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Everything posted by maja

  1. You can tweak in BV target too. Look at coordinates and Set button.
  2. @paul23 people here mentioned range of tools you can use, but you still complain. Be creative and use available tools. If something is lategame in your career game, then you must deal with it and work around it.
  3. Jool 5 mission is done. It went smooth-ish, but we learn every day imgur album
  4. Place a waypoint (I'm using Waypoint manager) at an 'arrival point' a few meters away, and target that.
  5. Look at lat and lon boxes when you selecting your target. You can edit the numbers, leaving first two digits after dot is usually enough to arrive near a target, and then set it to recompute a route. Btw, the little teleports are there due to inner workings of KSP.
  6. EVA a Kerbal and Repaint that container from outside.
  7. Find the mod or mod combination which is the cause of errors and test it on stock install (stock, that mod(s) + tweakscale). There is probably some patch clashing with tweakscale. This will help @Lisias with debugging.
  8. I know, that REKT core is rectangular, but it made me smile
  9. Then you need a lot of hab time as I wrote. It's doable, but it needs some experimenting to properly mix basic hab modules and hab multipliers to get the maximum effect.
  10. You can achieve "infinite" home and hab time if there is more than 50 years of hab time per Kerbal (1 year in case of pilots and scouts). But I suggest Deep Freeze mod for long voyages. You can freeze all Kerbals but one (or all, if you have a drone core on a ship), so they will not consume resources and their home and hab time is freezed too.
  11. I found, that a break from modding is giving me more time to play. I'm on route to Eeloo in my stock game and Eve and Jool 5 mission after that. Then it's time to try JNSQ
  12. Pilots and scouts have lower hab limit over which they can stay in a vessel indefinitely.
  13. The best way is to attach a part to a ship, move Kerbals, reattach the part and repeat until you are at the desired place. Every Kerbal has a 1t limit and they add it together. You need only one of them to attach parts. The others are only helpers.
  14. The base part is in the Control category, two updates for the stock tech tree are in Unmanned Tech and Automation categories and the third updated (for CTT) is in the Artificial Intelligence category. The updates reduce unmanned penalty. The part placement in the tech tree was changed after introducing the part upgrades. What you see in the Unmanned Tech is the first upgrade.
  15. That's the problem here. Parts are internaly connected in a tree structure (parent - child), so circles are not possible. There are of course some exceptions in form of fuel lines and struts, but other parts must stick to the parent-child rule.
  16. Landed on Dres for the first time and after more then 2000 game hours
  17. I don't see any issues with the parachutes and launch clamps in the stock KSP 1.8.1 (Restock 1.0.0). You will probably need to figure out, which mod(s) are messing with them.
  18. I tried to find that yesterday. If it is there, then I didn't saw that either.
  19. I found, that this patch still isn't working and module USI_ModuleFieldRepair isn't added to parts. I brought this to the MM thread and the reason for the nonfunctionality is, that you can't have OR syntax in HAS block. I submitted PR# 142 to fix it. In the MKS repository is related issue for this: Issue# 1449
  20. That may be it. The second one will not be working on the part I tried, because it doesn't have MaterialKits as I recall. I must test it more. Thanks EDIT: When I splitted it, it worked. I can continue in my game
  21. Hi, I found in USI Tools two patches, that aren't for some reason applied. I tried to find a solution but to no avail, so I'm here The two patches are following: @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[USI_ModuleFieldRepair],@RESOURCE[Machinery|EnrichedUranium|DepletedFuel|Recyclables]]:FOR[USITools] { MODULE { name = USI_ModuleFieldRepair } } @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[USI_ModuleRecycleBin],@RESOURCE[MaterialKits]]:FOR[USITools] { MODULE { name = USI_ModuleRecycleBin } } If I omit the @RESOURCE part in the HAS block, then the patches are applied as intended. What's wrong there?
  22. @aluc24 Kerbalism will be the culprit. It removes modules of mods and use it's own in a lot of cases. I had issues with it before KSP 1.5, so I ended with accepting zero power of a rover when Kerbalism was present, but I withdrawed this "support" when I did overhaul of BV for KSP 1.5.1. I don't know, if I want to try it again and start fully supporting Kerbalism. How many of you, Kerbalism users who are using BV, are here anyway?
  23. The same. KSP 1.7.3, BV 0.5.3, NF Electrical 1.0.3. The support for NF is there a long time. But I see, that you have differnt PAW on the reactor than I (see bellow). Don't you have other mod, which can change the reactor's behavior?
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