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Rover 6428

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Everything posted by Rover 6428

  1. My understanding is that having a stationary center would make it far easier to dock and control the craft. For docking, you could theoretically do the Odyssey 2001, but it would be unnecessarily tricky and it is better just to dock to an already stationary part, rather having to stop the whole craft. For the control, if you have the whole craft spinning, the engines would have a hard time doing any correction burns without interfering with the rotation speed.
  2. Hey there, @RoverDude

    Please could you share with me and anyone else who shares my opinion when are you going to update such wonderful pieces of work like the Malemute Rover, Konstruction, USI life Support and equally wonderful, but very scary MKS? It is currently 1.6 and I am not sure whether these mods are safe for the game, yet I would love to experience them again!

    1. RoverDude


      They are all fine with 1.6.x

    2. Rover 6428

      Rover 6428

      ok then. Its just that I already have so many mods installed, that having 1 that doesn't work can be catastrophic

  3. Do you like my mission badge I designed?


    1. Chel


      Looks very cool! The font gives it a space age look, I'm guessing 'Lazarus' is the name of the spacecraft?

    2. Rover 6428

      Rover 6428

      no, the Lazarus is the actual mission. The name chosen by the public was "Odyssey." The "Lazarus modules" will be what the ship carries. (I know its complicated)

      BTW, the habitation/ control module on the Odyssey is called StJ module (after St John the baptist)

  4. This mod sounds great!!! Definitely trying it out! To be fair, I think this should be stock
  5. I love this mod. Please could you only do 2 things to improve quality of life: 1) create a .txt file that thoroughly explains the mechanics of the mod (how to set up the Alcubierre Drive, how to make certain engines work etc.) that comes with the mod 2) Work on the textures (I am not sure this point is relevant since the mod updated since the last time I played)
  6. Scatterer Chatterer EVE Kerbal Inventory System, Kerbal Attachment System Tweak Scale (At least to some extent)
  7. banned for having an empty space in your location
  8. true TUBM is deppressed. (everything is going to be ok if yes)
  9. banned for not mentioning my signature in your post NOICE
  10. banned for failing to make me aware of my own breathing
  11. Here is a way to combat the Italian Kraken (spaghettifying) and physics seizures. When a kerbal starts spaghettifying, or a craft starts wobbling for no reason, repeatedly spam the "Flight Events" tab (f3) This eases down the physics, and hopefully scares the Kraken away. Please note that this method does not guarantee success, only highers the chance of it. Feel free to post any other ways which you know might help players fight the bugs in-game
  12. I also have this weird animation: Jebediah once got scared
  13. @true.wizardry Great to see you have grown since I last saw you! Keep it up :)

  14. I am groot da bu di da bu da! Dabudi dabuda, dabudi dabuda!
  15. YEAS!!! DEVOUR EVERYTHING!!! I'm glad you think so
  16. What? The treads have been merged? I haven't noticed at all. BTW, did his thread get absorbed my mine or vice-versa?
  17. I am Groot, or I am not Groot. that's the groot
  18. the mods be like: what the groot is I am Groot?!!!
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