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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. If the source flowing is the only outcome for you, can you explain what the plan is if Squad has no plans to release it or listen to the forums?
  2. You could explain to me how it's their loss; so long as people are buying KSP 1 and people on this very forum are touting KSP 1 as a better alternative to KSP 2, then what's Squad losing out on?
  3. I'm willing to bet they'll remain tied for as long Squad and TT are in business.
  4. Releasing the source against Squad's will sounds like a good way to be slapped with a cease and desist.
  5. Consider the possibility Squad doesn't see a good reason to release the source, regardless of how much the userbase pesters them.
  6. Where is this transparency? Is this one of those goalposts with wheels?
  7. And thanks to the developers for the "updates", in which they tell how they are working on fixing bugs, are they constructive? They're giving you the transparency you asked for. Or are you saying you would rather they be opaque instead?
  8. You know full well 90% of those criticisms hardly fall under constructive.
  9. And would you care to explain how a niche project that may not escape the forums would shift an average person's perspective on KSP 2?
  10. Every single time an unhappy soul did the misfortune of telling something like that, things backfired badly in his face. Not everyone goes by "his", and no, I'm not trying to sabotage this thread's hopes and dreams, I'm just reminding you and anyone else here that a niche effort won't do much besides being niche.
  11. Two completely different games, plus a higgledy-piggledy community attempt at fixing a fundamentally broken game can't be compared to the corporate structure of T2. I think to say this is a hideously big stretch undersells how much of a stretch it is. Then again, Bob had a pineapple and the day looked a bit more saturated.
  12. Do any of your own creative endeavors have solid ETAs?
  13. It doesn't. Except for when it's not a "that's physics" thing
  14. In that case, it lies on the British Interplanetary Society [snip] Okay, then it's probably apt to draw a specific line between feasible and infeasible.
  15. You've made a few comments on it but as far as I can see you've forgotten to explain why you think it's impossible. You can easily say "Scaling this mission concept up to handle a) crew and b) a return journey would either require an utterly absurdly large spacecraft" nobody was talking about return journeys, that is absurd assuming you forego refueling and refurbishing the craft but you never got round to doing any maths or explaining yourself. If it can be done in a broken-down, old game like KSP 1 (albeit extremely buggy and shoehorned into the game by several mods each of which clash with each other and the base game), without abstraction, it can be done, period.
  16. ...And this is being said well after they've explained the technology that lets you do this without breaking reality and with all the education resources available to us on the internet that explains how it could be done IRL. Okay, I think the error you've made is assuming an interstellar craft would go as slow as 500km/s. Something like 30,000km/s is closer to what you should expect.
  17. It helps with guesstimating landing burns when you know how many seconds your dV is spread over. KSP 1 had this and it was sometimes helpful.
  18. Picking a specific star on the skybox to be Debdeb does not make compute.
  19. No citation, as usual. Just blind fear-mongering speculation.
  20. That wouldn't be great at all. I'd rather go with 3 interesting handcrafted star systems than 100 boring ones.
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