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Everything posted by Thygrrr

  1. Unmanned before manned. Build as cheaply as feasible. 150% reentry heating. (requires config file edit and really helps) Additional launch sites, but no additional ground stations, and 1.0/0.9 occlusion and 0.5x antenna range. 0.5x science and 0.5x funds. Plasma Blackout. Missing crews dead. (Though sometimes I do a long respawn) My own mod that nerfs reaction wheels and adds significant EC consumption to all crewed modules. No space debris (pretty hard) No clipping of parts unless absolutely necessary. The last one is a bit of a soft rule.
  2. Actually i PREFER the Vendor / Mod folder structure, and wish that all Mod makers used this. Kerbal Space Command is a good role model here.
  3. Loading this into an existing savefile does not fail gracefully, sadly. Plenty of error message spam when loading crafts etc. Otherwise, one of my favourite mods.
  4. I own it, but I never played more than 2 missions. I just wanted to give money to Squad. The biggest disappointment was... the mission designer is not available in career mode. What a huge missed opportunity! I thought MH was going to be an extension of the contract/world firsts system, or allow us to script our own missions as we progress, maybe even with an autopilot of sorts with very high skilled pilots. The trailer even strongly insinuates that you use the mission designer to plan your career, science or sandbox mode missions! I guess I had misunderstood that. As it stands now, it feels like I can either play KSP, or MH. And KSP wins.... Every. Single. Time. KSP: A+ for game, B for tech MH: solid D Also, from a commercial standpoint, all that extra UI must have been extremely expensive to build... especially if it is practically for another, separate game. Given what MH turned out to be, I would have preferred KIS integration into the game. I'd pay $20 for that. (I'm a $15 patron on Patreon, for fluff's sake) And another $20 for extra inventory stuff, like portable experiments. And $20 for new rocket parts, stuff like Near Future. And without batting an eyelid, $40 for multiplayer. And $10 for Loud and Clear (could have been better but it already is a huge improvement to the gameplay for me) as well as $10 for the extra launch sites, and another $20 if they could be built up like KSC. THOSE are the DLCs that would have made sense, creatively and economically. (to people doubting these figures, I have bought Total Annihilation 5 times, Supreme Commander 4 times, spent over 200 Euros on Europa Universalis IV and over 100 on Stellaris, and about 400 on EVE Online - yet I only regret doing the latter, and am proud of having done each of the former) As far as patches go, I am waiting for the day when Squad finally puts post processing behaviors on their cameras, I have found a mod that does that but it is LITERALLY the first thing I do as a unity developer these days. As it stands, the absence of a KSP 2.0 announcement makes me want to build my own KSP clone. Which is a pity. Would much rather like to give more money to Squad and just enjoy playing one of my all time favourite games.
  5. Hey, here's a request: Could you extend your mod to allow editing the following values (ordered by importance): 1. Camera Near and Far Clip Planes 2. Camera Shadow Types, Ranges, and especially Shadow Bias / Normal Bias 3. Quality Settings - Shadow Cascade config (not the number, but rather the portioning of the 2 or 4 cascades) 4. Camera FOV (I might fork it otherwise or provide a pull request, depending on what you prefer)
  6. I am pretty sure this is related to the near and far clipping planes of the camera having changed in a recent version, which causes a crap load of z-fighting. I see a fighting even on non-coplanar surfaces, e.g. where the crawlerway mound meets the ground. As much as I love KSP, they really don't get the basics right yet, after all these years: Improper camera clipping planes. Bad Shadow Cascade values. No postprocessing stack (at least there is a mod for that). Well. I'm considering making this into a mod.
  7. I know of Better Time Warp, though it seems irregularly maintained and also it messes with the physics. That makes it a potentially bad fit for mods like Luna Multiplayer. I am looking (or considering making) the simplest possible mod to customize time warps (I prefer to have something between 100x and 1000x, in particular). Does this exist? Any pointers / abandoned projects I could take over?
  8. Why specifically does your son need 0.17, and isn't then able to find it himself? Can't think of many reasons. (I guess he wants to make a historic youtube video?)
  9. [EXC 13:39:34.827] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[Camera] () GameObjectExtension.GetComponentCached[Camera] (UnityEngine.Component component, UnityEngine.Camera& cache) InternalCamera.get_isActive () KS3P.Core.KS3P+<FlightCameraManager>d__30.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) I see a lot of these in my logs. This is not acceptable, you should handle the errors gracefully, or, much better even, address how they can happen in most cases (and handle things such as corrupt configs gracefully). And a lot of these: [EXC 13:40:01.950] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KS3P.Data.KS3PProfile.Parse (System.String tex, .GameDatabase database) KS3P.Data.KS3PProfile.Generate () KS3P.Data.KS3PProfile.op_Implicit (KS3PProfile profile) KS3P.Data.KS3PBundle.GetProfile (KS3PScene scene) KS3P.Core.KS3P.GetProfile (GameScenes data) KS3P.Core.KS3P+<CameraPatchManager>d__31.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) The game seems to "run" fine, except at some rare times, the postprocessing stack doesn't fully load (usually the ACES mapper is set to neutral instead of filmic, this is how I can tell) Awesome, thanks so much! "Filmic" is the best staightforward color grader if you want to make colours, highlights and shadows pop a good deal more.
  10. I love this! Works especially well with Sounding Rockets! MUCH more sensible and useful than the Community Tech Tree. I'm not sure the engine nerf is warranted without the extra nodes being available yet. Need to test more. What seems to be the case, though, is that the Engine Nerf does NOT play well with DMagic DeltaV. It displays the same TWR as without the nerf, even though it's rather obviously a much much lower TWR .
