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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. You are not the only person in this conversation. You quoted me and I responded to all the blocks of text below. If you reply to someone else in that comment, can you make that clear and maybe even quote them above? Cos I'm not a mind reader, how was I supposed to know it wasn't directed at me?
  2. Upper and bottom side will always in same conditions. But okay maybe not 90degree, 70-89 okay When you say 90 degrees, are you on about a planet like Uranus that's sideways or a planet that has no axial tilt? A planet with no axial tilt would have 0 degrees of tilt.
  3. Er... What purpose would doing this serve? I'm not saying don't lock the forums at all, obviously it helps trying to clean a rug during a time people aren't constantly walking on it. But, does it need to be locked for that long? What bug would that be?
  4. It really is. Unless you prefer to see a billion tiny explosions for each part like in KSP 1 rather than the giant cloud you should see when an entire rocket comes down. To each their own I suppose. Would it hurt to prepare everything before KSP 2 drops? The discord was a mess because the moderators did not set everything up before letting a massive influx of users and trolls flood the server. Again, it couldn't hurt to do things just a bit earlier and prepare, could it?
  5. It's also interesting to note that the PS2 is nearly 23 years old now and that if KSP 2 were to be supported for 7 years, given till 2025 to reach release and another 5 years of support for good measure (could be much longer), your GTX 670 will be 4/5ths the PS2's current age, and you're asking that the devs by that time will still be trying to make sure it plays fine with KSP 2. So kind of a big ask in terms of support.
  6. I think trying to support obsolete hardware is overboard itself. That GTX 670 will be considered retro tech one day and, well, it's kind of unrealistic to expect developers to continue trying to work with hardware that might end up two decades old by the time KSP 2 reaches the end of support. In more eccentric terms to make sure my point is absolutely clear, developers are not going to stick to vector graphics so your BBC Micro can continue to play games
  7. It has everything to do with user experience. Having to stick together massive bits of cardboard in order to just barely approximate the wing design you want does not make the actual process of designing a wing any easier, it's just a big obtuse obstacle. Okay. It doesn't matter. Wings are a great deal more complicated than fuel tanks and "just stacking bits" doesn't exactly translate well as KSP 1 has demonstrated. KSP 2 is taking a necessary step in streamlining the UX by adding procedural construction to parts that did not benefit from the LEGO style. For instance, you literally can't stack radiators, and evidently making wings from massive parts didn't work either. Procedural construction fixes these issues that sticking rigidly to LEGO design caused. Tantacrul did a video on Propellerhead's Reason and one of his points he makes is that sometimes you have to break from a tradition or rule in the design of your software in order to fulfil its potential. This is an example of that - Squad dipped their toes with fairings, because who would even dare attempt to make an aerodynamic shell out of smaller parts, and now Intercept is going all in by proceduralifying stuff that didn't benefit from the LEGO construction. Speaking of fairings, do you like to make them out of smaller parts that look aerodynamic? I mean, telling from your stance on wings, this only sounds natural for you. Again, it looks like you're getting confused. I have not brought up RO a single time.
  8. The UI in KSP 2 is condensed so your eyes don't have to move across the entire screen to see the altitude and velocity readouts, and the tapes will also make it even easier to tell if you're maintaining altitude or plumetting. It's a million times better than KSP 1's awful UI that has important readouts scattered and sometimes hidden.
  9. Only for that terminator to move within a matter of days as the planet progresses in its orbit?
  10. Clearly not since they went to the trouble of revamping them so you can focus on the aspects of wing design that actually matter, not to mention all the spaceplanes we've seen so far. UX/UI should never turn into a puzzle. "There's no puzzle with these" That's a good thing!
  11. Get anything useful to low Kerbin orbit using a bottle of water then we can talk about using methalox rockets and their horrible atrocious ISP during the part of the game you've got torch drives. Unless you want to argue that the Puff engine has been of any use to you just because you want to justify using engines that are obviously outranked by everything else, even if they are a tad lighter.
  12. Because if you've got bottle rockets laying around, why not use them instead of fireworks? We still build turboprop engines, that doesn't mean they aren't obsolete.
  13. Yes, Bradley Whistance performed an Ion engine landing on Moho once. I am very sure you are trying to undermine challenges that involve piloting skills here.
  14. They are the bare minimum you need to get to orbit. Their obsolescence will happen very quickly. Spark and wolfhound aren't far apart in terms of efficiency, compared to other engine types.
  15. And there will probably be yet another fuel type you can use for those rockets. If you've got rockets efficient enough to start colonies, just resorting to something like NERV isn't that big of an ask and is 100% preferable to methalox. In real life though, the solution would be to... just not build colonies that are in the middle of nowhere and miles away from the nearest resource hotspot?
  16. Being absolutely incapable of retrieving either of those resources sounds exceedingly unlikely to me.
  17. Sometimes resources aren't abundant... That doesn't give your space program an excuse to start using fireworks and srone wheels again.
  18. If you both sync and get everything right, sure, maybe you could witness your friend landing. But it won't be a common sight without planning.
  19. So you think that's the only possible way Dres gained a ring system?
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