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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. It was only one tiny button at the bottom of your posts that didn't get in the way much, but now you have to click twice to edit your posts and that's kind of annoying.
  2. I pretty much finished up the design for my Jool mission. As you can see, it's a mammoth probe carrying landers for all of the bodies in the Jool system, including the gas giant itself. As far as I can tell it's ready for its first test run...
  3. I noticed they changed the notifications from green back to red, thanks! While you're at it, could you try and move the edit post button back to where it was before?
  4. It's still possible but the box you have to hit to get to that link looks smaller than before.
  5. Hopefully not, I doubt anyone here wants SpaceX to turn into Boeing 2.0. Some people on the NSF forum have noted that they seem to consistently have more issues with new boosters vs flight-proven ones. If true, it goes a long way to prove rocket reusability as a solid concept.
  6. @CardZLol How much memory (RAM) does your computer have, and how much storage space? It seems to me like KSP is taking up all of your RAM, and then asking for more, forcing your computer to temporarily allocate some of your storage space to be used as virtual memory. As far as I know KSP has a bit of an issue where it uses more and more memory over time, so that would explain why you see more and more of your storage being taken for use as extra RAM. Since you said that removing all of your mods didn't help, I would try uninstalling and reinstalling the game just to be sure. If that doesn't work either you might have to buy some more RAM or a bigger hard drive - though I would recommend you add more RAM as having the game constantly reading and writing to the hard drive could cause damage.
  7. "Nice plastic mock-up! Here's our flight-proven vehicle!"
  8. I'm now using @HebaruSan's Stylish dark theme and it's much easier on the eyes, although it does make some elements a bit harder to see. Now that I can look at the new theme on my PC, I can say that I still prefer the old version. This new update makes the forum look a tiny little bit sleeker at the expense of some useful little features.
  9. @Star-Eagle yeah, there was an update, and I'm not really much of a fan. Full discussion in this thread:
  10. Yeah, you can see them painting the nosecone at the end of this video: But where did you see that they're painting SN5 white as well? I don't see any sign of that.
  11. There's definitely some complex plumbing going on around the thrust dome. Obviously there's the big CH4 (I just realised you can do subscript/superscript ) downcomer coming through the centre of the LOX tank, but there's also the smaller downcomer from the LOX header, and it all has to feed into the engines. It'll get even more complex when we see Starships with RVacs. I have mad respect for these engineers Also:
  12. I don't know. We've seen the stump of the LOX header's downcomer on the forward bulkhead, so we know it at least runs through the CH4 tank, but beyond that I don't know if that line runs through the LOX tank or just empties into it instead. Seeing as propellant needs to flow from the header tanks to the engines even if the main tanks are empty, I'd guess it's the former but since we don't have official schematics of that area we can't know for sure.
  13. I was wondering about that, they're going to need to be able to restart the engines mid-flight. Simulating it with a static fire would be a good idea.
  14. Most likely, unless something was amiss with the static fire and they need to do it again.
  15. A few pics from yesterday of SN8's nosecone (credit @Nomadd on the NSF forum)
  16. Yeah, I think that camera is a little overexposed.
  17. Still several hours left in the window, and detanking appears to have stopped. They might recycle and go for a static fire.
  18. Moar testing, not sure whether it'll be another preburner or a static fire...
  19. Would they produce as much thrust as vaporising something else (like water, as I said above)? Using the radiation itself as propulsion would undoubtedly be more efficient though.
  20. @Dr. Kerbal The matter-antimatter reaction would probably be used to heat water. The resulting superheated steam would then be expelled out of the back of the spacecraft as reaction mass to produce thrust. You couldn't use the gamma rays as reaction mass as photons have zero mass. Some serious radiation shielding would be required - you might need to coat your spacecraft in lead, which is extremely heavy.
  21. Hopefully it was successful and they can move on to the first 3 Raptor static fire!
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