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Everything posted by N3N

  1. Hey @zer0Kerbal, OK, thank you for your very fast response. Is there a reason for this?
  2. Hey @ble210, Does this great mod work without problems with JNSQ and Kerbalism or did you had problems with it?
  3. Hey @zer0Kerbal, firstly thank you for updating this great mod and for the Kerbalism configs. But sorry for the maybe stupid question, but on CKAN there is still just the version and on github, there is only the .zip/tar.gz with the "Source code". Is this a bug? Edit: And why is there a "Kerbalism.zip" in \MiniSampleReturnCapsule\Compatibility\ in the MiniSampleReturnCapsule- ?
  4. Hey @DeadJohn Thank you very much!! Does the "open base" work in a science-only game, too?
  5. Hello, Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but I'm new to "Kerbal Konstructs", but how exactly do I "unhidden" this new facilities? And for testing purposes, is there a way to make them "unhidden" from the beginning? _________ EDIT: Ups, sorry for the double post.
  6. Hey @DeadJohn, Thank you for this great idea, I will test it in my next JNSQ game.
  7. Hello Gordon, Thank you! By the way, I want to try JNSQ, because of your great YouTube-Series! Ok, I will use FAR and Extraplanetary Launchpad. OK, thank you, I will install the planet pack and EVE, scatterer, planetshine and so on, manually. >> CKAN always wants to install the "old/standard" profiles for this mods, but JNSQ should have his own, or am I wrong?
  8. Hey Hello, Firstly, THANK YOU for this great planet pack! I'm trying to install some mods with CKAN for my first JNSQ game, where I mostly want to explore, do science and colonize/ISRU. I'm trying to find out, if this mods work together in JNSQ, maybe somebody here had tried them together: - Far Future Technologies (+ System Heat + Space Dust ) > I think this doesn't work with JNSQ + RR + Kerbalism or am I wrong? (for example the "drill" to extract Helium-3 ?) >> And if this doesn't work, can you recommend some other "high-tech/fast" (non-warp) engine mod(s) instead? - Procedural Parts > This should work with JNSQ + RR + Kerbalism or do I need some extra patches for it? - Ferram Aerospace Research Continued > Should I use it with JNSQ or is it better without? - Global Construction or Extraplanetary Launchpads or ?? > Which mod(s) can you recommend for ISRU building/harvesting with JNSQ + RR + Kerbalism? Do you have some other suggestion for "must have" colonizing/ISRU mods for JNSQ + RR + Kerbalism, that I should install?
  9. Hello @pmborg, OK, Thank you. I will test it.
  10. Hello, Thank you @pmborg. So as I understand it, I can only use Version 5.3 (for KSP 1.7.2), because all newer versions are for KSP >1.9.1. Am I right? And which configs do I have to use for KSP 1.8.1 with RSS/RO/RP-1 ? Or are there no configs for this version?
  11. Hello, Sorry for my (maybe) stupid questions, but I have KSP 1.8.1 with RSS/RO/RP-1 and now I was trying to understand which version of this great mod and which configs I need. Can I just use the newest version (6.4) from spacedock or do I need an older one, like 5.3? And should I just use the newest configs from pmborg or do I need older ones?
  12. Hello @maja, Is there a fast way to test it? Or what exactly should I look for to be sure it works as intended?
  13. Hello, I like BonVoyage very much, it's always one of the first mods I install. And now I was trying RP-1 (with RO and RSS) for the first time and wanted to install BonVoyage. But RP-1 uses Kerbalism and is stuck on KSP 1.8.1. So now I don't know, if I have to install the 1.0.1 Version (for KSP 1.8.1) or a newer Version (>1.1.0) for the Kerbalism compatibility. Did someone test this?
  14. Hello, OK, than I have to wait for an update of the mod or at least of the metadata, right? Or is there something I can do or help with it? And thank you for your help!
  15. Hey, Thank you, I will try this. ---------------------------------------------------- EDIT: OK, now I can select it without an error, but I can still not install it... It says: "InvernalRoboticsNext v3.0.0 conflicts with KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.4.1", but I have installed "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next" and "Infernal Robotics - Next" via CKAN without a problem, so what now? Is there a problem with the dependencies of "Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems", that these aren't updated or correct anymore?
  16. Hey, Sorry to disturb you, but I get this error, when I try to install "Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems" with CKAN: https://i.ibb.co/6sCz2Z9/CKAN-error.png Is it because it wants Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? (I have KJR Next and Infernal Robotics Next, both installed via CKAN without an error...)
  17. Hey @linuxgurugamer, sorry if I disturb you, but it seems that CKAN still shows only the old version. Is this a bug on my side or does it take even longer than ~2days too show it?
  18. Hello @Zorg, First Thank you for your hard work for this great mod! Sorry, for the (maybe) dumb question, but are this MM patches now integrated or do I still need to copy them in:
  19. Hello @benjee10, First Thank you for this great mod! I don't want to bother you, but I was wondering, does this great mod support "USI Life Support" ?
  20. Hello! One of the best and most active modder: @linuxgurugamer
  21. Hello, OK, good to know, thank you.
  22. Hello, OK, that explains it. Still, thank you, it's a great mod!
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