero mini AVC installed and get a warning about scale_redist.DLL being in multiple mods folders eg Now should I keep it in the FAR folder I do have latest Tweakscale installed. this is also the same for the infernal robotics mod I get a warning about the same .dll file. Thanks in advance
  9. Yeah the IR question was separate from the first I know its not connected. i have just installed FAR and get the same warning about scale.dll will FAR need the scale_redist.dll or as I have tweakscale installed can I delete the one in FAR? Thanks
  10. Hi yeah I installed it and from this thread its been updated to 1.12.3
  11. Hi Sorry to bother you but should I take note of this warning or can I ignore it? Yes I know its telling me to delete duplicates but should I? I also get a warning for duplicates of this file Yeah I have tweakscale installed but should I delete the scale_redist.dll from infernal robotics? Thanks so much in advance
  12. Hi I am getting huge log spam when placing this part in the VAB ThrottleControlledAvionics does not like this part for some reason. I was wondering if you may have any idea what could be the issue?. I dont intend to use ThrottleControlledAvionics to control this craft. Thanks :)
  13. yeah I am currently not using FAR as I want to mess with subs but I must admit I really am missing FAR physics for planes and stuff. vanilla plane physics just seem to easy can pretty much make any thing fly but with FAR you need a bit more planning. Really want to install FAR but at the same time I want to mess under water but cant if FAR is installed
  14. KSP 1.12.3 latest SXT I am getting odd lift with these wings it seems to like the reverse set on the controls for lift. these are the foldable wings. EDIT EDIT EDIT FIXED thought I would come back to say fixed it. the mod retractable lifting surfaces never had a plugins folder no idea how that happened I shall look back over my mod downloads and see if where I got it from never packaged it correctly but I am sure it was from your github but I shall take a look. EDIT 2 yep spacedock sorry it has the folder in the SXT downloads but does not contain the plugins folder with in
  15. I am currently just using KK with JNSQ which works so it must be GEP or GPP?. Any ways I was wondering if KK allows me to build more transmitters around the planet I use Remotetech and once I get past the base HQ I loose connection. Can I land at lets say other side of the world and use KK to build another transmitter?. Thanks
  16. No never restarted the game I shall reinstall them all and try. Thanks
  17. I am not using scatterer so can I leave it enabled? Thanks p.s any ideas on the other issue which is when I install KK with JNSQ,GEP and GPP and its dependancy it never loads.Linux did mention it a few pages back. With out KK all the planet packs run fine I followed a post by ohiobob it just hangs at loading screen and eats all the ram till it crashes
  18. So I am dabbling now with these setting within KSP main DIR the file is called physics.CFG I seem to be able to change the way water works in KSP when FAR is installed. as it stands now though I am only changing things and seeing if they make a difference but if any one knows of values that should be used when FAR is installed that would at least bring the water some where near to stock with FAR installed that would be great
  19. To add to what Linux said a few pages back I to am having issues with JNSQ,GPP and GEP. every thing works untill I add KK and its reqiured mod. the game hangs at load memory goes through the roof till it crashes. my combination of mods work great untill I add KK. Did any one figure out the issue? Thanks in advance
  20. Hi all I was hoping some one could help with a few issues I have please I am using JNSQ,GPP and GEP I have set them up correctly EG JNSQ + GPP + GPP_Secondary + GEP with the 2.5X mod for GPP and GEP.I have confirmed they work and every thing loads fine.But if I add KK the game hangs at load screen and the RAM resources go through the roof till the game crashes to desk top. secondly is setting for terrain detail to max JNSQ_HIGH seems to cause the terrain detail to reset and not save its setting. When I go back into the options this is what shows The planets and textures look great in flight but in the map view kerbins textures look low res Thanks in advance
  21. I am back after a long time away...life and what not. I am wanting to get back into KSP again and would like to ask the same question DA299 asks about water. You may remember (probably not though) that I was having crazy problems with water physics when using FAR and was dabbling with trying to remove water interaction from FAR and keep stock water physics but I have no idea what I am doing. So plus 2 from me if its possible to add a switch in FAR opions to retain stock water physics Thanks
  22. Ah fair enough sorry then. TBH I am pretty new to all this stuff
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