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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. So i love gaming, i have thousand hours invested into beautiful games. Lately i open Steam and i just look at it. I feel like playing but i also feel like not playing. Mentally there is an obstacle i can't surpass. I was wondering if anyone else faced this and if there are any tips on what i should do to get ''cured'' lol. Thanks.
  2. That is exactly what pains me and makes me so negative. A game we love and millions of players loved got a freaking sequel, how amazing is that. So much potential in the genre KSP already dominates(I said a kerbalized Star Citizen, and Hello Games is expanding their procedural technology in other genres too). And now, at least for me, i just see trouble, limitations, not showcasing a new level of creativity. Just some generic modular buildings that might be exciting in the first 10 hours until you realize you cant really get crazy with it. For me, and I HOPE i am wrong, this looks like KSP Enhanced/Makeover(not the console patch). Its more than we could have asked before a major company invested on the sequel. Its unrealistic to still have such low expectations, they decided to make an almost triple A sequel and they should be judged by higher standards than a passionate indie team.
  3. You are trying so hard to find a positive side to any negative possibility. Thats how Star Citizen and other alike companies make moneys. You want something so bad to be good you are willing to eliminate the process of judging something with clear mind. I am not saying thats a completely bad thing but that lifts a lot of pressure from companies and dev teams and in the end the pre orders are fine, the sales are fine and the games gets to be just fine. Not great or bad, just fine, as 90% things that come out in our generations, are not bad, are not great, they just fine.
  4. I cant recall much but when they updated the terrains World Stabilizer was a life saver mod for me. It saved most of my bases and i was really glad i found it. I been using Parking Brake, its a bit i guess more effective and maybe lighter mod and so far everything seems fine, bases and crafts are firmly planted on the ground. It removes that constant sliding that sometimes is even gameplay breaking, you cant scan etc while moving too fast in slopes or even in flat terrains. Also they dont seem to jump much after loading, but ofcourse the first time you enable it they must be stabilized and be on the ground...lol... After that, they seem to be fine and not even move an inch.
  5. If you want you can try this https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/180083-ksp-110x-parking-brake-030-2020-07-20/ After you turn it on it seems to keep the vessels/bases' on the ground and 100% not moving at all. Its a really useful mod. It works with any parts touching the ground except when only the engines touch the ground and Kerbals EvA.
  6. It will probably have few big modular ones with different skins/upgrades and the smaller ones will be in the scale of the first KSP before kraken decides to visit. KSP2 might actually become the kerbalized version of Star Citizen, wake me up again in few years and i will gladly apologize if either of them fully release/optimized/complete and actually be next gen. And if by a miracle they are, by then companies like Hello Games will have created two times better games with next gen procedural technology. BUT HEY hopefully i am wrong about this and it will be one of the happiest wrongs i will ever have.
  7. Quick and sporadic videos and articles are just because a game is in a such general bad state that you cant afford to show an uncut version of it.
  8. Make sure you enable Advanced Tweakable in options. You can unlock Autostruts in tech tree and mostly using grandparent by right clicking any part will make your crafts very ''tight''. Also a lot of useful context menus open up after you enable it.
  9. Again just a guess but probably the loading and displaying the 100 IVA avatar images/video at the bottom right.
  10. You were perfectly clear from the first post but obviously i failed to make my point. I was talking about the simple fix you discovered to combat the fps drops. I still stand by my opinion, they are far more urgent bugs and this one doesnt seem to be a simple fix or even worthy to be a bug report. Its an extreme state of the game, like overclocking your pc, you even have a simple way to combat the clunkiness. Do you see when you close the map that it loads down right all the IVA Kerbals, for a moment there is grey stutter and then they load. I am gonna take a wild guess and say than when you close the map it loads 100 Kerbals IVA assets, again...it double loads them and it just cant handle it. Or something close to that.
  11. No offence, but... since the game can handle a ship with 100 Kerbals that is extremely impressive by itself. The minor downside to be a switch map lag and even fixable by going to tracking station and back should justify EVERY REASON NOT to submit that bug report. For a game to handle something so big and not call the Kraken is by itself commendable. Anyways.
