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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. @kosta I agree, maybe there should be a text size slider in the settings. (also, the developers of KSP aren't working on KSP 2 as well. They're 2 separate teams).
  2. Sadly, probably not - at least not in its current form. I've since moved on from the mod-filled save file this was done on (though I still have a backup of it somewhere), and am now mainly playing on a mostly-stock career game. But there is potential for a sequel/reboot/entirely different mission report detailing my exploration of Laythe once I get there in that game. That might be a while - I don't have much time for KSP these days - but certainly stay tuned for it. Thanks for reading!
  3. You need to use KIS, currently the only parts compatible with the BG inventory are the BG experiments.
  4. As dumb as some elements of Constellation were (crew riding right on top of an SRB is one), it got one thing right - removing crew from superheavy lift. Earth orbit rendezvous with an actually adequate translunar stage would have got Orion to low lunar orbit without a problem. That way, HLS contractors would only need to worry about landing from LLO.
  5. @king of nowhere I feel like a bunch of new LF-only fuel tanks would only contribute to cluttering the part selection window. What is really needed is a fuel-switching function, so that you can make any tank hold only LF if you want. If you're ok with using mods, Simple Fuel Switch adds this quite nicely:
  6. The trailer was released when the game was originally intended to release in spring 2020. Of course, plans changed and it was delayed to 2021 and now 2022. The KSP 2 trailer was inspired by the fan-made Build, Fly, Dream trailer for KSP 1.
  7. We've seen it in previous screenshots, so they must be working on it.
  8. Ah, it originally worked, weird. You can probably just look up 'expendables movie poster'.
  9. Tim Dodd made an excellent and comprehensive video on Starship: I know a lot of the people who frequent this thread don't like Tim as he doesn't have full engineering knowledge, but I like his presentation style and explanations. He's not trying to inform aerospace engineers, he's trying to inform laypeople, and that's perfectly fine.
  10. I wonder what the limit for that counter actually is, and what will happen when that limit is reached. Maybe it'll go negative or something. Whatever it is, you seem to be well on the way....
  11. They're planning a ringsail parachute rather than a parasail for their first recovery attempt, which means they've either decided not to pursue helicopter catching or they're intending to increment towards that on further attempts. Also, they named the recovery attempt flight 'Return to Sender' which I love
  12. Already done: (also, there's only one metallic hydrogen thread, but it's huge and full of arguments)
  13. It's a big project and a lot to live up to, yes. I'm now of the opinion that they should have never announced a release date in the first place.
  14. Take however long you need. KSP 2 needs to be done right. In the meantime, KSP 1 still has legs.
  15. Because everyone here plays KSP regularly and wants to tell others about it.
  16. @Ultimate SteveYou have now transcended KSP fanfiction. You've placed the Kerbals and the Humans in a rich and diverse universe, and it's fantastic.
  17. Most likely either start a serious co-op career, or engage in random and wanton destruction.
  18. I'm a little late but happy 20th ISS! Here's Scott Manley's video on Expedition 1
  19. You can still get ray-tracing shader packs for Java, it's just they're mods and not officially supported.
  20. Starship won't be 'unbuilt' for long. In fact, you could even say that it's built - at least in part - right now.
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