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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. So they're pushing for five flights of the same booster...I wonder what the maximum number of times a B5 can be reused before it becomes unfit for flight?
  2. Elon Musk tweeted a while ago (don’t have a link...I don’t really want to wade into the enormous mess of Twitter ) that Starships could get heavy payloads really far if unnecessary hardware was removed, like the legs and heatshield, essentially creating an expendable stage. If a stripped-down Starship can get big payloads a long way, imagine how fast it can get the relatively light Dragonfly payload to Titan.
  3. @Angel-125 Yay, it's out! I think I'm going to enable Air and Stress in my game...it'll provide a nice challenge.
  4. Oh! Cool! Breaking Ground gets even better with this. Regarding the ‘this will not be applied to Kerbals in a save before the mod was installed’, does that mean you have to make a new save for the mod to take effect, or does it just mean Kerbals wearing the BG future suit in an existing save won’t get the default colours?
  5. @The Doodling Astronaut Your station reminds me of Mir, with all of those solar panels sticking everywhere
  6. According to the launch schedule app thingy I have on my phone, the next SpaceX launch is CRS-18 on the 22nd of July. When does SX’s contract with NASA for ISS resupplies end, and how many more CRS missions are they intended to fly?
  7. Nothing, except that it doesn’t integrate with the new stock inventory system yet. Read the changelog for 1.22 two pages back, IgorZ gives more details there.
  8. Well, you starve if you don't eat for three weeks, and I doubt the slow trickle of sales still coming from the base game is adequate to pay SQUAD employees a decent amount. One DLC per year isn't much to ask, and I assume a lot of the money they get from annual DLC goes towards continuing to develop the base game. Also, my bad persuasion skills are probably no help to me here, so I'm going to stop participating in this discussion.
  9. Well, what else do you expect Unfortunately, the employees of SQUAD have developed a serious addiction to food and paying rent*. *I stole this from someone else.
  10. SQUAD needs to make money somehow. I doubt they get much from sales of the base game alone at this point.
  11. Kerbal Actuators is a WBI mod, and it’s needed to have more than two engine modes on the Ghidorah and Gojira first stage engine clusters.
  12. This is very cool. Crossing my fingers that it won't be cancelled
  13. To add your own name, you need to edit the CA_decals file in the mod’s folder (can’t remember exactly where it is, just have a snoop around). It’s as simple as putting a text box over one of the empty spaces, typing your name of choice, and saving and closing the file. As for actually adding the name to your shuttle, there’s a name plate part that you can add, and switch through the various default names until you find yours.
  14. I looked it up and it appears that TVC stands for thrust vector controller. So it looks like the stage wasn’t able to steer properly during the landing burn and the computer was forced to abort the landing.
  15. At the moment, I’m betting on the landing burn being ever so slightly misjudged, and the booster reaching zero velocity too high up. The announcement seemed to be a bit off, anyway.
  16. @damonvv Quick question, what font do the Ghidorah decals use? I was thinking of making my own custom decals, and the font is pretty cool.
  17. @Mister_Spaceman My approach to 'Death To The Green Button' (maybe it should be a challenge ) uses airships from the Heisenberg mod, rather than boats, because airships are much faster and less hacky (no mucking about with buoyancy). I also use KAS winches to pick capsules from the sea, rather than the DLC robotics. Don't get me wrong, the robotics are awesome, but I don't use them partly because giant claws are a bit unnecessary when the largest thing you'll pick up is a Mk1-3 pod, and partly because the robotic's joint strength is pretty low, leading to some contraptions flopping about and Krakenising (tm). I've only dabbled in building watercraft in KSP, but if that's what you want to do, good luck. As @KerikBalm said, the ore tanks are pretty much the only things that sink. If you want to get anywhere fast, I'd recommend building your recovery vessel as a hydrofoil, something like this: These are possible in KSP, it's just like a plane, but in the water. Just add a few wings under the hull near the front and if it's going fast enough the prow of the boat will lift out of the water.
  18. It's a shame that the centre core crashed, but you need to fail in order to succeed. Landing a booster so far downrange, and at such high velocity, is imposing a set of challenges nearly as hard as those encountered when SpaceX first began to attempt landing first stages.
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