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Everything posted by mindseyemodels

  1. why doesn't this or its future weapons extension seem to work in 1.3.1? i activate the weapons but they wont fire right now i have a warp ship decked out with turbolasers and none of them fire
  2. does this conflict with the functionality of the kerbal space ponies mod? that was i think my favorite aesthetic mod because have a feeling that this messes up that mod i pretty much got this ONLY for the planet changes so could a compatibility with kerbal space ponies be arranged? i loved that mod and it seems that i have my work cut out for me today(finding and reporting bugs to modmakers and requesting helpful features or requesting help fixing my game) EDIT: turns out i never re-cached it during my upgrade to 1.3.1 so that's why it didn't work
  3. well they all seem to work in 1.3.1 EXCEPT for kopernicus which seems to not let me load my save files or something
  4. i use ckan and it classifies it as incompatible so could the modmaker kindly update this? i really loved boldly going where no kerbal has gone before(the system in the mod is seriously something straight out of star trek which means its awesome)
  5. i just realized that this mod is not compatible with 1.3.1 so could we please have an update to rectify that? i REALLY love this mod and would like to enjoy it again
  6. well imma TRY 1.3.1 but if that don't work... imma revert to older version ...well that didn't work at all if anything it just made the game MORE broken no matter i will keep trying
  7. for me it just says 1.1.1 .....nvm just updated it
  8. okay i wish you luck ;D i really hope you can find out whats wrong with it because i LOVE this mod its one of the better mods out there(yours is the one with the most powerful warp drive and strongest RCS and engines)
  9. excuse me but something seem wrong with the mod... when i try to install it via ckan i get an unhandled exception error message how do i fix this? is it something wrong with the mod? the error message says "trying to install SpaceOpera 1.1.1, but it's not downloaded or download is corrupted" whut do?!
  10. excuse me but something in this mod went HORRIBLY wrong it wont let me load my save game due to something about missing planets or something or something meing corrupted i will try to find what it was and report it to you
  11. could it be possible to make shaders and stuff for the new horizons mod? i use that one and it wont work with kopernicus mods... do the shader and system alteration mods conflict or something? EDIT:okay now not only is my kopernicus sub-mod not working but the scatterer effects stopped working when i updated the scatterer mods and now oceans wont render
  12. do kopernicus mods like this conflict with mods like scatterer? just wondering because i have scatterer and this installed and new horizons isn't working also i cant seem to get this mod working even WITHOUT scatterer... does patch manager interfere or something? i just have a feeling one of my mods is breaking this one
  13. oh but does it conflict with any addons? i need to use this mod if i want to accurately recreate the Apollo missions and so far things aren't looking up for me having this mod
  14. is this mod in conflict with any others by any chance? because this or near future iva props breaks my game to where it crashes before the menu... i know its those two via process of elimination i re-install mods a few at a time(I'm trying to fix my game) and i have through reductive installation(installing fewer mods per group each time i delete a group to remove troublesome mods) narrowed it down to this and near future IVA props... i use ksp version 1.3.0 so could you tell me wats wrong and how to install it without breaking the sh!t out of my game so i believe a fix is in order perhaps? I'm not trying to be rude just needed to make it known that something is broken with either this or near future iva
  15. dude i think something's wrong with the mod... i use ksp version 1.3.0 and when i try to download this via ckan it creates an unhandled exception that i cant seem to rectify i need this mod for a few other mods(mk 2 and mk 3 expansions) so could you tell me how to fix it?
  16. does this mod stop working if you have kopernicus mods installed? because i have the new horizons mod that makes kerbin orbit a gas giant and i am installing this via ckan so am i doing something wrong? because it seems to not do anything...
  17. so how would I rotate symmetry axis? I want to be able to radially attach things onto the corners of my ship but cant because it is a triangular ship in the sph so the symmetry is treated like that of a rocket then again tr-3b or "project blackstar" is a very strange craft compared to conventional spacecraft
  18. so to get half the error to go away I just need to delete the fx things? like I posted my config in the other thread tell me which things to delete and you do realize that this would be about 30x easier with discord right? as I could have a realtime tutorial on how to rectify my engine malfunction without having to create a new engine specifically for a tutorial I insist on using discord because it will make this about 30x faster and we would be able to discuss things easier plus since I cant seem to upload any of my screenshots to the forums or imgur discord is the only option for you to see what I am doin thus allowing you to evaluate how I am doing
  19. I looked at the console and this messqage kept showing up when my engine was active exception:null reference exception: object reference not set to an instance of an object does that help? also another error that popped up was error:particle model fx: cannot find transform of name "thrust Transform" and error: prefab particle fx: cannot find transform of name "smoke point" also small problem...I cant seem to upload screenshots to imgur but I hope the error messages helped
  20. I tried pasting a screenshotfom unity via print screen and ctrl+v but it didn't work
  21. you CAN see what I am doing in discord as I can post screenshots. the thrust transform is actually called thrust Transform and I just don't know what went wrong and faster communication means we could solve problems faster and get the mod done faster
  22. your "help" wasn't really helpful and like I said discord would be the best way to talk as we could speak in realtime instead of waiting for hours or days to get a reply that and the other guy helping me is offline and you obviously know how to make engines so what do you say? I get your discord name(provided you have the program) and I add you as a friend so I can talk to you when we both feel like it
  23. my engine and cfg files have a thrust transform but it doesn't work...any ideas on how to fix it?
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