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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I'm really looking forward to the static fire and hop
  2. I beg to differ. 'Higher quality' is subjective but in this case I think that if a feature is more nicely integrated into the game and is at least as nice to use then it's higher quality. To cite a few examples, in no particular order: - Delta-v readouts/orbital information - rather than being scattered around the screen in floating windows like they are for KER, this information is smoothly integrated into the UI, making it look and feel nicer than the mod alternative. - In-flight action group editor - once again, it's well integrated into the UI and is consistent with the action group editor in the VAB/SPH. This makes it better than the mods which also add this feature - to the best of my knowledge, they all have a pop-up floating window that isn't consistent with the rest of the UI at all. - Surface experiments - they're both less buggy and better-integrated than the mod that used to add them. - Planet retextures - they look and perform better than the ones provided by mods, because they're made by the developers who have full access to the internals of the game. These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head - there are certainly more. Point is, a lot of the features that have been recently added are better than their mod predecessors because the developers just have more access to the game's code and need the game to provide a smooth and consistent experience.
  3. OK, so if I understand you correctly, even if I do a low-res scan after a hi-res scan the hi-res scan will still show up. Great, thanks for the prompt response
  4. I understand that, but what I was struggling to understand was how people generally react in a significantly more positive manner to what modders do versus SQUAD, even if what SQUAD puts out is higher quality than anything available in a mod. I guess, as @MechBFP said, it's just entitlement - people paid money for the game, which makes them feel entitled to complain more about it, regardless of the actual quality. I won't deny that SQUAD has put out some low quality stuff before (*cough* 1.4.x *cough*), but the game has been getting consistently better since then, and I'm tired of people constantly bashing them and saying that the modders should be in charge. Ultimately it wouldn't change anything.
  5. @DMagic If I do a hi-res visual scan before doing a multispectral scan, will the low-res visual map that the multispectral scanner makes overwrite the hi-res map, or will both be accessible?
  6. If you suspect a bug, the best way to confirm it is to test in a mod-free install. So if it happens again, temporarily remove all of your mods and test to see if it's your mods or not.
  7. Maybe try quicksaving and then quickloading, or maybe just revert to launch and see if it still happens.
  8. Are you sure you're definitely not accelerating in any way after you turn off your engine? SRBs not firing? This bug hasn't happened to me, and no one has reported it to the bug tracker. So I think this has only happened to you.
  9. Things are getting serious, we may actually see SN5 hop!
  10. Huh. Yeah, that makes sense. So really, replacing the whole dev team with modders wouldn't change anything. I rest my case.
  11. What I find interesting is the difference in opinions people have about SQUAD vs modders. If a modder makes a mistake (for example, making a part too massive, like SQUAD did in 1.10), then people will courteously report it and (usually) won't get mad or annoyed. But if SQUAD makes the same mistake, then people often get irrationally angry at them. Is it the fact that the developers are working for a paycheck changing people's behaviour like this? Because if the whole of the SQUAD development team was replaced by modders, then they would be working for a paycheck as well, probably meaning they would face the same treatment. In fact, some of the developers are also modders in their free time - so why are we polite when reporting a bug in one of their mods, but rude when reporting a bug with their game? I'm confused as to what it is that makes people behave differently. SQUAD's developers are people just as much as modders are.
  12. Only one Raptor has flown so far so they haven't yet reused a flight-proven engine, but Raptor SN20 (the one that was used on Starship SN4) was test-fired multiple times without being removed for refurbishment. So I guess you could say they've reused an engine. In the long run they want a Raptor to be usable for 1000 flights before requiring major refurbishment.
  13. @catloaf I believe SpaceX intends to drive the cost so low by mass-producing vehicles and enabling them to be rapidly reusable - essentially making Starship comparable to a commercial airliner in terms of production and usage.
  14. Yes, only the Breaking Ground suit has the LED lights - as you can see from this image, it's the only suit with the colour picker button in the top right. (also, Lefty Kerman is an awesome name )
  15. No, all of the suits should have colour options regardless of whether you have the DLCs or not. Can you post a screenshot? I'm having trouble visualising what your issue is.
  16. You can't customise the suits in game, if that's what you're asking. Only the normal suit is available in the base game; you need Making History and Breaking Ground to be able to access the retro suit and futuristic suit, respectively.
  17. I haven't really used any part recolouring mods before but my impression is that if you updated to a more recent KSP version and replaced KerbPaint with Textures Unlimited, you might be able to restore your colours by editing the save file. Using a tool like KML might help.
  18. It does, it just looks like Dennis didn't put an icon for his suit, as described here:
  19. I'm pretty sure the reason why the mass increased from 85 to 120t was due to the switch to stainless steel. Only Starship Mk1 (pictured above) massed that much because it was the first prototype - they are making it lighter and better with every new prototype. I would be very surprised if the addition of the aerodynamic surfaces increased the dry mass by a full fifty percent.
  20. @KhanFoil I think you're mixing the protective nose cones up with the Airstream Protective Shells (or fairings). The nose cones aren't meant to deploy, they just sit on the front of your rocket and reduce drag.
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