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    Virgo Supercluster
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  1. I've been having issues with this big plane I made, it tends to spontaneously explode in the middle of important business matters and it's not great for its look For the relevant bit, skip to 2:50. I'm afraid I'll have to rebuild it from scratch because extra struts and slight tweaks haven't fixed it. EDIT: I just realized this is the third time I post this same plane, across a time span of 18 months. In my defense I've hardly played the game and the plane has been a new version each time
  2. Been working on a line of vaguely dieselpunk warplanes. The philosophy behind them is that of flying fortresses, mostly because I like boats and if I have to build planes they might as well do the same things boats do. The planes in the screenshots are beefy ground-assault craft meant to fly straight towards the enemy and absorb damage. There's also a fighter drone in the third picture. It's a lightweight but it's cheap and easy to field in large numbers.
  3. Whoa, I had forgotten about this thread! I have to say, past-me was way off. I'm currently doing my undergraduate in molecular biology, in the university of Oslo. Recently went to a matchmaking session for summer projects with research groups and got a fancy reflector band out of it, and a pen, and maybe also a project (they won't tell us until April). I still love writing though. That hasn't changed Also apparently I'm going on exchange to Barcelona next semester, so that's exciting. What isn't exciting is Barcelona's rental market. It might get gnarly.
  4. Holy smokes, I don't even have that much free disk space in total, never mind any of the other things. Does anyone know why it's so bulky? Is it just graphics or what? KSP was always one of those games you could play on any old laptop, assuming part count was kept low, but these requirements are pretty high-end stuff and I'm not really seeing where it could all be from.
  5. Trying to make beeg VTOL cargo planes I came to the conclusion that it's too big. Thinking of splitting the cargo line into smaller VTOL craft with cargo bays, and larger gliders that simply drop their loads with parachutes. In-between things like this platypus-looking guy will probably be discontinued in that case. But then again...
  6. When interviewed about the design process, company CEO Julius Kerman merely smiled and said, "It was really quite simple. We just asked ourselves one question: what if fighter jet, but big?"
  7. Things go sideways (every which way, really) during a test run for a prototype gunship. The final clip with the kerbals was taken from an animation by Squad
  8. I remade my flying cannon prototypes (from a previous post halfway up this page) as I'm coming back from a hiatus and couldn't remember how the heck I built them. The good news is that the remake came out several times more maneuverable. The bad news is they somehow ended up at 75 parts instead of 65, and I can account for like four extra parts, but there's apparently some mystery objects somewhere that are eating up the rest. It might be struts. I can't remember if the original prototype had struts (I haven't re-downloaded it yet). Anyways, the remake: These things are supposed to inhabit a very particular niche, but I haven't figured out how to properly configure the AI pilots yet. See the thing is that nowadays a BDA+ navy ship will have three things: first, lasers, to completely and utterly negate missiles and fast attack craft; second, very powerful, part-effective armor; and third, large guns to counter that same armor on enemy ships. The craft I make are all white and unarmored. The aesthetic looks robotic and futuristic to my eyes, and I don't want to change it, but it leaves me in a sticky spot. My boats with big guns can't hit on the same level as armored ships, and my smaller, fast attack craft get skewered by lasers. Even if I stay out of laser range and restrict combat to punching it out long range with cannons, my boats will crumble faster because, again, they have no armor. So I need to stay out of laser range and be much, much harder to hit with heavy guns. But navy ships can only get so small. To be that elusive, they'd need to like, fly or – ohhhh. A large plane with big cannons that can stay out of laser range fits the bill exactly. Only issue is the AI doesn't want to stay out of laser range, it's very enthusiastic and it's terrible for my strategy lol. Currently I haven't put lasers on these things, but they have space up top for one, or a missile turret. That being said, MK2 plane parts are tough and it can take as many as five missiles to knock out the planes. I'd also like to configure the AI so that it ignores missiles, because all the squiggly evasive maneuvers aren't really necessary if it can shrug off a few hits, but I'm still working on that.
  9. Are you sure? I did it myself and it was fantastic! 10/10 would recommend. Absolutely worth it, no side-effects aside from some mild confusion and dizziness, light headache here and there, occasional late-night crisis involving nausea and what I can only describe as neural misfiring, but really, excluding that it's absolutely painless and immediate! Not convinced? Why don't you sleep on it? Listen, I can give you a brochure I got handed...lemme see where I put it...
  10. Well while you guys are here doing fancy things with rotors and pontoons and 100+ m/s speeds, I have gone ahead and launched some overweight aggregations of fuel tanks, jet engines and weaponry. There are three ships in this convoy, all military and unmanned. They are not a formal attempt at the challenge, but rather a first foray to see what works and what doesn't, how well the ships handle stress, the distances, mining and land-traversing, etc. The members of the expedition are... A Fjellborg-class ship in the noodle-platform configuration (as opposed to the medium-platform configuration, these are very official and technical names, you understand). Fjellborg is not fitted for ISRU or terrestrial operations; it's only real role is eye-candy and to lug around the VTOL on its back, which I'll use to scout out low-incline beaches. Then we have Renegade, a slightly older version of a ship class that currently goes by Vindjeger. Renegade has all the equipment that is expected to be necessary for the real deal - ore processors, drills, action-keyed rocket engines for moving left and right and backwards (or braking fast) and steel beams at the front to protect the fuel tanks when climbing up onto land. Then there's Paladin, the original prototype for the modern Fjellborg class. Paladin is essentially a fatter, slower renegade. I added vectors at the back for fear that its engine block would be insufficient to push it up onto land. An overhead comparison shot for the curious: I'm probably only going to take these three to the southern tip of the KSC continent and perform a trial landing there. All this being said though, big ships like these are dreadfully slow and for the real attempt I think I will use smaller and faster craft (also note that this formal attempt will not use military ships). In the meantime...
  11. Hello Earthlinger

    1. Piatzin


      way to blow my cover woman

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