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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. So recently I've been designing a probe mission to Jool that will deposit tiny landers on each of its moons, as well as send a probe plunging into the gas planet itself. But I'm worried about the landers' electric charge - will 900 EC be enough to transmit a single science report through the Communotron 88-88 antenna? They have solar panels so they should be able to recharge but I'm not sure if they have enough for a whole report in one go.
  2. Gilly: where you can practice Brachistochrone trajectories for KSP 2.
  3. I googled linear accelerator, which is a type of particle accelerator. Sadly I'd probably die, a tiny beam of electrons isn't going to kill zombies.
  4. It's already possible, you need to go to their profile and 'ignore user'
  5. Pretty sure that 99 is a photoshop of SN29 before it was installed on SN6, last we saw SpaceX was on SN4X.
  6. 2 Raptors (no idea of their serial numbers) got delivered to the launch site for mounting on SN8! Wind back to 8:38 local time to watch them go by. Edit: I found a close-up. Looks like one of the Raptors is SN39, but I can't tell what the other one is.
  7. I did some work on designing my Jool probe that will launch in around 30 days (ingame time). The design of the main bus - designed to fly by every Joolian moon and deposit a lander on them - shouldn't be a problem, but the compact landers are proving to be very annoying. I plan for the Laythe and Jool entry probes to share a common design, but the Laythe landing is a challenge. The Laythe probe will most likely come down in the ocean, so it needs to be able to float upright - but the designs I've tested either float on their side or sink. Maybe adding an empty Oscar-B tank to them will help. The Tylo lander seems to be fine, but it's significantly heavier than all of the other probes, so I'm going to need to figure out how to balance them on the main bus. I'm concerned about power storage and generation on all of the landers. They all have 500 electric charge, but I'm not sure it'll be enough to transmit a experiment result back in one go. They're also using deployable solar panels, which take quite a while to charge the batteries out at Jool. Using RTGs would be ideal, but they're heavy and expensive. I don't have much time to play KSP each week anymore, but at least ingame time only passes while I'm playing
  8. Of course, trying to get rid of the worst bugs should be the highest priority, and some bugs have no real impact on gameplay, making them less of a priority to fix. Perhaps they should try to fix as many bugs as possible and go after the most important ones. In the end, the less buggy the game is, the better
  9. Perhaps it's just going to wheel SN7.1's transport mount back, it's still at the launch site. I'd expect them to just bring the nosecone to the launch site once it's finished, no point taking SN8 all the way there and back if they can just take the nosecone there in one shot.
  10. Hopefully that means no leaks! I'm looking forward to seeing 3 Raptors being installed!
  11. @Dr. Kerbal What it essentially comes down to is this: most game consoles aren't as powerful as they're made to look. They're sort of in the league of a mid-range PC, and generally prioritise graphics capability over CPU power (which is what KSP mainly needs). The only reason a lot of console-exclusive games run quite well on them is because they've been designed and optimised from the beginning with consoles in mind. Meanwhile, KSP was originally coded for more capable PC hardware and was later ported to consoles. Making KSP run better on consoles would likely require a rewrite of a significant portion of the code, and I don't think that's economically viable or worthwhile, especially with KSP2 on the way - which will probably have better console support built-in on release.
  12. @Dr. Kerbal Fixing every single bug in every edition of the game would be astronomically expensive, and I doubt SQUAD gets that much money from sales of the game and the DLCs anymore. And - unless they were exceptionally careful - adding any new features after that would introduce more bugs. (Not to mention that some tiny bugs have little to no effect on the functionality of the game, making them a waste of time to fix in most cases). Bug free software is very rare, unless it's a three-line 'Hello World' program or a piece of military software with essentially unlimited budget. The best SQUAD can do is try and eliminate as many bugs as possible in every release.
  13. Really the only solutions to this problem are: Point above the maneuver marker - This loses you efficiency and accuracy as you aren't pointing directly at the node, but at least you won't crash into the planet. Position your parking orbit high enough to avoid collision - Once again, this prevents you from hitting the planet during your long burn, but as you're higher up you benefit from the Oberth effect less. Do your burn over multiple orbits - this is probably the most efficient way to do it, as it limits the amount of time you spend pointing away from prograde, but it takes much longer and is more difficult to plan. Generally I prefer either positioning my parking orbit higher or splitting the burn over several orbits. But there's always going to be some kind of trade-off, no matter what you do - you'll always lose a bit of accuracy and/or efficiency, depending on your method.
  14. There is a way you can see the estimated length of a burn - you have to turn on 'Extended Burn Indicator' in the settings. It's not on by default because it's relatively computationally expensive but the losses are well worth the gains in terms of accuracy.
  15. SN8 cryo proof #2 complete. I hope the leak they fixed held up.
  16. @Soyuzturtle When you start a career save, all of the KSC's buildings are at level 1 and have reduced functionality. In order to have full orbit tracking and maneuver node capability, you'll need to save up money (from contracts or world first milestones) to upgrade your tracking station and mission control buildings to level 2. You can see the current level of a building by right clicking on it, and hovering over the upgrade button with your mouse will tell you what functions you'll get if you upgrade. I hope that helped!
  17. We'll see. If the thrust sim gets disassembled and removed in the morning, we'll know it was successful.
  18. Russia is building an F9 competitor, but it seems to me like they're shooting at the wrong target...
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