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Everything posted by stk2008

  1. Complete guess but did you install the CTTP dont think that would cause that issue though but?
  2. I had issues like this during time warp (nothing to do with this mod) Basiclally when time warping the front of my intake on my plane would sag down reason was the parent part was way back meaning it was not connected to any thing else solid. I had to right click it and select parent to heavyiest part. once that was done when I time warped no more sagging. Go through your parts and right click the and make them a parent of the heaviest part bet that fixes your issue. what I am thinking is happening is you have not done any of that and as the parts get further away from the main part they start to sag and time warp amplyfies it
  3. Yep thats what my comment above was about again I to was like oh its not working
  4. You also must press v once to get intio free camera mode then press tab. I found it does not work if you get on runway then just press tab which I think the camera is defaulted to auto it must be in one of the other modes. so recap get on runway press v and get into free mode you will see it say so at top middle of screen then press tab take off it should centre on rear of craft.
  5. NM did not help. The problem I have is under water the fins dont actually work as in they seem like they do not deflect water there for dont allow any control. If I look at the aero data by pressing F12 I dont really see any arrows like I do with out FAr EG this is a sub without FAR installed I understand FAR is not made for subs but if you could maybe suggest a way to even for now revert what FAR does to water so I can keep FAR installed for planes because I love FAR its awesome and I cant play with out it but I now want to also dabble with subs and under water stuff but I cant. Please dont take this as arant over this awesome mod nor am I demanding any thing I am just kindly asking for some help please. Thanks in advance
  6. OK I am pretty sure its not possible but please please is there a way to disable FAR messing with water? maybe a MM patch? EDIT Just see this in the CFG file wonder if adjusting them will help to make submerines easier when using FAR
  7. Does any one else have FAR installed and able to use helicopoter blades from this mod?. They just done work if I press w it will go backwards instead. I have downloaded a few which also dont fly so its not my designs its probably a mod conflict as I have a ton of mods. Though some of the choppers that use the robotics parts as rotors seem to work better so no idea why these dont work?. Shall get logs later as just popping out
  8. Hmmm is there a way to tweak what FAR does with water because as it is on latest version using KSP 1.10.1 if a wing even goes near water it instantly freeses movement and the whole craft stops So as you can see this dont work becuase even if the winglet at the back is not actually touching the water it still acts like it is and instantly freezes the craft EG red arrow but if I raise the craft up high like this I can just about get it up in the air JUST as long as a wing stays well away from the water Any chance there is a MM patch to say HALF drag when a wing is in water ETC? no idea if that would work though no idea about this kind of stuff I just play
  9. Hi all as per title really I am after a mod that prevents air breathing engines from working under water I did see a patch in a very old thread but it seems to not work no more. It basically prevented the air intakes working. Thanks in advance
  10. Thanks for update. Just to say this is still an issue not sure if you remember me last post but in cockpit view as soon as generating data for (any Ast) FPS drops the below 30 and even lower after more messages like that. I can regain FPS by just going into external view or map view then its all fine again in cockpit view till that message shows again. This never happens if I just stay in external view. I also have another issue in the editor some times FAR seems to just be disabled (cant enable voxel overlay nor run sweep ETC its all grayed out). I have to keep choosing a different root part then click cockpit and move it then replace it before the buttons and FAR seems to work again. I am still looking into a way to reproduce this error though so will report back with logs once I can. Thanks
  11. Ohhh thats awesome news thanks linuxgurugamer EDIT Just an FYI I am not able to see the button in any scene
  12. OK a crap ton of other mods installed but here are my logs https://www.sendspace.com/file/fznegr thanks so much in advance p.s if ya want it with just the mods you suggest I can do that at some point to
  13. Lol yeah i see he maintains a crazy amount of mods. Any way awesome and thanks
  14. I also cant see ICON nor does control+w work for me. I have a stupid amount of mods so wondering if this is it. Shall try to get logs next time I am on PC Thanks
  15. Pfftt that it? And yeah the mod I am thinking of is not on that list so I am sorry I cant help any more than the one mod I had issues with sorry As said post logs and I am sure one of these very clever people will assist
  16. @Startpanikin1 ok what other mods do you have installed?. I had an issue like this but with some stock parts. when I placed them they would auto open EG containers and not allow me to close them again in the editor. turns out it was a mod that makes animated parts use electic cant remember name of mod but if you have that mod installed remove it and test again
  17. Hmmm I assume the latest consellation will not work right on 1.10.1? Is there a consellation version for 1.10? Thanks
  18. Oh you are one 1.10 I was under the impression this did not work with 1.10.1 ETC if so mind linking to correct version pretty please? Thanks
  19. Oh I see I was wondering why FAR was messing with them makes sense..it just dont make sense why its only in cockpit view that the FPS suffers. thanks any way for looking appriciate it
  20. DOH let me fix that now sorry. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dkohOiLfvXLogb6rK2HfQ--Ajy8uzS8N/view?usp=sharing thanks in advance
  21. Any one got any idea of the issue I posted (just curius TBH as its an odd one). Either way shall just stay in external mode for now
  22. Brill thanks I am pretty sure OPM dont touch Kerbin.
  23. Hi thanks for replying. Nope no log spam that I see just that one message about Far Vessel aero on Ast then it just lags till I press m for map view or press c to go external. As said if I stay in external view and that message pops up its fine no issues what so ever its only in cockpit view. Thank you
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