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Everything posted by maja

  1. Is here someone, who wants to test the new changes? Rotation vector tweak, rotation disabling and need of full control of probes, if you are using CommNet? I can make a prerelease. I plan to add battery usage and RemoteTech support to the next release, but I'll be off for a few days, so don't expect release before middle or end of the next week. We are still in the overhaul phase (you can check progress on github, there's an issue for it), that's the reason for an update once a week (two weeks). Edit: You can get it on github
  2. It does work without reorienting the root part (usually a pod), unless something changed in MJ lately.
  3. In the Ascent Guidance window are two fields, where you can enter degrees of rotation after a launch and at the start of a gravity turn. Enter into both of them 90 degrees and your craft will not turn.
  4. You can even have buttons in both toolbars simultanously. ToolbarWrapper is just the interface for a button in Blizzy's Toolbar (there is also a check, if toolbar is available).
  5. @blackrack Just a warning, that if you use the Toolbar Controller, it will be a hard dependence alongside with the Click Through Blocker. Another option is to add only ToolbarWrapper and implement a button placement yourself.
  6. After a few other tests, analyses and googling I think, that rotation depends on placement of the root part, but I can't get the right starting values. It's probably set during launch and then computed, when a vessel moves through the world. Bon Voyage is moving vessels in the background and this messes with a vessel's rotation. I have an idea regarding the rotation of a rover. Adding an advanced tweakable, which will set a rotation vector you need for a specific rover. You can fine tune it, if the default rotation vector puts a rover on the wrong side. I will add a toggle to switch rotation on/off to the settings too, so when something goes wrong, the rotation can be overriden. Bear in mind, that a rotation and up/down positioning of a rover is done only if it just arrived to a destination or when you are switching to it during a ride. After that, it's handled by the KSP once again.
  7. It seems, that for now is the only solution to have properly oriented rover (navball with horizont visible), because "Control from here" does not have influence on that rotation, and I will add a toggle to the controller window to switch rotation off (per rover) in the next update.
  8. @4x4cheesecakeI see it. The nav ball is shifted, so there isn't the horizont line. That's why it's turning on the wrong side.
  9. Thanks. I meant if it's from the stock parts
  10. That is a familiar look Is that rover stock? Can you upload the craft file somewhere? I think it depends on the orientation of a probecore, but it's hard to test all possibilities (players are inventive). I tested it with Crater crawler, Karibou, Malemute and Lynx and it was ok. Picking up the right orientation reference isn't that easy.
  11. Just stopping here to say, that this mod is invaluable during testing phases of Bon Voyage
  12. If someone downloaded the update before this post, redownload it again, if you want get rid off some debug messages. It was a long day
  13. New update. If you found problems with rover rotating in wrong direction (wheels up for example), please report it to me. Wiki and OP was updated with the list of supported mods. BonVoyage for KSP 1.5.1 Download it on Spacedock and GitHub Fixes Fixed detection of KSP Interstellar Extended generators Changes Kopernicus support - solar panels are working even when you are around other stars Added support for Bison Cab from Wild Blue Industries Bon Voyage will try to rotate a rover perpendicularly to a terrain
  14. If you leave one dimension free (e.g. vertical), then it will stretch the whole layout as needed. At least for labels in a GUIVerticalLayout it's true.
  15. You can also use functions, to change a text in a text field: DialogGUITextInput latField = new DialogGUITextInput("", false, 20, (string s) => { model.Latitude = s; return s; }, model.GetLatitude, TMPro.TMP_InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber, CommonWindowProperties.buttonHeight); The same aplies for labels (in this case, it's through a new delegate, because I need to pass an index to the function): new DialogGUILabel(delegate { return GetSpeed(index); }, 60f)
  16. Small bug fix release: BonVoyage for KSP 1.5.1 Download it on Spacedock and GitHub Fixes Fixed rover skipping kilometers forward to the target under some circumstances Removed forgotten harmless debug warning message Changes Added tooltip to the *System check* button to better explain it's function
  17. Ah, I see it. This is only a debug message I forgot to delete. You can see the result of a system check in the controller window. It just automatically runs when you open that window. System check button is there to rerun it, if you change some setting (start reactor, switch off wheel motor etc.) and have controller window open. I may add tooltip to the buton or screen message to make it clearer. The advantage of the new UI is automatic rescale depending on main settings. And of course, it was past due to use the new gui functions. And try right click on the toolbar button. It opens Controller window
  18. *drums* Ladies and gentlemens, WE ARE LIVE! Bon Voyage 0.14.0 for KSP 1.5.1 is here. It took a while, but that time has finally come. Overhaul is done and BV is prepared for a new voyage, which brings us to the seas in the near future. Download it on Spacedock and GitHub Enjoy! 0.14.0 - New voyage Changes KSP 1.5.1 compatibility Major overhaul - We are getting ready to extend our operations to the water in the future. Localization support KSPWheel module system check change Required EC is scaled by a motor's output setting Maximum speed is taken from maxDrivenSpeed field, which is scaled by gear setting, and capped at max safe speed Direct input of target coordinates Stabilization of a rover during scene switching into flight, if it's moving or just arrived at a destination. The function is switched off, if World Stabilizer or BD Armory is present. Updated Wiki Added MiniAVC
  19. Nearly there... ...aaand we are moving Just "a few" fixes remains and it's ready.
  20. It's in the devel branch. Click on the link above or switch branches in code section. Or look here: https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/blob/master/BonVoyage/gui/SettingsWindowView.cs
  21. @Gordon Dry Why don't you do a PR, instead of posting changes here, if you have them already done in your install? It's easier and quicker for a mod author to do "just" a PR revision then to find source file, scan through it to find propper place to insert a change etc. And there is also big chance, that the change will not be lost between another posts.
  22. Go to the Spacedock page of the mod, switch to Changelog tab and download the propper version. I see there version 0.9.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.3.
  23. I understand, what you meant by falling through suface. It happens sometimes and I have fixes in the new version which hopefully deals with it once and for all.
  24. Really? You have the answer in my thread.
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