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Everything posted by mindseyemodels

  1. but how do I upload pics to the forum? also do you have discord? we can use that for faster communication and I can work faster that way because we could talk to each other instead of typing
  2. you have to put the thrust transform on the OUTSIDE of an engine? I guess that explains a bit and you can put a node directly onto a transform!? why did I not know this!? how exactly would I SHOW you what I'm doing in unity? I cant really upload things at least not that I know of so how can I show you?
  3. SO my thrust transform needs to be OUTSIDE the engine? perhaps that explains it... and you can seriously just place a node directly on a transform? really!! why didn't I know about that!! huh it was working the first time I fired it up then next time it failed and the only thing I changed then was a node placement
  4. here is the entire config file for my engine...you think you could identify the problem with the thrust transform?(thunderchild is my discord name) PART { name = tr3b_engine module = Part author = thunderchild mesh = tr-3b/parts/engine rescaleFactor = 2 node_stack_back = 0, -0.00152, -0.75478, 0, 0, -1, 1 TechRequired =start entryCost = 10800 cost = 9000 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = tr-3b project "blackstar" dark matter engine manufacturer = i'm not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens description = the kerbal space agency found wreckage of an advanced alien civilization near kerbin's north pole supposedly thousands of years old but still capable of advanced manipulation of the fabric of reality this is the result of reverse engineering this tech and this is what the space agency was really born from and what we were working towards this engine utilizes concentrated dark matter...a fuel rick kerman made to "travel faster than anyone else" attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0 mass = 3 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 150 maxTemp = 3200 // = 3200 bulkheadProfiles = size1 tags = EFFECTS { running_closed { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_spurts volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.2 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small transformName = thrust Transform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.01 0.0 emission = 0.01 0.1 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = smokePoint oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = KS25 runningEffectName = running_closed thrustVectorTransformName = thrust Transform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 50000 heatProduction = 192 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.9 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 400 key = 1 400 key = 12 400 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrust Transform gimbalRange = 10 } MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = HeatAnimationClusterEngine responseSpeed = 0.001 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True } MODULE { name = ModuleSurfaceFX thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0 fxMax = 1 maxDistance = 5 falloff = 1.5 thrustTransformName = thrust Transform }
  5. also could you help me with something? it is a node giving me trouble plus an engine failing to work properly the x y z coordinates of the face I want the node to be on are 0, -0.75478, -0.00152 and the node coordinates in the config file are 0, -0.00152, -0.75478, 0, 0, -1, 1 also the thrust transform is broken it is in the right spot and the cfg file is targeting the right one but no thrust whatsoever and this is a REALLY powerful engine and the problem with the node is it is a little in front of the face I want it to be ON do you think the node placement is causing the issue?
  6. could someone please provide a step by step instruction(with pics) on how to create/implement thrust transforms? I need a tutorial that is actually useful
  7. can someone please provide pics of how to add a thrust transform and what to do with it?because all the info I have gotten is either not very helpful or not at all helpful
  8. do I have to use existing propellants or can I make up my own for mods?
  9. omg you HAVE to bring back the star wars looking pods!! I want to be able to use that to make my own millennium falcon!
