(for @The Minmus Derp)
A timeline of the universe as we know it
Courtesy of the Kerbal Museum of Natural and Unnatural History (KMUH)
93 Liam Drive, Kervana
1 D.C.E. - Darbels finish their evolution.
20,000 D.C.E. - Darbels finish first rocket, a time capsule named Backup One
20,000 D.C.E - Darbels launch many more rockets, even making a hotel around Serpent. It won't last long, though...
30,000 D.C.E. (Darbels live super long) - Eden is decimated by TX, a byproduct of the newly discovered unlimited energy source. Serpent crashes into Eden soon after.
1 K.C.E. - Kerbals form a new civilization on The Atlas, newly renamed Kerbin, hence the name Kerbal.
20 K.C.E - The Terminus Crash happens, sending Kerbals underground.
25 K.C.E. - Kerbals rediskover their old love for space, and they create a new aboveground space program.
2000 K.C.E. - The Ant|kolizationgrou is {formed, the mission being to "decontaminate" Kerbal exploration. The bottom line? complete destruction/extinction.} - note: destroy this
2090 - present day