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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. From the render it looks like it's mounted backwards on stage 2.
  2. Would Falcon Heavy need to go partially or even fully expendable to get Dragon XL to TLI?
  3. Presumably a lunar variant of Dragon would need Falcon Heavy?
  4. Think about it: we may be stuck in our houses for some months, with the same people. It's training for Mars, guys!
  5. The DLCs should be available from the website. I would highly recommend both of them if you have some spare funds
  6. Actually, what I've been doing recently is building standardised upper stages with docking ports and probe cores. That ensures that even if you have an excess of delta-V you can reuse the stage as a space tug, and refuel it if you need.
  7. They're in the Breaking Ground DLC. In the crew selection panel in the VAB/SPH, you have to click the small coat-hanger icon next to the Kerbal's name to switch the suits. The icon is tiny, so it's easy to miss.
  8. The UK is on lockdown now. Fortunately, staying inside all day is what I do normally anyway
  9. Huh? When I click that link it basically just reloads the page. Where is that supposed to go?
  10. I wonder how much of a payload capacity hit that dogleg manoeuvre will take.
  11. To top this excellent week off, my school has now been closed, and my final exams probably postponed. That may not seem like a complaint, but this summer was supposed to be much longer than the lower years get, giving us a chance to properly relax after the stress of studying and stuff. Now the exams will probably be in September or something. This virus thingy has come at the worst possible time
  12. I wasn't able to catch the launch live because of school, but oof, this launch didn't go too well. RIP B1048, you certainly paid for yourself... Did we get any more info on why the engine failed? I'd be interested to know its position in the octaweb as well. Presumably the remaining 8 engines had to burn for longer, so the booster missed OCISLY.
  13. Me and my mum's bikes have been stolen. Our family live in a flat, so we were keeping them in a sort of communal area outside the flat where everyone puts their rubbish and recycling. They weren't locked to railings or anything, but we live in a very safe and crime-free area, and have been keeping our bikes there for years with no trouble. It's just that at some point in the last few days some [censored] individual(s) have decided to come and steal them. I didn't use my bike that often, but that doesn't make it any better (it was a pretty expensive bike). The particular words I want to use to describe those individual(s) is banned on this forum, but I hope they can live with themselves
  14. A zero-dimensional object would have no length, no width and no height, which would make it an infinitely small point. An infinitely small point can also be described as a singularity. Therefore a 0D object is a black hole.
  15. Looks like it's been recycled to T-15:00... Edit: ah, it's scrubbed
  16. So, Dragon 2 is designed to be reused. They won't do that with Commercial Crew, but do you think spacecraft will be reused for tourist missions?
  17. It seems like it works differently for every part, or maybe it's just that the game thinks each part is in a different orientation.
  18. Hey! That's not in the middle of the night! Maybe they'll catch a fairing half too...
  19. I'm sort of starting to agree with Elon Musk...The coronavirus panic is dumb.
  20. Look up The Race for Space by Public Service Broadcasting, it's one of my favourites.
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