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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. If you do not like people saying KSP 1 sucks, you are free to pack your bags and move to the KSP 1 subforums. "I think the KSP 1 look is crap" "Stop sharing your opinion!" You can call anything dismissive if you do not like their opinion.
  2. This is literally bandwagon mentality. "Other people play KSP 1 therefor it's better".
  3. Please stop grasping at straws. You can't do interstellar without interstellar. You can do interstellar without IVAs. In fact, you'll be able to do everything at the end of the roadmap without IVAs.
  4. Hear hear People have been scared that you'll still need a zillion parts on your rocket for science (and in fact I've seen people arguing that if this doesn't matter, then neither would specialized EVA suits). Clearly they've been imagining the worst case scenario, that you do need loads of parts for basic science collection, just to put the devs down. The irony. IVAs are not required to use your rocket. The fact people have made entire space stations with the game as it is right now without IVAs makes that fact evident enough. To reiterate the bit they said that you ignored, IVAs are not vital for gameplay.
  5. Show me an example where a proper comment from a developer was made on a suggestion. The burden of proof is on you for suggesting they don't in the first place. Don't try to weasel out of being wrong about something, just because you want to paint the developers as ignorant gremlins.
  6. Cognitive dissonance is a staple of said people. [snip]
  7. [snip] I'll take their comments about Nate seriously as soon as they show their own no-doubt impressive Linkedin page. Until then, my prior comment goes without saying.
  8. I'm really curious what possible reason there is to use composite wings now.
  9. There's no way you don't remember KSP 1 pulling way worse, especially when you involve mods where half the love that ends missions is trying to wiggle your way through the issues caused by 50 different mods made by at least 50 different programmers, on top of the base game.
  10. No apology for misgendering me? Alright, I guess. [snip] So long.
  11. And of course, you know that because you've been peaking at the source code against the EULA, right? This isn't the first time I've seen people boldly proclaiming the community as some sort of saviour that can fix the game as soon as things go open source. Plenty of open source projects have crashed and burned. You've got projects like Blender that do better than closed source counterparts like 3DS Max, but why not also look at projects like GIMP that do worse than their counterparts like Photoshop? People's confidence in the community is completely misplaced. The community is not some kind of saviour that will avoid treading the same ground Squad trodden. Maybe IF the game goes open source, you might find out what ugly monster kept Squad from fixing these issues, and maybe things won't look as easy to fix as soon as those issues are in front of you and cannot be ignored. This and gratuitous latin do not help you further your point. Yes, greatly outnumbered by the aforementioned people who think a patch here and a wipe there will do anything to address KSP's core problems. For who?
  12. Wide-eyed idealism here, there's not a lot I can say if it at all even implies that a community-driven effort at saving KSP 1 wouldn't work. You're not patching a bug here and fixing a quirk there, you're rewriting the entire game. With all due respect, mods are a bit crap and invariably break on long missions when part modules get involved.
  13. Patching is the only choice. Well then "KSP 1 Remastered" is never happening even if you have the source code because the community will just end up clawing at the same wall Squad has clawed at for over a decade.
  14. That shaky and mouldy foundation has been perfected over a decade with direct user feedback. No, no it hasn't. It's still just as shaky as it was over a decade ago, only with tape hiding the cracks. Many of KSP 1's problems are caused by the fact it's all built on Felipe's 2011 passion project. Do you think making that tower of spaghetti code, easy fixes and quick patches taller is going to fix the root of all these problems? That is exactly KSP 1's problem. Patching it is not a choice.
  15. As easy as that.. Good luck with KSP 1's shakey, mouldy foundations, the likes of which inspired KSP 2 in the first place.
  16. And not handing out KSP 1's source code would barely be a mosquito on a windshield to T2 compared to their other problems. It won't. This forum is not nearly as important to T2 as people make it out to be. The worst case scenario, the forum gets a bit angry for a bit then all is forgotten.
  17. It's a big company and ignoring a few posts asking for something is probably going to do 0 harm to their income.
  18. And there's no use in asking for something that's not on the table, something T2 is just going to shoot down. Same difference.
  19. Alright. If you all believe KSP going open source is on the table, try contacting T2 and see what they have to say.
  20. Mac really isn't the sort of OS you want to use for games.
  21. This is on eighteen. FWIW, they told me the pulsing at the end of some of the feature videos wasn't a signal despite the people who extracted data from it (the Karecibo message), because it sounded like a spinning fan. Then blocked me when shown with evidence they're wrong. There's also a certain other person here who pointed to the doors of the VAB and started ranting and raving because they thought they were looking at a graphical artefact. People are just picking at things to complain about now. Yeah, it's personal and the moderators hate it when things get personal, but I think it speaks volumes of the whining and all the general pap that's lined the forums since KSP 2 dropped. It feels like being locked in a mental institute in here and frankly I'm happy to not look back at these forums if the people here who hate KSP 2 can't keep themselves to the KSP 1 boards.
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