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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. New video from the official KSP youtube channel. There is a lot of awesome looking stuff in here, so I'll leave others to do the forensic analysis:
  2. FYI.. you can click the brakes icon next to the altimeter to lock your brakes.
  3. If things aren't delayed, then Sunday will be a big day for SpaceX. Demo-2 returning and SN5 doing its 150m hop!
  4. Oh, wow. Just checked the LabPadre feed. For some reason I didn't expect them to try again today. Go SN5!
  5. Let's hope they can get a static fire done soon then...
  6. I think they're being extra careful this time to make sure the fire is indeed static and not dynamic. That's why we've had a bunch of test scrubs and delays - they really don't want SN5 to meet the same fate as its predecessors. If we're patient, we should see this one fly
  7. Prop loading is definitely happening now, SN5 is venting. Edit: Hmm, some people in the stream chat are saying the test has been aborted due to a boat in the exclusion zone. We'll see soon enough.
  8. It actually has four blades, as it has two counter-rotating rotors. Presumably it changes the pitch of each blade individually as they rotate to control the drone's attitude.
  9. There were ESA mods a long time before the official ESA collaboration. That didn't stop SQUAD from making ESA-themed stuff in 1.10. I would assume the same would go for a SpaceX collaboration, or any other collaboration for that matter.
  10. SN5 will fly. They're just being extra careful, which means we have to be patient. But while we wait for SN5 to get going, we get to see yet another prototype come together in a matter of weeks
  11. Don't worry, a small bugfixing patch like this *usually* won't break mods.
  12. Okay, now that this is unlocked... Yay bug fixes Thanks guys!
  13. @UomoCapra Any reason why the thread for 1.10.1 is locked? This wasn't the case for previous patch threads, why have you locked it this time?
  14. What about when there's a leak? If the crew weren't wearing suits during that Soyuz re-entry, then they probably would have died. In fact, the crew of Soyuz 11 died due to a capsule depressurisation during re-entry. They would have lived if they were wearing suits.
  15. They do wear the IVA suits during landing as well, you know.
  16. Fortunately it seems like this is a bug. Mining a comet and having the overall mass increase obviously violates the law of conservation of mass.
  17. A quick summary of last night's aborted static fire attempt. Hopefully everything will go to plan tonight and we'll see this beast fire up for the first time
  18. Tim Dodd made a lovely video on Perseverance, here it is:
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