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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. It really depends on his age. Suggesting its a little kid, i think he might be someone who thinks they know what they are doing but actually aren't. This is something i fear alot, actually. I hate it when people in general act upon their stupid little fantasies by physically hurting others. Tell a school official and show them the 18 second clip. Someone has to give that little guy a moral lesson.
  2. I might take some pictures of the Lunar Eclipse tommorow, but it really depends on its elevation above the horizon. My observatory (the attic) isn't the best observatory. Sure, the Netherlands is flat, but its going to hard to convince my mom to go to the nearby field with my telescope.
  3. There was a short little thunderstorm. I must not be the only one who loves the sound of thunder, right? I love how the entire sky rumbles. Imagine living in a tin can your whole live and coming to Earth, and then suddenly the entire sky tumbles up and it starts pouring rain. Sad how people take it for granted.
  4. Very sleek smooth and modern for an amusement park ride class spacecraft !
  5. How long does it take for people to learn that failure is a part of the learning process? Is trail and error really that new of a concept ?
  6. How does that hold up? Wouldn't that just collapse? Im curious. But im not going to lie, my personal odds of life on Mars went WAAYY through the roof with this discovery.
  7. The chance of native life existing on Mars sure got higher, but one important thing to keep in mind is just that life can survive in a place, doesn't also mean it could've formed there. I can ride my bicycle in the desert for sure, but that doesn't mean i could've built it from the ground up. Same goes for life, in order for life to exist you need very special conditions. You can't make lifeforms that can survive harsh conditions right away, kind of like how people didn't invent the motorcycle straight away and instead evolved its design from the bicycle or portable engine. This isn't that much of a problem on Mars, because in the past, Mars was likely quite simulair to Earth, and life could've probably formed during that time and evolved to survive in the salty underground lakes.
  8. This^^ Another thing to note is that water can't exist as a liquid in the vacuum of space, kind of like dry ice here on Earth. it will either become solid or vaporize. In order to create water world, you first need make a giant lump of ice, create an atmosphere around it, and them melt the ice, in order to not make it vapourize. And even then, the pressure of the water, will make a core made of ice. In theory, you can create a planet made of mostly of liquid water, but never 100% liquid.
  9. Wait are there are two docking at the same time? Is this real? Sounds cool, but to be honest i don't know if 2028 is too late for such launchers.
  10. I think you are confusing flourine with flouride? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoride#Cavity_prevention
  11. I hope most of your dream becomes a reality I once dreamt i was in a joint Soviet-US space station, wich is not related to the topic of the thread at all.
  12. Here is a thread for you that you might find interesting:
  13. If this doesn't convince you to clean your room i don't know what will.


    1. XB-70A


      Magical Reflecting Paint (All rights reserved)

      It seems that all the images shown come from the Upshot-Knothole campaign, but I wonder from which test... Annie?

  14. Space warfare is one of those things that can evolve in many different ways. You really have to start from the beginning and develop it all the way through. In my honest opinion the question what will space warfare be like? is one of the hardest questions to answer but also, one of the most fun questions to ponder about. Thanks for asking.
  15. I met 4 girls on my Berlin trip, i have their contacts, but im probably never going to see them again, neither do i love them so much that they cross the just a friend line. They look pretty, but don't all girls look pretty ? Im not the only one though, 3 of my friends are in the same chat-group as the 4 girls, yet only 1 of the girls seems to be interested and actually talks to us, and even then, most at the time its my 3 friends spouting nonsense and posting dumb memes. I don't have a problem with it though.
  16. My favourite animals are Despacitos


    Sea toad
    Sea toad (Chaunacops cf. melanostomus).jpg
    Despacito meirlensis
    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      Awwwwwww, kute!

    2. NSEP


      They look like those walking fishes.

      And, Despacito.

  17. Soviet/Russian Technology Youth Magazine covers are cool but... How many people are supposed to fit in that tin can? There are like 6 Soyuz vehicles in one image, wha... wait a second, the Soyuz vehicles docked to the station are connected via struts, so that means that they are using Soyuz vehicles as modules, including the re-entry capsule and extra fuel for re-entry? Wai... whe.. why? Or is it just artists conception? I mean, im assuming it was made in 1973, when space stations were a relatively new thing, soooooo...
  18. The Netherlands, North Holland. No, not Berlin, thank you.
  19. Okay, another complaint. Not to offend anyone, but why does everyone assume i live in Berlin? It was just a 4 day foreign school trip! How many times have i said on this forum in the Netherlands!? Potverdorie!
  20. 20th of July is the last day of school for me and it starts again at the 10th of September.
  21. Summer break hasn't even begun yet and they are already rolling back-to-school ads.
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