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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Near the beginning of this thread (back in 2015) apparently that was a thing on this forum as well. I'm the same as you, happy that that doesn't exist anymore.
  2. Are the 'rep powers' I've read about near the beginning of this thread still a thing in the current forum software, or were they removed when it transitioned to Invision? For example, if a new member with 1 rep and me with 4k rep both liked the same post, would the poster get more rep from me liking their post? Just curious.
  3. Don't mind me, just testing gantry cranes... Fantastic work @Aahz88! I can see this becoming a must-have mod - gantry cranes are great for base-building!
  4. Someone made this and it's amazing. I'll put it in a spoiler as it may be slightly tangential to the topic:
  5. Yeah, I think it is, thanks for reminding me
  6. With a Duna transfer window coming up in 24 ingame days, it's time to get all of the hardware for a crewed mission together. Starting with a cute little Ike lander! This has just enough dV to land 3 Kerbals on Ike and return them to low orbit. It's got all of the science experiments, including storage for deployable surface science. Next up is designing a Duna lander!
  7. The colour of revamped Duna is subjective but you can definitely still call it orange: And Vall is definitely still blue: Independent CB texture toggling is a good idea, though.
  8. Indeed, as far as I know all it takes is a Jool gravity assist.
  9. It was last posted to a week ago, I'm not sure we need a new thread
  10. Super Heavy 1 will probably only have 2 engines and do the low-altitude hop. The next one might be able to get Starship on the way to orbit with no payload, but it'll take a couple more iterations to get to full thrust and full payload capacity.
  11. Stream is live! When are they planning to start S1 recovery attempts?
  12. Ah, ok. Thanks Is there a way to work out how long your supply of snacks will last without the simulator?
  13. The scale is insane. Super Heavy on its own is taller than the entire Falcon 9 stack, and almost 3 times the diameter. With Starship stacked on top, the proportions are similar to Falcon 9, but it's 122m tall. And both segments are designed to land and be reused three times a day. It's just silly, and I'm glad they're doing it.
  14. I'm having the same problem. No matter how many snacks containers I add, the simulator always seems to max out at that length of time. Here's a screenshot: I have the soil converters in all three Hitchhikers active, and I tried changing one of the snack containers to Snacks+Soil but the estimated duration didn't change. @Angel-125 do you have any idea what is going on? (I'm in 1.10.1 with the latest version of the mod by the way). Edit: I tested it in an install with only Snacks and MM and it appeared the same. Here's the log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Dq5KJzjXz3gfV9a9VbcJbDqOjQWCito/view?usp=sharing
  15. Road closures in Boca have been cancelled. Looks like bad weather
  16. I launched a probe on its way to Jool! It's the first time I've ever done this - in fact, there's still quite a few things I haven't done in KSP despite playing for so long - but that's what the career I'm currently playing through is intended to fix! Fairings away. The fairing for this payload was very large (because of all of the deployable probes hanging off the sides) so I was half-expecting the vehicle to flip during ascent, but I kept it under control. The probe separates from the reusable SSTO launch vehicle. Time to bring that booster back! I probably would have had enough propellant to land the vehicle propulsively SpaceX style had I not wasted too much on the entry burn. Margins were way too tight for my liking, so I just popped the chutes instead. Next up was the Jool transfer burn. I split this into two parts, the first burn taking me into an elliptical orbit grazing the Mun's, and the second completing my trajectory to Jool. Two drop-tanks were emptied and jettisoned during the second burn, leaving them as space debris orbiting Kerbol. So this probe is on its way to the outer Kerbol system! It's got a couple of small course correction maneuvers to do along the way, and it'll take about 3 years to get there. Go Moonraker!
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