  12. I am betting this. Very large pre-made modular structures with progression-upgrade style for each of the module.Maybe some different Skins/Colours too. Ofcourse that will extremely limit the creativity in grand-bases and probably if you dare to put ''cosmetic'' stuff(if thats an option) things will get laggy super fast. Its Unity after all...
  13. Actually reusability is a lot more feasible than most people think and with good Delta-V Payloads Here is how i think its the best way to do it without mods, Launch a two-stage rocket, raise your apoapsis to 100-110k with a semi-aggressive gravity burn and then immediately separate the stages, Switch to second stage and start an aggressive circularization burn, the goal is to reach Periapsis 70k as fast as possible, before the first stage goes into atmosphere(its very doable). After you reach orbit with the second stage, switch to First Stage. Now you have two options, you can try to burn back from where you launched or do a ballistic land close to where you heading. Eitherway you gonna waste a lot of fuel. Remember to put 3-4 airbrakes, do a few burns to slow down etc. After you reach kinda close to the ground, burn and hover your rocket, zeroing every vertical and horizontal speed keeping the SAS locked to retrograde, when you reach close to zero speed press F to quickly toggle SAS and that lifts the lock to retro. then let it go and burn again close to ground, just waste the fuel to keep that tricky horizontal speed to zero. To land i recommend https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195546-110-kre-kerbal-reusability-expansion/ for landing legs. Or else you can land on your engines but you need to be on very flat terrains. Here is one of my ''old'' builds, full stock except those shiny landing legs. First Stage only, the second stage can vary, and it can take huge 2nd stages(Even a sizeable shuttle etc) and many tons payloads: https://imgur.com/MWVglVd
  14. Every game i look forward to is getting delayed so yeah, KSP2 meh, give us a date of a new KSP patch or a 60 dollar expansion for this good game i have and i dont care about 2 years from now... or even worse 4 years to have a good stable game.
  15. I just want to add that Advanced Tweakables are a feature of the base game, they are stock. One of the most useful features hidden in plain sight. Autostruts and extremely useful context menus, it pains me that its not enabled by default since its so easy to miss, even for some veteran players.
  16. A nice trick is to put the wheels under the Main body and then move them under the wings or wherever you want them. You can hold shift to move parts even further. That way gears and landing become a lot more easier, it is a bit cheaty but it helps a lot. Also using grandparent autostruts(if you unlocked them) in every single part helps.Try to avoid using heavy ones, they are hard to use right.
  17. Its probably a pirated version or something entirely else is going on. Steam doesn't forget to update except if you have opt out in Beta tab.
  18. Was from HansAcker, he also made a video, its pretty much the easiest/fastest workaround.
  19. First of all nice clean plane, good job. Your back wheels need to be just behind the center of mass to achieve lift off. You can check this forum post, is extremely well made. You can also check this video, there are many out there, i timed it when he speaks for wheels but the rest of the video is useful as well.
  20. Ahhhh well its ok, its just a minor thing, at least for...i am just glad my bases and most of my crafts are not sliding anymore!
  21. Have you tried clearing input locks from Alt+F12 console?
  22. Looks like its a really REALLY old bug that never got fixed https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13101 If you start a new save do you still have that problem? I found this on a random post for a temporal fix, not sure if it will work for you ''I have this problem as well. Usually tracking all unknown objects fixes it temporarily, but once they refresh it always comes back. Likely just a bug.''
  23. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25992 Known, game breaking bug, please upvote it, hopefully they fix it. You can download Scatterer if you are ok using a mod to fix it. I am sorry but this has been posted so many times, its a bug that occurs everywhere, in every planet....in stock game without mods.
  24. Hey maja, hope you are well, when you land a vessel only on engines sometimes parking brake doesn't work or works less i guess? Here is the craft i did the test on: https://imgur.com/ctLAYiD If a different part than the engines touches the ground then its locked and doesn't move at all. Dunno if that's something you can look into it, i did some testing but not very thorough, still not really sure what's going on there. Yeah its confirmed by the creator it doesn't work with Kerbals but maybe in the future? who knows .
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