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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @OhioBob Alright. thanks for the update. This will come in handy for me soon enough. "Dividing by zero" did come to mind because it's bound to happen. iirc, changing the sunAU can scale the scatterer sunflare but will influence (and upset) functional things too, right? Like solar flux.
  2. @OhioBob I've been itching for understanding on the brightnessCurve. Now it makes complete sense. The first key actually sets the appearance at the greatest distance.....But why is it negative? Is this due to the nature of the curve? (Example, when orbital eccentricity > 1 and KER shows a negative apoapsis.) I have one small question. Does this affect the scatterer sunflare or is there no tweaking the scale-by-distance for that?
  3. Those of us writing the USI support so far aren't MKS gurus so oopsies like this with hab timers are bound to be made. The 288 was merely taken as half of the amount supplied by the MKS centrifuge, given their sizes. I will send Linux a PR with your suggestion.
  4. Today I finished setting up the life support configs for some additional parts to the Tokamak mod. Just like in Airline Kuisine, those parts now work well with all the major LS mods. Especially this one. A new family of alien spaceplane has arrived too. "Codename Pterodactyl" is a multipurpose hypersonic/ultrasonic, lightly modded SSTO fit for shuttling, supply running, racing or battle. I had to come up with something new and fly it after doing so much LS modding lately. In default configuration it has up to 640m/s of dV in orbit....Perhaps I should factor a Mk2 inline docking port with this..for actual rdzv missions. In the last screenshot it's in sport configuration: LF-only tanks, mod-less, no shock cones (the Mk1 inline intakes are enough) and only Panthers for propulsion.
  5. @goldenpsp @Virulent I think it would be worth your while to give Sun Karborundum another chance. It's not that far down there anymore.
  6. @K.Yeon My mind has been blown!!! Umm... Can I convince you to make 5-way RCS/OMS blocks instead? If you're going to make only one RCS piece I say that's what's really needed. Then everyone can take off (and translate forward and backward ) from there. As @stali79 suggested, I made these (by just scaling existing parts) but they don't actually have RCS FX. I don't have any skill yet in Unity to add RCS FX myself. They are K (hollow), K (solid), KH and Humpback.
  7. You have the Mono.DLL problem which means an outdated mod is present. Apparently you have three versions of MM in your GameData. Only keep the newest version.
  8. According to @Tokamak this part is indeed a crew shuttle and a tanker, to reduce the need for a fair magnitude of launches of lesser food delivery ships. There are a couple of adapter parts that fit onto these mount points but will easily surface attach anywhere and to any other part; then that rim around the shuttle's face closes completely (is a shroud) when something is attached ahead of the body. Tokamak has suggested that when he can he will redo this model and possibly the IVA. I've written interesting descriptions for the shuttle body, and its adapters, and prefixed a few items with "T.I." to help when searching for these parts. This shuttle part with new description. It will also now contain tank volume for all life support. Here it is, literally full of Snacks! by @Angel-125 (USI and Kerbalism are tested and finished. TAC pending.)
  9. I'm working on fixes now. What do I do with this, though? Its purpose is not clearly defined and it's in Utilities, though it is a Command part. Should it serve as a tanker for LS resources if used with LS?
  10. I made this last night. :U Not sure if super-invigorated or super-bored. May the Pork be with you.
  11. @Notsure_jr I'm not sure personally (my sunflares are low on my list of things to tinker with lately) but there may be a new bug in scatterer 1.3 where the stock sunflare is not disabled. You'll have to ask around in the Kopernicus thread for actually resizing the Sun. That's beyond my territory right now. You can raise the size of my sunflare by decreasing the third number in the arrays for flareSettings and spikesSettings. Treat them as 1/x.
  12. That will be done. When I first contributed I didn't notice that they were in the wrong category. (Heatshields 99% of the time don't have much to do with keep kerbs' plates full ) The small centrifuge uses a very old dll. It's not using USI Tools like the other inflatables. All that mattered until now was that this dll still works, enabling the animation-- not when crewCapacity is and isn't available. I also figured there might be a seat in the shaft for a waiting crewman to sit in while undeployed. Honestly, maybe crewCapacity should be 2 or higher when inflated, which I believe @linuxgurugamer would also agree with. When I PM'd Linux the night before, I mentioned I had installed MKS and I ran into the same problem of the hab parts not showing up. I'm already on that. The problem, I think, lies in the LS patch and MKS being present. With USI LS installed, they're supposed to appear in the special LS category but they don't. I did not have a problem before I installed MKS. As for the tech tree positions, thanks. I will move the parts accordingly, and I am already looking at raising the hab values to be more appropriate.
  13. I have yet to use an atmosphere harvester while sitting still in 1.3... Would this problem therefore cause the 2.5m karbonite scoop to be no more effective than the 1.25m one? Say I want to farm gas from a foreign planet (Karbonite to LH2 refinery, or Argon depot) and I'm in position to spam big scoops instead of little ones, hoping for their extra speed by size.... This would make the big ones a waste of time and mass then? (Ignoring the fact that the Karbonite scoops use a different parameter to scale their harvesting ability)
  14. @Notsure_jr I decided to remove my download link since it's still very WIP so support can't really be provided, especially for scatterer for KSP 1.3 (assuming that's what you're using). In the config, make sure the path for assetPath matches the path to the folder where you extracted my images. If you're using SVE you're out of luck because I didn't prepare yet for SVE. If you have scatterer alone, delete scatterer's own Sun.cfg The configs currently assume the SunflaresOfMaar folder is at the highest folder level inside GameData\
  15. @UranianBlue That only does Duna and Dres. You need a line for each planet and each moon you want to delete. You can do !Body,* {} and delete all at once but only use this in your WIP. If your planet pack is not the first and only one to load in someone's install, it can break the other planet packs.
  16. If you're asking for a Near Future all-in-one thing, that will never happen. Nertea has explicitly said he does not want the added hassle of maintaining his mods both separate and as a bundle.
  17. This is not at all encouraging to the developer. Just saying.
  18. There's very little I bother to want to see added to stock for reasons both obvious and not... That said... I'd mainly like to see native support for multiple stars-- not for myself but for Kopernicus and, therefore, every planet-altering mod and modder out there. All Squad has to put out there is Proxima Centauri and maybe a dummy planet, and let the community do the rest. Selfishly, though, I'd like some much needed fixes and additions to the resource system: Variance/variability in abundance and altitude of atmospheric resources. It's pretty static where everything is proportional to atmosphere density. And I resent the fact that the upper half of every atmosphere is resource-less and useless except for aerobraking. The implementation here can be identical to that of exospheric resources but with the altitude center expressed as a percentage. Ability to put immense resource bands around Sun and any other stars. This would enable proper operation of the likes of bussard scoops, and make proximity to the star both important and realistic. Attempting this now would lead to an incredible bug. A solution to the broken atmosphere harvester system. These things are said to now need to be moving in order to work, which is very wrong.
  19. Sometimes Jeb just needs to get Bopped in the head for the things he does that Jebbardize/Jebedize the mission.
  20. Hold vertical = ...... Also... I support this
  21. Only the owner of a given thread can do that. Your best bet is to keep your eyes on the changelog and the version info field(s) on the SpaceDock pages.
  22. Do you have the proper versions of MM and Kerbalism for your version of KSP? Maybe you need to run KSP as admin? Maybe your download is corrupt.
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