  10. well the project has been on hiatus after that point as I figured we work fastest together so lets do this I'm going to invite you to discord chat I will send the call after you reply so I know you are there
  11. yes my discord name is thunderchild (it is all lowercase btw) and my profile pic is a microsoft paint pic of a star being torn apart by a black hole and you don't need a headset all you need is speakers and something that has a mic even a low quality one like a webcam those have mics they build mics into everything nowadays
  12. I accept....also we would have to work together because the level of co operation I am looking for is like movie makers they kind of share ideas and find ways to improve something based on ideas also I would love to chat on discord because that would be the fastest way to talk because then we could discuss things a hell of a lot faster and then I could also post pics of my models that and also it would be my first mod so I could learn how to do these things I feel like configs will go a lot faster because I got the general model shape for the hull and engine I just need someone to give ideas on how to make the ship look a little better and the model is currently on hiatus due to lack of creative input such help would be greatly appreciated
  13. oh one thing I never realized this needs is procedural structural plates just remove the lift values because I hate going through the hassle of aligning center of lift to center of mass because it usually makes my ship a million times heavier than it was supposed to be(and as a result a hell of a lot slower) and usually has more greebling than the millennium falcon(that is like 98% greebling) if you don't know what greebling is its parts with no purpose other than breaking up a smooth surface again see: millennium falcon https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/MDGeWU_Pb2hIh0OZENqDaUOP2Oc=/0x0:8094x5587/1200x800/filters:focal(3335x1699:4629x2993)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56460377/75192_Front_Comp_1_.0.jpg you can see how much of it the falcon has
  14. that's the problem I don't know what the hell that means because I see someone talk about files and they expect me to automatically know what they are talking about when I have zero idea what to do and I think vids would be a better option because then I could see what you mean because some things its easier to learn through sight then by reading it somewhere
  15. but for those of us not fluent in coding I am not yet but I am planning on learning it after my tr-3b model is complete(it still has a ways to go but it is on hiatus until I can get someone to help by providing ideas via discord because instant communication is best communication) as for that patch I think for those without the time or skill a simple addition to the addon from the creator would be their better option also about all the stuff listed I am eventually going to learn what all that stuff means but not yet as I am saving that bit of learning for after my models are complete
  16. are there plans for procedural structural panels? because wings can sometimes provide unnecessary hassle with center of lift and stuff
  17. first things first my analogy of upgrading radio to ftl comms is saying it will make communication a hell of a lot faster as radio moves slower than light and ftl is the acronym for faster than light as with discord we could speak with each other via voice chat instantly instead of typing and waiting hours or days for replies also when it comes to the model making we would be kind of trading ideas for what would make the model more aesthetically pleasing and after we agree on a change we (mainly me) could implement that change into the model until we agree that the result looks good enough to be released as for unity the configs and stuff like that that's where I would actually need someone to instruct me as I have no idea what the hell to do with any of that and it is very confusing because people always explain it in the vaguest possible way like " is it possible to be any MORE obscure?" also about the hover engines GENTLEMEN....BEHOLD!!! not so fictional anymore are they? that is almost EXACTLY what your mod has and coding cant be learned in a week you say? I have all the time in the world on my hands and daft punk music for determination/motivation so in short CHALLENGE ACCEPTED also good to know I have plenty of support for diving into a largely unexplored region of ksp modding(ufos and other kinds of spacecraft) and I have confidence that you will be able to successfully teach me in the ways of modding also the engine I have in mind for primary propulsion is going to sit pretty much flush against the hull(hell its going to be a chunk of the hull) so I hope this endeavor goes smoothly
  18. although would you be up for it? helping a new modmaker with his first mod?
  19. i know generally what to do with blender I have kind of gotten the hang of it(about 50% of it I understand) but I feel like we will have to work together to make this mod a reality and discord will pretty much be upgrading from radio to ftl comm systems and plus I can show you what I am working on and we can kind of trade ideas from there and figure out how to make my model good and how to import it and upload it to ckan and have it function properly and maybe we can trade ideas on how to make the hover engines a little bit better(perhaps that's what the hemispheres can be) wat do you think? good Idea? in fact what I am proposing doesn't seem too far from what movie makers do in designing things for movies they draw up concept art then kind of work from there doing what looks good for the audience
  20. hmmmmm what key do I press?... (edit: nevermind)
  21. idk if this is a good idea or not but we should get in touch on discord so we can discuss the issues I'm having with making mods and also since you seem good at making mods perhaps you could teach me how to make mods I am currently working on a model of the TR-3B but there are hang ups...I feel like this would be better discussed on discord so we don't derail the thread any more than I unintentionally did just now
  22. I feel like the concept of hover engines can be improved...how about making dark energy hover engines?(I am busy trying to figure out how to make mods) they would be able to go way higher and would work even without an atmosphere the reason I specify dark ENERGY is that is what we think is pushing the universe apart faster and faster so it is kind of negative mass and would come in handy if they were surface mounted(like the place anywhere rcs ports) also it would be even more handy when I get around to making my tr-3b starship mod because I would be able to make it glide around silently with use of hover engines in addition to standard propulsion methods I hope the concept of dark energy hover engines catches your attention in a good way(maximum height for dark energy drives would be 3k meters as they would be more powerful I imagine also I imagine such drives would either make no sound at all or something around 130hz to 160hz and a really low noise at that)
  23. UUUM I have a problem...what you told me isn't working
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