  11. The Anti Aliasing options can be removed. Why? Because Kerbal Space Program uses the forward rendering path, so MSAA (or similar) is done in hardware / the driver, rather than in the post processing step. Only Deferred rendering needs to do this in the Post / Compositioning step. So you will have the 8x Anti aliasing setting that you set in the settings, regardless of what is in the config. At worst, the double AA will only drain performance and image crispness. Overall, GREAT MOD, but the settings are all dialed to 11. For instance, Lens Dirt, unless on maybe a rover, should be Intensity 1 or 2. I find the Flight scene is too dark, I made the vignette a lot more subtle (Intensity = 0.15) and that helped. I also set Post_Exposure but I am not sure if that parameter actually is understood. Post exposure of 0.25-1.0 is a great value to make the scenes really pop when they are illuminated. Not sure the Depth of Field is used well, it could be used to give the game a beautiful tilt-shift ("little toy train set") look. Depth of Field, by the way, is computationally extremely expensive, so saying this mod "doesn't need a lot of GPU power" is not accurate. Eye Adaptation is probably also rather expensive; and I am not sure it improves too much. I set the Max Luminance to 16 because it was cutting off the brighter lights somehow. But the other effects are generally very tolerable even on very old hardware. Now an effect that could MASSIVELY improve the look of the game would be Ambient Occlusion (the most expensive of the effects to be done in Postprocessing), not sure if Unity 5.4 had that already.
  12. Squad needs to make this technique stock. OMG. BEST TECHNICAL MOD!
  13. Mipmaps are not a performance measure, as number of texels sampled (i.e. texture memory reads) will be determined by the filter method and the number of fragments generated. In fact, this simple filtering of textures that get minified causes aliasing, and it's especially bad when you have lots of small details in your texture (think lots of little stars) Mipmaps are a quite effective method to reduce aliasing (twinkling pixels) when there is minification, and offer the advantage of a pre-computed filter rather than just the crude bilinear filter that most shaders still use (there are some better filters, but even they aren't nearly as good as, say, a proprerly pre-filtered, contrast enhanced, and sharpened Mipmap that you make in Photoshop or Substance Designer). The disadvantage is that a full set of Mipmaps will increase the runtime memory requirements for a texture by about 50%. Anisotropic filtering is a type of Mipmapping that uses Mipmaps of different aspect ratios to allow for crisper images when rendering at very oblique angles, e.g. when looking down a runway. For a Skybox, as the viewing angles are practically never oblique, normal isotropic Mipmaps are best. To the Author of this Mod: THANK YOU for simplifying something that really ought to be as fricken simple as dropping in a replacement file.
  14. I'm buying the expansion. I'm not entirely a fan of "pre-made missions" and events, even though they seem fun enough. :-) But I can't throw enough money at SQUAD. :-)
  15. Excellent mod, it makes the game more challenging, but not frustrating. (except I burned through too much monopropellant and am now stuck on the Mun ... again) Here's a bug report: When you plant a flag, your mod throws this exception: https://imgur.com/4KucEHb
  16. Same issue with appearing and disappearing contracts here as well. So strange. Affected are Field Research and Bases and Stations.
  17. I feel dumb now. Thanks! I actually like it this way.
  18. I'm seeing a bug with this, sadly nothing seems to show up in the console about it: Field Research contracts, if Offered, are sometimes oscillating every second between visible and not visible (probably because of meeting and then unmeeting requirements somehow). Sometimes, they change between Agencies, too, which looks super weird (similar contract, agency icon and text changes every second). It's best visible in the all contracts tab. This is with about a score of -50 negative reputation; I think most of it is related to me sucking at the game - maybe you can test this case?
  19. Am I doing something wrong...? My badass/orange Kerbals aren't immune to the tourist downgrade effect and will go on strike. I had this issue since KSP 1.1, so I wondered whether it was another mod causing it.
  20. I'm running into the same problem with BTW - drifting orbits, drifting Delta-V and direction vectors for maneuver nodes. At first I was thinking I was seeing things, as it only occurs after some time. I initially blamed it on DMagic's new maneuver node, but it also happened with Precise Node. I have both a custom rails warp as well as a custom physics accurate warp. Another thing I noticed is that "Warp Here" for pretty much all intents and purposes, including precise node's warp, gives you pretty random results, usually off by at least 10%. (so in a 30 min orbit, warping within 3 mins of a node will often end the warp 11 seconds after the node) The problems go 100% away with BTW uninstalled.
  21. My fav is Valentina. And the Avatar of the Youtuber called KerbalEssences. Yes, I like puns.
  22. Looking at the code of many of the Mods out there, you don't really need to be good at coding, either. Just do it Think Kerbal and cobble it together.
  23. I have an SSD that reads at 1GB/s and the game with about 5 major content and 15 small feature mods takes over a minute to load. The raw transfer to memory from disk would be under ten seconds, so there is a lot of processing going on. also, between scenes I often get really long loading screens recently. I'm afraid SVE and SVT have to go. i have a 1080 so unless I have 200 parts in a base FPS is around 90. i have the suspicion that module manager spends a long time parsing strings to apply its patches.
  24. I would love a mod like this. With a more spread out tech tree (community TT?) so Progress can be a bit more gradual I would play the hell out of it. Also a nerf to MPLs, maybe a modest 5x to 10x nerf
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