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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. What about some kind of fine netting? Big enough for food particles to pass through but too small for the bugs to escape.
  2. SN6 makes the second return of a Starship to the build site!
  3. SN6 is preparing to head back to the launch site while SN7.1 is almost ready for its pop test:
  4. Awesome comparison of all three Starship 150m hops! The improvement in Raptor TWR is very visible between Starhopper and SN5/SN6. Also, finally some closeup views of SN6 post-hop. I hope SN5 gets better legs for its second hop, because one got totally crushed this time.
  5. We have a thread for KSP memes, and a thread for forum memes, but no thread for general spaceflight memes. So I made this thread. Here's one to start off: Here's the original film poster, just for reference
  6. Full size image: That's rocket porn right there Anyway, SN7.1 is getting ready to head to the launch site, and I for one can't wait for it to pop at record pressure!
  7. @JeeF There is probably a limit - eventually the game will crash from a floating-point precision overflow (basically just having too many digits before the decimal point). There are also only a limited number of metric prefixes, but it seems like it just goes back to zero if the number gets that high - as you experienced (m = metres, K = kilometres).
  8. Comparison of SN5 and SN6's flights. I feel like SN6 had an overall smoother flight than SN5 (and didn't blowtorch the launch stand) but it might have overcompensated on the landing, leading to the pronounced lean.
  9. Got it: I was on my phone at the time so the whole title isn't visible, but the important part is.
  10. Huh, at first I had thought that SN6 would have got the larger legs, but since it was built at a similar time to SN5 it makes sense that they would be the same. Presumably SN5 has the larger legs now, as its original legs were removed and discarded after it was lifted from the landing pad.
  11. Yes! Finally, I wanted a thread like this It costs multiple billions for every launch, throwing away every component, yet they're attempting to use it for a sustainable lunar exploration mission.
  12. Considering this was last posted to more than 5 years ago, and the OP hasn't logged on since March, I don't think that's going to happen.
  13. It's really being able to see two of these flights in such a short time - progress is accelerating, and that's exciting. Pretty soon we'll have the full system, which will be awesome.
  14. Just looking at it, it seems that it's at more of a tilt than SN5 was.
  15. I feel like I saw it in one of Elon's tweets a while back. But my memory is fuzzy.
  16. Texas Tank Watchers, assemble Haven't they've talked about skipping the entry burn with Super Heavy? It's meant to stage at a lower altitude and velocity than the F9 first stage, and it's made out of heat-resistant stainless steel which means no thermal protection is required.
  17. I was like 'where's the landing video?', and just as I said that we got a fantastic view of the landing
  18. I'm not going to disagree - a primarily bug-fixing release would be nice. No new features, just the stomping of a ton of bugs and maybe a few part retextures thrown in for fun. I'm all for useful and interesting new stuff but I think it's important that the developers have a solid base to build those new features on. So, @St4rdust @Just Jim @RoverDude @nestor a bug-exterminating update? Pretty please?
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